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Hello beautiful!
My name is Cailah, but due to recent changes, i've decided to change it back to Kayla. If you don't know, I'm very indecisive meaning I can hardly make choices for myself. I'm a slightly shy girl, who is afraid to do things insane and who has major anxiety problems. I come across as annoying and bitchy, and perhaps pessimistic but I swear I can warm up to you faster than a tea kettle warming on the sun. My best days are when it is slightly wet and cold, only because I feel cool when I wear jackets and hoods. I love to color my hair like crazy, and you shouldn't be surprised if I have a new hair color by the end of this sentence. I don't want to sound egotistical, but I am known for my amazing ideas and scatterbrained thoughts which come off as cute and random. Whenever I get scared, I'll call you up for you to soothe my thoughts, or to scare me out of my wits and yours as well. I have an over active imagination, if I see a shadow, my mind might magnify it to be as pig as a bear when really its as small as a baby beetle. I just have a habit of overacting.

normally, I wouldn't tag a band or a song to my name, but apparently, the band Train has captured a lot of my friends attentions and they say that the song Virginia comes to mind when they think of me. Well, its actually quite true. I love Train, they make me feel good, its a good christian band that makes you feel good.

Now on to the most recent questions that were asked.

Q; Wanna get naked and start the revolution with me?
A; OMFGZ yuh!

Q; have you ever melted down a whole crayon then ate it?
A; hahahaha only sometimes.

Q; Do you wear socks more often than not?
A; No. My feet are usually naked.

Q; Do you miss someone right now?
A; More than you'd know.

Q; if you could know your future, would you look into it?
A; No, it might be bad and it'd give me no reason to live.

Q; Do you have a tan?
A; Hahaha No! I'm the whitest one in my family! they call me white wash

Q; The last time a cop stopped you, what was it for?
A; Hahaha. Last time, i was walking with crystal and a cop asked us if we were runaways. Then he told us to get in his car because there was a man in the bushes behind us who turned out to be Cody.

Q; The most random thing someone told you?
A; Cody said that when im ninety years old he's gonna dress in a spiderman suit while i walk down the streets of new york, and hes going to pay a man to mug me, but he'll stop him and kill him. Then i'd be so excited that i'd hug spider man and he'd rip off the suit and yell surprise. :]
I love my best friends.

Q; What does your last fortieth text message say?
A;xD it says from Myles 'No. I just don't like vaginas. They remind me of octillion beaks' haha that kid's beautiful.

Q; Have you ever pee'd your pants after age eight?

Q;Do you wear deoderant?
A; yes

Q;Do you hate yourself?

Q; what do you think of piercings?
A; I love 'em. I had my septum pierced and I want it done again. I'm gonna get my wrists pierced too.


Yeah, Kayla does hate her life, and she will whine about it.

uhm. this'll probably be filled with private emotions, that doesn't matter if they were locked up, you wouldn't read it anyway. So, if you want you can make with the leaving, and BEAT IT.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Grandmother Grape

Report | 09/28/2008 1:52 am

Grandmother Grape

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_ M i s s

Report | 09/12/2008 1:19 pm

_ M i s s

You deserve a comment ;D

Report | 08/24/2008 11:09 pm


I love your sig.
it's magical :]
S K C ii S S 0 R S

Report | 08/11/2008 8:45 am

S K C ii S S 0 R S

How could you visit my profile and not leave a comment!
WeLLiie B00tz

Report | 08/10/2008 12:36 pm

WeLLiie B00tz

10 things i hate about you is one of the greatest films.
I love your sig x3

Report | 08/05/2008 4:14 pm


Yeah, and I figured out how to move us closer without completely covering me. It took me like an hour or so.
A C I D MuFFin

Report | 08/01/2008 5:53 pm

A C I D MuFFin


A C I D MuFFin

Report | 08/01/2008 5:48 pm

A C I D MuFFin

Waka Laka!
You make me smile.
A C I D MuFFin

Report | 08/01/2008 5:38 pm

A C I D MuFFin

I <3 Uz
A C I D MuFFin

Report | 08/01/2008 5:28 pm

A C I D MuFFin

Silly Kayla.
I just updated my profile for the second time,
two seconds ago.
Complete with...


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All my pictures either have ZER0 MiLLiGRAMS or kaylasmileface written on them.
Gimme signs?