
hey everyone...this is..sorta..yeah..self explanitory =]]

well..yeahh, um where to start??

+im a girl..of course. more of a tomboy, got it?? okay. good =]
+i love makin people smile and laugh!! its a lot of fun.
feet..hmm..they scare me. and theyre SMELLY
+my friends are what get me through life. without them, id be stuck in a pickle!!
+music = life; without it, i wouldnt live. =/ and therefore, you wouldnt meet me. =[
+if you dont see me with a dream avvi and think 'omg shes so weird' go ahead. =]] personally, i think i am weird and i dont need a "dream" avvi. i juss go with whatever comes along.
+id rather be weird than normal!! [normal is totally overrated]
+crushed ice can kick cubed ice's bumm anyday!
+birthday..umm...november 3, 1992. so that means [if youre good at math..] that im turnin 15 this year [2007]!
+well..i have one thing to say about my friends. theyre all VERY weird and different goddamnit.


now, that is all. =]] goodday.

ps- i love random comments and msgsss. =]]]]]]]


Viewing 12 of 30 friends


Zabbyu's Journal

This is where I can write what happened in my days happy,sad,angry,revealing,beautiful,loving,or even hatred.I will always love my journal and if i lose this journal,i will always miss it forever in my days.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/22/2006 4:55 pm


YOU SHALL BE KILLED!!! After I drink my coffe.

Report | 06/14/2006 10:56 pm


Thanks for accepting me. wassup?

Report | 04/22/2006 1:24 pm



Report | 04/07/2006 8:24 pm


No, I'm not here
pyro_fire warrior

Report | 03/27/2006 2:52 pm

pyro_fire warrior

any 1 there
pyro_fire warrior

Report | 03/27/2006 2:50 pm

pyro_fire warrior

hi pepol
pyro_fire warrior

Report | 03/27/2006 2:49 pm

pyro_fire warrior


Report | 03/23/2006 6:40 pm


-runs around in cirlces shouting- I AM Pluto FEAR ME!!
Soul Virus

Report | 03/23/2006 5:37 pm

Soul Virus

when i got some surgery done it took 2 mins of breathing that s**t to knock me out... docters were getting inpatient while i was laughing.. it was great, but when i woke up i spazzed out, like if someone was electrocuting me... it was sooo wasome... freaked the doctors out too.

Report | 03/22/2006 4:29 pm


woot, back from surgery..it itches....x.x lol well, i love you guys. everyone's been so awesome..i have to wait till april 17th to get this the unwrapped forever. it hurts yes....i had a 4 inch scar under my kneecap, so they went under and lazered it till it was gone. my doc, DR. Heartsfield is so cool. after three breaths of anastesia i was knocked out. lol. the doc went into my knee on both sides. he said that it was basically like two cave ice things(they normally hang off the top of caves and are ice) stabbing into my knee..so yeah...it hurts. but i'm gonna get better. thanks for the support you guys. peace..♥me


Love is being stupid and cute together not being together in bed.