
Youko-Koga's avatar

Last Login: 02/23/2010 5:35 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/07

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Name: Jae
Age: 17
Gender: Last i checked Female
I'm in my second year of high school at Lewisporte Collegiate
I love Volley ball
I love Music... mostly anything
I love to read
I love to Write stories... XP my site
I love the beauty of the Island I call home
I love to fool around with my friends
I have a dirty mind but hey most Newfies do.
I'm not afraid to speak my mind most times
I have Blue eyes, I wear contacts
I'm 5 foot 6
Brown hair with blond highlights
I love to sit and watch the sunset over the water
I love animals
I love anime
I am a big time rper
I play the flute, saxophone, piano, and guitar
I play video games
and I Love to sing

On June 25 my dad died of cancer. He was only told that he had cancer in early May. At first he was told it was removable, but when the doctors went in and had a look then they noticed he was full of it. There was so much Cancer fluid that it clouded the cat scan that he had. My dad was only 40. He would of been 41 Oct. 26th 2008.
When they did open him up, oxygen was fed to the cancer which made it spread faster. The doctors said they've never seen it progress so fast. So now it just me and my mom. I try to help contribute to the Cancer research. When ever I see the coin box to support cancer research I put in what ever coin I have in my pocket.
I hope people realize that Cancer is one of the biggest things that causes death and I hope that by reading this you start to do the same as me.
Put you're change in support box. Read more about it. Get to know about it. And tell others. Live your life to the fullest. Don't let anything bring you down. Strength comes from your weakest moment. Once you get through it you're stronger than ever. Friends and family helps the most.


Cancer free Canada and US.
Come on, We CAN find a cure!

Hey every one . . . lol . . . little hyper lol

View All Comments

Adimiss the Cheshire Report | 12/25/2009 7:31 am
merry Christmas and a happy new year
rui_lyssa Report | 09/24/2009 3:13 am
just passing by to say hello!
Howl_Kuraisai Report | 06/18/2009 11:34 pm
HEY! I know I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally late and all but I honest to god can't remember if I told you this or not..... Happy birthday! YAY!!!!
Miss Peachy Report | 05/10/2009 1:55 pm
Were on each others friend list, and I know I don't talk to you at all, but I just want to wish you a happy birthday.
P.s. Sorry for being three days late.
P.p.s. The story about your father made me cry, you are so amazing.
Acmeth Report | 04/27/2009 8:17 am
hello i miss talking too u hope ur fine razz
Super MiIk Boy Report | 04/10/2009 8:28 pm
hey! you probably dun remember me, but i'm from the hikari high rp lol
california girl 423 Report | 12/28/2008 8:49 am
can i pay 15000g for your wild things in your shop??
chica2496 Report | 12/27/2008 8:13 am
hi its me again instead of giving how much gold i promised for mochi the puppy wat about i give u 25,000g 4 him. please?!?
chica2496 Report | 12/26/2008 7:45 pm
oh and im sry bout ur dad my bday is close 2 his oct.24 is mine and i hav a uncle who has cancer thnx anyway
chica2496 Report | 12/26/2008 7:40 pm
look i dont no u but u lok like a nice person and i will give u 5,000g for mochi the puppy and ill get u a spiecal gift u can only buy with cash and win up 2 1,000,000g wit it.please i love tat dog writ back


The Old Youko is coming back
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Hello and welcome to my shop.... thanks for coming and buying stuff.
I'm saving up for my dream avi if you could help then that would be great...

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Total Value: 2,159,828 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Buttoned Down Fauna Boots
Black Web Stockings
Black Web Shirt
Black Cobweb Long Gloves
Ninja Sword
Warm Starter Ninja Tunic Have
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Ninja Hood
Onyx Kira Kira Earring With Jewel Have
Scar of the Warrior
zOMG Ribbon

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Total Value: 159,835 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Lunar Scythe
Black Goth Boots
Hot Basic Skirt
Black Heartbreaker Jacket
Warm Starter Fantasy Straps
Lunar Scythe
Vampire Hunter Hat
Scar of the Warrior
Midnight Gothic Bat Gauntlets
Red Wulf Tail
Fox Ears


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I am the White Witch Koga. Fear me and my powerful white magic!!!

O.o..... RUN!!!!!!!