
My name is Zuko and I am the exiled prince of the Fire Nation. After a series of unanticipated events that occurred almost three years ago my father, Fire Lord Ozai used his notable influence to expatriate me from my rightful home and crown with the harsh promise that I would never be permitted to return...

I was shattered and wounded but he left me one last hope to recover my honor. I would never be allowed to return unless I captured the ever-elusive bender named The Avatar. The only problem? The Avatar had been missing for over 100 years and was presumed dead. Nevertheless, I was forced to leave, shamed and beaten and since then I have traveled accompanied by my Uncle and a small group of men in search of this absent legend.

A year ago my luck returned for I saw the first signs of the possible return of my quarry- an incredibly powerful demonstration of air bending down near the South Pole, home to the Southern Water Tribe- a clan almost void of members. As swift as possible, I followed the trail and came upon the admittedly diminutive settlement of Water Benders. There I confronted them, pathetic though it was, with no resistance but from a single inexperienced warrior and bender. The Avatar apparently possessed sentiments towards these people because just as they were nearly overcome, he appeared armed with nothing but a staff and his considerable Air Bending abilities. He was captured but quickly lost and since then, I have continued my tiresome search in the futile hope that some day I will capture him and so deliver him to the steps of my father's temple and finally, finally return home for the final time.


A great many things have occurred since I last updated this small autobiography. You may or may not believe it either. To hear the full story, you have but to listen to the wind; the details are always being discussed. I will not delve into the full details but let it be known that my tiresome search for the Avatar lead me to the great city of Ba Sing Seh. There, I spent a great many weeks working in a tea shop with my uncle until at last I caught wind of his scent. He was looking for his missing bison and when I found out the creatures location I went after it, in the hope of using it to lure the Avatar to myself. It probably would have worked but uncle with his awe-inspiring wisdom confronted me and I came to a halting and life-altering realization. I decided to cease my useless search for the Avatar and spent the next few days...happy.

That is until, temptation, was placed right in front of my nose and I succumbed to it. I made a terrible, terrible decision. A most terrible, terrible mistake. I betrayed uncle, I betrayed my own new-found ideals and joined my sister's side against the Avatar yet again.

It was only luck, or perhaps fate that saved the Avatar's life but the fact of the matter is, uncle was imprisoned, the Avatar's group went into hiding and I was welcomed home as an undeserving and shamefaced hero. The next few weeks were arguably, the most horrible of my entire life. I was home again, but the perfect image I had dreamed of for 3 years was false. Father was no more welcoming than before, Azula had not changed and I was constantly overwhelmed by the gnawing sensation of guilt and self-loathing. There was no peace for me there. So, as always with uncle's wisdom to show me the right path, I made a most difficult choice and decided to leave for good.

This I did, and the first thing I did was apologize to those I had wounded most. Even now I am amazed at the Avatar's... no Aang's compassionate and forgiving disposition. He is.... amazing. He is everything I hope to be and I am honored to be part of his group and their cause.

I will never make such a terrible mistake again and I will strive to atone for my sins and that of Fire Lord's past. I will set things right.


Viewing 12 of 60 friends


A Prince's Journal

A book dedicated to the periodical recording of daily occurrences or cognitions.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lizzy Hhe

Report | 04/25/2010 1:41 pm

Lizzy Hhe

I want to steal a kiss from Zuko! >w<
Lunel the Bandit King

Report | 02/25/2010 9:07 am

Lunel the Bandit King

*a strange man tries to attack* hello lord zuko.. *jumps on zuko and pulls out a dagger*
- The Deceiving Angel  -

Report | 12/12/2009 7:25 pm

- The Deceiving Angel -

Very nice cosplay :]
Ghoulish Gourd

Report | 11/13/2009 12:27 am

Ghoulish Gourd

Wicked profile :0

Report | 10/06/2009 7:25 pm


Hey Dean, long time not type.
How have u been?
Lady Indrani

Report | 10/01/2009 2:56 am

Lady Indrani

Happy Birthday biggrin
Dichromatic Maverick

Report | 06/03/2009 8:48 am

Dichromatic Maverick

I want to wring your neck so badly now.
Misty Cloud

Report | 06/01/2009 5:38 pm

Misty Cloud

Hiroki Yokoyama

Report | 04/06/2009 6:40 pm

Hiroki Yokoyama

random chain mail.


1. To yourself, say the name of the only guy or girl you wanna be with 3 times!


2. Think of something you wanna accomplish within the next week and say it to your self 6 times!!


3. If you had 1 wish what would it be? say it to yourself 9 times!!!


4. Think of something that you want to happen be tween you and that 1special person and say it to your self 12 times!!!


5. Now, heres the hard part! Pick only 1 of these wishes and as you scroll down focus and concentrate on it and think on nothing else but that wish.

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Now make one last &amp; final w ish about that one wish that you picked.

After reading this, you have 1 hour to send it out to 15 people, and what you wished for will come true within in one week!

u only get one chance!!!!! Now scroll down and think of your


Hiita the Fire Charmer

Report | 03/24/2009 7:19 pm

Hiita the Fire Charmer

"But that's the problem. Most of -your- people won't teach anyone. It's really aggrivating. Why won't they teach someone like me? My training will be stunted."


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