
This should help you peeps know who I is

Personal Information:

First Name//: Justin
Age//: 20
Gender//: Male
Nickname(s)//: Erm.... I dunno?
Hair Color//: Brown
Hair Style//: it's emo, and it's usually pretty neat and stuff
Eye Color//: They have a ******** of colors that they change from. Like orange, sometimes the orange really shows

What is your favorite:

Color//: Green
Game//: I dunno whatever's fun
Song//: Uhm... whatever sparks my interest at the time
Music Video//: Attack - Thirty Seconds To Mars
Animal//: Kitties
Sport//: I like to play baseball and soccer
Country//: Anywhere with you
Movie//: Avatar was pretty awesome
Food//: Uhhhh.... whatever's good


Best//: Heh, I don't really know who falls into my "best" category
Funniest//: Either Tommy or Bryan
Coolest//: I am my coolest friend :3
Sweetest//: Andy's pretty sweet
Kindest//: She's also pretty king
Annoyingest//: Annoyingest? Is that even a word?
Dullest//: ********, I don't hang out with boring people
Stupidest//: I don't really hang out with stupid people
Most Intelligent//: Well... Tommy's pretty smart
Athletic//: Jake's the only one that does any sports-like thing


Boy(Girl)friend//: BOYFRIEND!
Are you in love right now//: I had to cut off those feelings for awhile
Do you have a crush//: Yes, yes I do. But he knows so it's not really a crush
Do you have a stalker//: That would be sooo badass
Do you miss someone right now//: Always

What do you do:

At school//: I slept and did amazing at everything.
At home//: whatever entertains me
Outside//: If it's snowy, I'll play in the snow. If it's icy I'll slide around on it. I usually burn the leaves, and play in them. Or I just lie around with my love
When you first wake up//: Piss, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and shave if needed and I don't feel lazy (in that order)

What do you hate

Food//: Usually the gross things
Color//: I hate boring colors
Hair color//: I don't really like red heads
Tv show//: Most of the new s**t on Cartoon Network
Clothing style//: I usually hate preps.
Movie//: Shudder and Napoleon Dynamite

Emotions Right Now:

Are You Happy Right Now//: I'm trying to be
Sad//: A lot of the time -is emo-
Grumpy//: I can be
Annoyed//: Whenever my b*****d little brother won't leave the goddamn room
Angry//: read above
Sick//: Isn't sick a physical annoyance? I didn't know it could be an emotion
Lonely//: Yeah I am. I need a car
Bored//: You have no idea

Have you ever:

Made your own religion//: I'm sure I have.
Written backwards//: taht od semitemos I
Written your own magazine//: Errrr no
Drawn art//: I try, and fail. (But people still say it's nice
Got angry with a game//: Yeah, the mudder ******** game cheated
Played Lacrosse//: Yeah I have, it was really fun
Broken a bone//: A few
Dyed your hair//: Nope, I'd look weird with any other color
Put in contacts for no reason//: Yeah, I wanted to see what it was like
Swam alone//: Yeah I have, but usually I'll keep dry unless there's someone else there

Things that come to mind when you read...

Intelligentence//: Booger
Stupidity//: My ******** eye keeps twitching!
Depress//: Sniffle
Blood//: My butt needs to get off of this chair
Blue//: Screamo
Gray//: Cat
Sword//: Lol, v****a means "Sword Sheath" in Latin
Golf//: Stars
Soccer//: Cass
Yellow//: OW MY ******** EYES!
Socks//: warm
Ribbon//: Hair

(I think I have an attention problem)

Random Questions:

Play Sports, if so, what ones//: Baseball and Soccer. But not at the same time
Have a lot of friends//: Yeah, but only a few close ones
Write good//: Yes I write goodly
Eat a lot//: Of candy
Like the day Friday//: When I don't have to work through it
Like the month December//: "YES! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!"

Do you(or are you):

(DY)Give good advice//: I try
(DY)Talk crap//: Meh
(DY)Play a lot of games//: I get bored a lot
(DY)Wear hats//: Hell ******** you
(DY)Like to be outside//: Sometimes
(AY) Always mad//: I try not to be
(AY) Always happy//: I try to be
(AY) A good friend//: Again, I try to be

This or that (Last questions):

Night or day//: Night
Snow or Rain//: Snow
Stars or the Moon//: Moon, and stars
Ocean or Pool//: Pool
Boat or Plane//: I'm sick of these ******** snakes on this ******** plane!
Books or Magazines//: Neither, I don't read
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards//: ...
Blonde or Black Hair//: Black with pink
Green or Blue Eyes//: Whichever. They're both pretty
Pants or Shorts//: Pants
Pop or Rock//: Rock and techno
Punk or Emo//: Emo
Tatoos or Piercings//: Both. I like them both
Necklace or Ring//: Necklace
Clouds or No Clouds//: Clouds
Art or Literature//: Art
Jeans or Baggy Pants//: Jeans
Singing or Dancing//: Dancing
March or May//: May
Halloween or Christmas//: I like em both
Coke or Pepsi//: Coke, I'm ******** tired of pepsi
Hug or Kiss//: Kisses

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You are an Innocent Uke!
Cute and sweet, and most gentle of all uke, whips and chains are not for you - you just want someone to love you. You are often spotted in candy shops wearing furry kitty ears, where you are sure to be noticed by the Romantic Seme, whose protective instincts will kick in and will only want to take you home and love and protect you. And you, of course, will be more than happy to spend the rest of your life baking cookies for your seme.
Most compatible with: Romantic Seme
Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Don't ******** With Me Seme
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here.

Well now, I couldn't have said more about me if I tried

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My first avi art. Brought to you by Arcane Spectrum <3

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Second avi art by Rin

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Third avi art by In Your Indo

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Fourth art by Prinzack

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Fifth avi art by GoD-of-ArT

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Sign by God-of-ArT wewt


Viewing 12 of 62 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/24/2011 11:19 am


profile surfin, nice avi and cool profile o=
skeetskeet in uranus

Report | 12/14/2010 11:37 am

skeetskeet in uranus

hahaha. you are very welcome. so. how are you doing today wonderful person.?
skeetskeet in uranus

Report | 12/13/2010 8:51 am

skeetskeet in uranus

hi. i just wanted to say you're awesome. yes, i am infact a random a*****e. good day sir.
Playful Deviant

Report | 11/13/2010 5:50 am

Playful Deviant

Vanilla Drewzilla

Report | 09/12/2010 12:56 am

Vanilla Drewzilla

eek you maked a sexy emote on my wall....
Vanilla Drewzilla

Report | 09/12/2010 12:44 am

Vanilla Drewzilla

btw.. my "work" is a porn store domokun

Report | 08/03/2010 10:13 pm



Report | 08/03/2010 10:08 pm


Thankies dearie for the donation ^^
Xen Dominion

Report | 07/16/2010 1:05 am

Xen Dominion

if u ever get back.

happy birthday, i hope life is giving you everything u want.
stay cute.


Report | 06/01/2010 2:43 pm


I love your avatar XD


rofl rofl
Holy s**t!

Crush me
18k/229k for possessed med intern
scream scream [/color:a6c5121d07][/align:a6c5121d07]