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Hello and welcome. I live in Hampton Virginia I think, and I will be there until the next school year is over. Maybe longer, but I'm starting to get tired of that hellhole. I don't like you. I barely like my friends as it is, and I especially hate you. Yes you.

I wear jeans and band Tees, and I like to look unkept to a certian degree. I don't care if the ladies don't like that, I don't really have my eye on anyone, and I'm not worried about that sort of thing, I have more important things to think about that getting laid.

I keep my hair long and dye it black. It is a little over a foot long in the loonger areas right now. I would not consider myself a "goth" because they have been dead for centuries, and god damn did the romans kick thier asses(history lesson for you... though apparently adding visi- in front of your name makes you roman-proof.). I would, however, rather associate with them than with any other clique. I blend in fairly well, and can talk to almost anyone I choose(or could, don't know what this new school will be like, but I'm sure it isn't so tough) I just don't like people very much.

I despirately miss about two years back, I had a group of friends that I liked, as long as I saw them in moderation, however my parents did not send the proper paperwork, and I was seperated from them all and cast into a new and hostile enviorment. Not even any goth kids to come t my rescue... There is no clique I particularly favor, but I am sort of tired of white kids acting like I need to pay reparatins to them for enslaving thier ancestors(in fact, after the millions of young boys we lost in the civil war, and the millions of dollars we spent to free them, not to mention the spanish bastards were the ones to enslave them in the first place, I'd say we're even with every race... except indians, we ******** themup really good.), I am tired of emo kids and skaters complaining and complaining, but never actually doing anything, and I am tired of girls who complain, especially to me.(Honey, I have insomia. My world is not going to stop for you because you "didn't get much sleep last night because you were ******** your boyfriend"(Good thing I don't care about getting laid X3))

Finally, I love writing, It is everything to me, and it makes me feel better. why do you think I'm writing this, to be read? No, it ios because this relieves stress and it is fun... that's right, writing is my pot.

And don't complain about spelling or mistakes, I like to write, not edit, and you aren't even supposed to read this anyways.


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I dunno... I'm thinking of putting the beginings of a couple of my stories here, because I love writing, and I love to RP, but RPing with other people is starting to piss me off.


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Sheramaru Report | 01/26/2008 10:46 pm
Alright well...I guess you hate me!! You seem like the kinda guy I would grow to hate but you are such a great writer. are a very interesting character in your normal personality...

I agree life sucks and people are just gay in there own way. I don't listen to that preppy crap girls tell me at school...s**t half the time I want to shot them or kill myself then listen to those low lifes go threw their rants of life. They love for nothing but drama! SOMETHING NOT NEEDED TO LIVE!

I'm bipolar so I go off on people alot...I'm surprised I'm able to talk to people on this website without getting banned for the stupid s**t they type...

/ends sharing time
ZackKazuma Report | 12/24/2007 12:21 am
You know what? ******** tim burton, and ******** Johnney Depp. The can both suck a c**k! They can 69, Since they seem to be so ******** in love with each other. First Tim Burton has to put out an awesome movies(or twenty...), but he has to make it "punk/goth". Then the emo kids have to steal it away and pretend to be in love with it, obseessing over it and ruining it! I don't know what it is that makes Mainstream s**t... s**t... but I wish the damn emo kids would stop stealing Tim burton, and I wish that ******** would stop making movies for them. Johnney Depp? Oh, you pisssed me off so much during the Pirates Trilogy, but... Fear and Loathing still kicked enough a** to make up for it... AND THEN YOU GIVE ME THIS s**t!?!?!?!
ZackKazuma Report | 12/20/2007 4:38 pm
Haven't checked this in a long time... first of all... Keyed Heart... what a f**... My life sucks, I want to go to Japan... Typical sob story, nothing new or original... To the rest of you... "..."
` Plastic Feathers Aki Report | 12/07/2007 7:06 pm
oh, you mean as such the visigothic invasions?

KiwiKisses1 Report | 12/05/2007 4:09 pm
Sephraim Report | 11/23/2007 11:32 pm
from what i can tell i guess you miss being blessed by jesus?
Keyed Heart Report | 09/14/2007 6:43 pm
Most of my friends are like you.

I seem to attract a lot of people who are like you.

I think of my home as Hell, too.

I want to move out as soon as I can; possibly start a new life in Ireland or Scotland or Japan.
Kamari Nailo Report | 09/09/2007 12:54 pm
    Wooow. Hampton. xD Nice.

    I was over in the Yorktown area.

    Sucky school systems, sucky people.
kenna-samma Report | 08/31/2007 10:41 pm
Wow your Avi looks great. We haven’t talked to in a long time, you do remember me right?
ZackKazuma Report | 08/18/2007 10:32 pm
My background is what? You want to know what it is? Vampire: the Masquerade-game by whitewolf, DnD-esque set of books played by a group of people on a tabletop with dice and characters, a role playing game(I have Vampire: the Requuiem, very similar, the newer version, but not as good as it's big sister)

Gangrel-beast like "race" of vampires that I most associate myself with, they type of character I play, the quite kid who sits in the corner, he does his work just fine, and he doesn't talk much, just keeps to himself... the kind of kid you don't wanna piss off...