
Questing ::
Goti The Kid

With Lyric Songs!!

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Name : Mohd Zuhier Alif
Age : 14
Live : Car Junk (Kajang) , Selangor!
Status : Single - Mingle
Favourite Songs : Metallica and Pop(Micheal Jackson Only)
Favourite Food and Drink : Fried Rice and Teh 'o Ais
Hates : Ppl make my heart break and disturb me when im busy!
Likes : Make me laugh and like many friend!

Oke .. that's enough cuz that is to many!!!

Wanna Give Comment? ~ Add me as friend! ~ Message me! ~ Bank Trade!

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My Dream AvataR!!

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Total Value: 70,536 Gold
After Exclusions: 37,678 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Ninja Sword
Ninja Sword
Angelic Microphone
Wingding (phase one)
Dashing Gentleman Silver And Black Cane
Black Tennis Socks
Water Meat Set
Those Blue 90s Gloves
In Da Hood Black Sweatpants