About me.

Likes: Food|wolfs|my friends|girls|video games|anime|hanging out|the rain|going for walks|dogs|sex(durrrr)|having a good time|.

Dislikes: Assholes|lairs|negative people|certain foods|being hated|not having friends|dying alone|homeless people|awkward situations|sometimes heights|.

Things to know about me: Names Taylor, Im very shy specially talking to girls in real life not so much on gaia or video games. im pretty emotional i tend to takes things very personal and or serious and i have mild depression, i love my friends they are my everything. uh what else hmm....im kind of a loner i guess as a kid i had friends at school but they always looked down on me so not many wanted to hangout with me. im a pretty hardcore game sine thats all i did as a kid was come home and play games alone. im Italian and Portuguese. ive been to Italy once to see family in the summer that was great. im kinda quiet i tend to think to myself as well as talk to myself yes i know thats weird but meh. and i think thats about it if you have anything you wanna ask me feel free.

Relationship status: Single/mingling.