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Whoa, about time for an update don't you think?
Well nothing too exciting to report I'm afraid. I've started my first year of college, on a brand new campus. (Ah, who am I kidding? I'm just trying to hype up the school. lol)
Anyway, I wont bore you with the details of that, but just end it with letting you all know that I'm on winter break and since I'm a loser I'll probably be online a lot.

Happy New Year!

Yours truly,

Dream avi?
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View All Comments

mechanicaHero Report | 05/02/2008 5:59 pm
hey :]

how goes it? User Image
tutu_luver_x2 Report | 04/06/2008 12:27 pm
hey try this out!send this comment to ten profiles and then press f5 to get 10,000 gold!
deleted4everbye Report | 04/04/2008 6:58 pm
Hahaha. thank you!! User Image User Image
Nurgu Report | 04/04/2008 5:58 pm
Lol go gir! User Image

I just saw your comments and I realized I totally forgot Adem's Birthday. User Image

Well, um, say this to him:

Happy Late B-Day!
deleted4everbye Report | 04/01/2008 3:32 pm
WAAAAAAAAAH!! User Image Arigato gozaimasu!! User Image User Image<tears of joy! You're sooooooooooo kind!! User Image Thank you! User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
FatalSanctuary Report | 03/18/2008 3:59 pm
Gahh!!!! I keep forgeting to tell you this!!

Wish Adem a Happy Belated B-day!!! ^^
FatalSanctuary Report | 03/16/2008 9:57 am
lol, don't worry I'm going to change my profile soon, that was just a temporary profile, ^^

And when did I say pathetic attempt at gold? I don't remember, User Image

And I have a Biancamella if you want to borrow it! ^^
FatalSanctuary Report | 03/10/2008 2:42 pm
Japan does not suck!!! User Image

You take that back before I pinch you!!!!!!!User Image

Oh and don't worry Mus will be getting some of my wrath & fury for agreeing with you! ^^
FatalSanctuary Report | 03/10/2008 2:37 pm
How did you catch me naked?!!!!User Image

I was like naked for one second after I was changing my avi when I got my new avi!!!!


lol XD
Nurgu Report | 03/08/2008 8:59 pm
Hey! I didn't do that out of liking myself! >.<

I did that just in case I need to see something on that account, I can go there quickly. XD


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