
sup niggs?

i'm not going to try to impress anyone on here.
i can be a b***h sometimes, but usually i'm pretty nice.
i'll admit: i'm a huge hypocrite most of the time, but i don't let that stop me.
i like being admired by people, and i hate criticism of any sort.
i actually have some self-esteem, unlike most teeangers these days. :]
i hate pretending to like somebody when i actually don't, so if i don't like you, i'll tell you.
i cuss like a sailor sometimes, especially when i'm mad.
i love MSI<3
really, i'm too lazy to go into excruciating detail about myself so...
talk it up, kay?


Viewing 12 of 13 friends


modify the body, pacify the mind




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/27/2008 9:01 am


Alexis, you look so... so... awesomely hardcore =o

My avi is so... so... blue.... *random microphone appears* "IIIII'M BLUE BABEDIBA-*shot*" x.X

Report | 08/06/2008 2:17 am


Harriet~ Guess what? Last night I dreamed the woman at the desk of my hotel was talking on the phone about the internet, and that got me excited because I thought that meant they'd fix it, and then I woke up this morning, and internet was working. I have funky mental powers! *gasps*

Report | 07/31/2008 10:34 am


Why yes, I seriously was =o. We could mainly only vote really mean things and a few 'nice' things, because people at school here suck D=. But yeah, you DO have really pretty eyes! =D.

Yay I'm tasty and muffin-y! *victory dance* I feel so proud now! =D.

Apart from that I think I'm messed in the head, I DISLIKE vacations DX I must be losing it *gasps* =O.

Report | 07/31/2008 10:14 am


Everyone's so unbelievably sneaky today! *gasps* I wanted to be sneaky earlier and grab candy from the room my mom's taking a nap in, but she ate it all! D= And I'm in need of sugar but too lazy to roam the strange Spanish streets in search of a supermarket I dare to enter for candy and stuff D=. So there goes my sneaky D=.

And did you tell her Pete's a *****..? >.> <.< ... because I am! =D *was voted the biggest ***** in her yearbook* xD But since they also said I'd lose my virginity last... how can I go and rape little kids then?! D=

I even fail at being a rapist D=.

Report | 07/31/2008 9:37 am


*gasps* oh no I'm going to die! =O I shall... dodge them >.> <.<... and... not wear red! D=

And I have NO idea if it shows up.. o.o' ehm... all I know is that it can't show up as a phone number since it's from a computer, so the only thing it might say is SKYPE, and since I'm the one calling and you wouldn't be paying for it at all... I'm not sure if it'll show up at all o.o and if it does it's not trackable, can never know if you called someone in the same street or on the other side of the world o.o that's what I think, at least >.> <.<.

And I saw, that's so unbelievably sweet! ;__; *sniffle* I feel all touched and such ;~;

look at mine, I wrote something about you too~ ^__^

Report | 07/31/2008 8:21 am


Harriet! <3 =D I shall send you a comment all the way from Spain because I finally got the damned Wi-fi working! (it finally loves me! =D) and I don't have to go to the creepy internet cafe with all the snickering nerds today that pick their noses next to me D=. I hope I get to talk to you again soooon =D oh! oh! and you know what? maybe I can call you sometime! cause... cause... I have Skype on my computah, and a headset, andz I can call computers for free and house phones for nearly nothing, all around the world! =D I dunno, I kinda got over my phone-o-phobia when it comes to really close friends, and you are a really close friend! but you know that, since Pete and Harriet are awesome and all =D yay us and stuff x3

Report | 07/30/2008 8:02 pm


ill trade you a devil plushie thing for your wtf hat plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Report | 07/30/2008 7:29 pm


User Image your forum posts have Zelos. I love Tales of Symphonia.

Report | 07/30/2008 5:29 pm


:] Raddiculous.

Report | 07/30/2008 3:32 pm


You're Alexis, and you're the bomb diggity.


i'm not too good at this signature thing.