
Sometimes, the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy.

S i n . . .

N e a r l y 17 . . .

V e g a n . . .

G e e k . . .


It is the little things that count with me, and any gesture, no matter how small, will not go unappreciated: Leave a comment on my profile, send a nice PM or send a donation and I'll be smiling for the next 15 minutes.

I am vegan. It's something that is very important to me, as I do not want to support and contribute to the suffering and death of any animal - human or otherwise. People seem to think that's strange, which baffles me somewhat - what's wrong with trying to be compassionate? I won't preach my beliefs to anyone, but I'll explain my decisions more thoroughly if you ask.

I don't have much confidence in myself and I'm the biggest procrastinator you will ever meet. I used to think that what goes around comes around, but I know that it's not true. I am also extremely grateful and thankful for my health. I think that it is something so many people take for granted, but I have seen what illness can do to people, and I am endlessly grateful that I'm as healthy as I am.

I used to have my future planned out, but that all went down the drain for one reason or another. I have decided to live for the moment because I know only too well that a life can be cut short with the click of a finger.

I am thankful for my life and the people in it.

'Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.'


Viewing 12 of 14 friends


Zayaxa's Journal


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/29/2008 6:46 am


Hey, i'm on, cool av. Mines adopted a blue colour scheme User Image

Report | 05/22/2008 9:14 pm


I SENT AN ANGEL TO WATCH OVER YOU LAST NIGHT BUT IT CAME BACK. I ASKED WHY? AND IT SAID ANGELS DON'T WATCH OVER ANGELS! 20 angels are in this world 10 are sleeping 9 are playing and 1 is reading this comment. send this to ten friends including me. and if you get 5 replies, someone u love will surprise u! to say ur never forgotten.DON'T DELETE DIS IF U DO THEN DAT MEANS UR MAD AT ME!

Report | 05/20/2008 2:58 am


n_n; oh, you're lucky your exams are spread out!

It would be really hectic if they were all bunched together, eh?

Is there enough time for you to study for so many subjects at

once when they're bunched up though? o__o;;

! ; o You bake cookies? -drools- ;D

I. will. find. your. kitchen. and. steal. your. cookies. <3


Report | 05/18/2008 5:22 am


Oh, mm, that does sound good!

I haven't tried vegan cheese before, but if it tastes like the real thing,

I think I'm going to steal some for myself. O: =D!

Oh, you have breaks during your exams? That's great! I have no breaks during exams. =_='

How'd the exams on Friday go? I hope you feel confident about getting good marks~

I have exams, but they're not here yet. I think they'll be coming in a few weeks time, and

I haven't revised a single thing yet. xD;

If I could make cookies, I would! : [ You made me hungry.

I'll try looking for them in the supermarket. I don't think they sell them though. ;_;


Report | 05/17/2008 7:43 pm


That's okay, Zaya! Exams kill us all. T__T;

Oh, I see. So...no pizza for you either? ;_;

I don't think I've tried cinnamon cookies before,

but oatmeal cookies taste good too.


Report | 05/10/2008 7:37 pm


Aw, thanks. I like yours too!

I heart Cloud.

Report | 05/09/2008 8:40 pm


Oh? No chocos for Zaya? May I ask why?

I'm like chocolate, but not a real addict. xD

-hands you a cinnamon cookie- :3

Bolted Cross

Report | 05/09/2008 7:38 am

Bolted Cross

♥Good luck questing♥

Report | 05/09/2008 2:23 am


-nibbles on a cookie- >:3

Zaya want one?

It has chocolates in it~


Report | 05/07/2008 4:31 pm


Thankies! ^^

'tis my "newish" Gaia hobby. Been slowly learning CSS for V2 profiles.