
Well... Been awhile since I've been actively on here. Pop in every now and then.

Not much to know. Name's Victoria. Live in Victoria. Go to the University of Victoria. Seems self-centered but what can ya do. I'm going to my fourth and final year of a double major, with Writing and Greek and Roman Studies. Career-type plans hopefully involve editing scripts/books or doing fact-checking.

I have a cat. Well, cats. One's mine, one's my sister's, though I've basically adopted him. They keep my insanity level at the perfect amount though so can't complain too much.

I like to paint. And bead. And do macrame. And read. Too much reading. And bake. And obviously write.

I like Harry Potter. And the Big Bang Theory. And Friends. And How I Met Your Mother.

Having recently regained cable after a two year drought, I find I watch too many home renovation shows and cooking shows and spend a strangely large amount of time on the music channel.

I hate blue jeans. I hate eggs and salmon. My love affair with chocolate is sometimes frightening. I would eat just about anything if it were mint flavoured. I'm not a fan of children.

I work in a bingo hall. Old people are my bread and butter.

My christmas tree this year will be a fake ficus decorated with lights, some baubles, a tinfoil star and pine scented air fresheners. I think it will be fan-freaking-tastic.

I'm Canadian. I say "eh". My grampa's a farmer and my great-grampa was a lumberjack. My mum manages a hockey team and my dad is an electrician. I'm partially Native. Very stereotypically Canadian. But I don't speak Quebecois, or what many people call "French" but it's really a butchered version. It's kind of like comparing American English to Australian English. Does not compute.

I've recently moved from a hell-hole basement suite to my BEAUtiful apartment. I have a periodic table shower curtain, Russian nesting doll measuring cups, and a life-sized cut out of Sheldon Cooper. Does It get any better than this?

In two weeks time, I shall be travelling to the beautiful country of Greece, where I shall travel around for an entire month. I am overtly excited, and anticipate being overwhelmed standing in places I've studied for so long.

Hm. Add more later when I'm yet again bored.


Viewing 12 of 21 friends



'Since when have you been so drop dead gorgeous?'

Make of it what you will.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

The King of the Dogs

Report | 04/02/2010 5:29 pm

The King of the Dogs

Thank you. :]
Funny thing is, that picture wasn't taken by the water. I asked my friend if he could make it look like it was and he pulled it off quite well...
The King of the Dogs

Report | 03/29/2010 3:26 pm

The King of the Dogs

I know what you mean. I think it's the lights and the general grand scale a city is set in that sets off feelings of an odd peace. You know, you got me curious about where the picture is from...so I looked around the buildings for any sort of logos. On the right side, there is a building with AAPT on it. I looked it up and found out that there are a few organizations known as AAPT, so I looked up AAPT corporate offices and found most listings having the building set in Sydney, Australia. That would just be my best guess...
The King of the Dogs

Report | 03/29/2010 3:14 pm

The King of the Dogs

Thank you. A friend of mine made it for me. I like cityscape backgrounds a lot.

Report | 07/13/2008 2:18 am


Please wait...

Report | 03/19/2008 12:57 pm

Please wait...

aw, thank you!

Report | 03/18/2008 7:22 pm


Random comment.

Report | 03/17/2008 10:07 pm


thxie so much for the purchase

btw cool pro

Report | 03/15/2008 11:18 pm


Awesomest pro... EVER!!!
a rocket to uranus

Report | 03/11/2008 4:02 am

a rocket to uranus


Report | 03/10/2008 2:47 pm



Thanks =]


[b:e0a7d0dd0e]If I had a world of my own,[/color:e0a7d0dd0e] everything would be nonsense.[/color:e0a7d0dd0e] Nothing would be what it is,[/color:e0a7d0dd0e] because everything would be what it isn't.[/color:e0a7d0dd0e] And contrary wise,[/color:e0a7d0dd0e] what is,[/color:e0a7d0dd0e] it wouldn't be.[/color:e0a7d0dd0e] And what it wouldn't be,[/color:e0a7d0dd0e] it would.[/color:e0a7d0dd0e] You see?[/color:e0a7d0dd0e][/size:e0a7d0dd0e] - Alice in Wonderland [/b:e0a7d0dd0e][/size:e0a7d0dd0e]