
A yOung rOckeR, wHo liVes hiS liFe tO his oWn rOcking wOrLd, eNjoy heaVy musIc. FaVourIte baNd of aLL baNds is The Iron Maiden. whY heaVy musIc? caUse he lived hIs wHoLe liFe wIth rOck aNd metaL atmospheRe sInce hE waS a baBy. aNd aS he grOws eaCh daY, tHe paSsioN towaRds tHe rOcking wOrLd beComEs mUch mOre sPeCiaL thaN aNythIng eLse, nOt eVeN laDies. curReNtLy, he is sTiLL in tHe paTh as a metaLheaD.

hE Loved tO be In tHe cOmpaNy of laDies. WhY? wELL, hE jusT lOved It sO dOn't aSk aNymOre qUestIons. haVe LovEd aLL hiS girlfRieNds as theY dO kNow hOw tO aPpreciaTe hIm.

aLsO, hE haVe lOved bY aLL hIs peErs, wHIch aLwaYs beEn tHe rOckeRz of hIs life. He feLt graTefuL tO haVe sUch rOcKing faMily aNd frIeNds aROund aNd hE thaNked God eVery niGht bEfore hE sLeEpz.

nOt mUCh a sPortpeRsOn, hE liKes tO slaCk arOund aNd beIng tHe craZiesT peRsOn hE can be. thOugh hE lOoks nOrmaL, he aIn't peoPle!! hE caN sIt heRe oR tHere aNd taLk buLLsHit, aNd it can be aNythIng aNd eVeRythIng iN tHe unIveRse. bUt, iN neEd of cOfFee tO maKe tHe cOnversaTionz muCh mOre iNteResTing.

iS a coLLeCtOr freaK. Loves tO coLleCt aNythIng thaT iNteresTs hIm aNd keEp iT saFe aS tHeY aRe BIG aSseTs, eVeN if iT theY aRe jusT smaLL. 'CausE tO hIm, iT gIves hIm meMorieS of tHe paSt thaT he wEnt thrOugH it.

jusT lOves tO bE haPpy iN thIs lIfe. prObleMz wiLL jusT disaPpeaR eaCh tIme hE wOke uP frOm hIs daIly sLeEpz aNd staRt aS a braND neW daY. dO heLp peOPle wheN hE is neEded aNd he aLwaYs fInd it mUCh mOre chaLleNgIng thaN whaT peOple aLwaYs caLLed lIfe. hE fInds iT thaT eveRythIng in The wOrLd is mUch more largeR thaN it's pHysIcaL beIng.


Viewing 12 of 21 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/24/2013 10:17 pm


cool avi

Report | 06/08/2009 11:42 am


Hey, where are you?

Report | 03/02/2009 9:03 pm


Hi, I know I have not been around
Velkan the_slayer

Report | 05/22/2008 10:26 am

Velkan the_slayer

bump!! User Image
Velkan the_slayer

Report | 05/07/2008 11:25 am

Velkan the_slayer

coloryellow]one word; bump! [color/] User Image

Report | 05/01/2008 10:46 am


Wow, your page is a little creepy. Hi! I've been to busy and he did really get hacked User Image
Velkan the_slayer

Report | 04/02/2008 4:15 am

Velkan the_slayer

User Image wassssuuuuuppp??!

hehe User Image

Report | 03/22/2008 8:05 am


my acc got hacked and i just found out that the hacker is u!!!!! give me back my acc!

Report | 03/15/2008 5:36 pm


Hey ZamZam How are you? I'm sad that one of my freinds got hacked
Velkan the_slayer

Report | 03/09/2008 6:33 am

Velkan the_slayer

bump again


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