
SQUEE! Just so everyone knows, this is not my main, this is really just a acount I made for my friend! !BUT! you may ask... then why are you on it and not her? Well my dear....her aunt (who she lives with) won't let her on the internet, so she can only get on once and awhile when she comes to my house or her other friends with working internet. I am just getting on to keept it a live with her.

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(Person online: Her friend)

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Well I am punk. Yes I enjoy being a punk. I like to wear think eye liner most of the time and wear chains and laeg warmsers and s**t like that a lot. Well I don't know what else to say so I'm moving on.

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What I look like

(Sorry, No picture at this time)

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My sexuality

Truth is I'm straight but I like to mess around with women sometimes. and i don't give a s**t what you think about it.

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Ok so there are some rules.
1.) I will not acept a random friend request
2.) Send chain mail and your off friend list and reported
3.) No bad mouthing skittles
4.) Don't PM me asking to be my friend.
5.) I will not donate to you unless we are really good friends or you donated to me before.
6.) If you are my friend and we haven't talked in a month you off my list, unless there is a good reason.
7.) If you are off my list do not ask to be put back on. you off for a reason and if I want you back on I will put you there.
8.) If you are super boring you will not be on my list
9.) If you are to perky you will not be on my list.
10.) If U tAlK LiKe ThIs 2 MuCh U WiLl Not Be oN My fRiEnDs LiSt...and if it worse then that I won't even talk to you
11.) If you complain to much you will either get kicked off my list or if you not on it you will never be on it and I'll stop talking with you
12.) If you spell like total s**t and I can't understand it I won't talk to you
13.) If I tell you I don't want to talk to you, do not ask why, just deal
14.) Do not send me a bunch of PM's asking where am I or something like that becasue I didn't reply fast. I am busy thats why or I am talking to a lot of people and I haven't gotton to you yet. If you do it to much, your off my list.
15.) Do not send me a request after a couple of mins of talking, when I think you are good enough to go on my list I will tell and ask you if you when to or I will ask if you would like to be on it
16.) Try and have fun with me.
17.) If you yell ay me becasue of a stupid reason, I will take you off my list.
18.) If I feel like crap don't keep asking why, I'll tell you if I feel like it.
19.) NEVER lie to me. If you do i will take you odd my list.
20) Don't talk crap about my friends.

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My fav music

Ok well the top of music I like is rock, punk pop, 80's rock, gothic rock and so on and so fourth. I can not stand hip-hop, rap, R&B, country, gospial, and any other kind of that sort. I like rock because I can relate to it. They sing about stuff I am going threw and how I feel and the beat is veary good. Yes I enjoy a lot of music. I can't go a day with out it.
I'm guessing you want me to list down my fav. bands. Well I'm not going to becasue I don't have time and I don't feel like it.

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This is my dream avi

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Item List:
#0000FF Complex Shirt
Ancient Katana
Black Strapless Bra
Charred Tundra Boots
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Demonic Pendant
Emo Glasses
Nitemare Collar
Pirate Patch
Prisoner's Shackles
Soft Black Underwear
Striped Stockings
Were Tail
Whip of Fire

Estimated Total: 306,000 Gold


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Report | 10/19/2006 8:56 pm



Report | 10/19/2006 8:55 pm


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