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Youkai Shino Blade's avatar

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What i'm looking for:

youkai shino blade

I shall devour all humans who stand in my path!

This clock of life is wound but once.
And no man hath the power to say just when the hand will stop.
at a late or early hour.
Now only is the time thine own.
Go live and love and toil with a will:
Put no faith in tomorrow, for the clock may then be still.

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-_Birthday pictures_-

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Kazuki Sugino Report | 12/24/2009 8:05 pm
Kazuki Sugino
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! *Kisses you*
Phoe Starfire Report | 12/21/2009 7:36 am
Phoe Starfire
aw.. i'm really, really sorry i've been so busy, hopefully after the holidays are over everything will calm down for me. *hugs* talk to you when you get your net back, and sorry for sorta.. falling off the earth recently.
Phoe Starfire Report | 12/20/2009 10:03 am
Phoe Starfire
*phoe pauses and looks over at shino* What's wrong love? *looks worried* ((sorry my profile isn't all rp anymore))
dancing_in_the_rain_3000 Report | 11/25/2009 6:07 pm
sadly, no. i wish, tho!
Phoe Starfire Report | 09/29/2009 1:45 am
Phoe Starfire
*Phoe also blushes deeply as she feels him pull her into his lap like that and hears his words. she can't think of anything but.. how happy she is Shino wants to spend the rest of his life with her and she shows this by leaning slightly closer to him so her lips gently brush his as she speaks softly* Well then.. i guess the only thing to say then is.. Yes Shino.. *phoe says softly as she tips her head up and sweetly kisses him*
Phoe Starfire Report | 09/28/2009 7:58 pm
Phoe Starfire
*phoe nods her head at his first comment* "yeah your right, it's none of our business really, I just had the bad timing to drop in for a visit on Koumyou when they were fighting is all." *phoe says with a small shrug before she hears his next comment and stills beside him as she turns her head and looks up at him* "Wait a second Shino.. did you really mean what you just said?" *Phoe asks as she reaches up and strokes his cheek gently as she looks up into his eyes* "cause if so.. that.. almost sounded like.. you were asking me to marry to Shino.." she says softly as she keeps looking into his eyes and sorta is holding her breath not sure if she read to much into his 'thoughtless' words.
Phoe Starfire Report | 09/22/2009 1:10 pm
Phoe Starfire
*phoe laughs as she watches Shino vault over the back of his sofa then snuggles against his chest as she lays her head on his shoulder.* "yeah.. I know what you mean.. and it's a good think I left it seems cause Kazuki nearly snapped at me when I asked what was wrong.." *she looks up at Shino frowning slightly* "If.. I didn't know better.. i'd think the sort of fight they were having reminded me of.. something I once heard a pregnant women fighting with her husband about.."
Phoe Starfire Report | 09/19/2009 12:08 pm
Phoe Starfire
*phoe let out a surprised sound when she felt his arms come around her but then she laughs as she tips her head back and looks up at him* Hey Shino.. Nah nothings wrong per say. I just was wondering around and stumbled upon Kazuki and Koumyou fighting and.. wow they were really going at it, so.. I decided to leave.." Phoe says as she bites her lower lip still seeming worried.
Phoe Starfire Report | 09/08/2009 8:15 pm
Phoe Starfire
*walks bakc over a few weeks later and shivers as she walks in the door, phoe wraps her own arms around her shoulders as she looks around then sits on the couch again sighing* hm.. he's not home yet.. and Kazuki and Koumyou are still fighting. Wonder if he has any idea what's wrong with Koumyou anyways.. if I didn't know better.. i'd say she was pregnant but. .I don't think that's possible" she mumbles to herself as she sits on the couch.
Phoe Starfire Report | 08/02/2009 12:26 am
Phoe Starfire
Phoe makes a low happy little purring sound as her eyes soften and she wraps her arms around Shino's back as he hugs her to him. "yeah, I know what you mean. and I do gotta admit.. it's nice feeling 'wanted' finally"


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