Gaia University
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wahmbulance We do send announcements wahmbulance

Welcome to Gaia University, a place where gaians of all ages can say they go to one school, gossip take tests, learn about gaia, find your lovers, make friends, talk about random stuff, just like a regular school, but this one is better, no real work

Even if your new to gaia you are welcome to join, the lessons and tests are mainly for new gaians but older gaians can take them too, but they will know the answers

Join, you will love the university

wahmbulance Rules: wahmbulance

1. Only talk about random stuff in the random discussion forum
2. Gossip is talking about anything, only gossip about things in the gossip forum
3. Make friends
4. Try to donate gold, the guild will get bigger and better with more gold
5.Dont make up test and lessons, just take the tests and put answers
6.Have Fun
7.try to help newbies out
8. wahmbulance Be Aware You dont have to post everyday, you will not be banned, as long as you post sometimes

Have Any Concerns? Contact us
Caption and vice captions

Dark_elven_vampire http//
samurikitten http//
jenny_ferren http//

If You Are New Gaia university, You Do Not Have To Come Up With A Reason To Be In The Guild, It Is Auto-Accept Guild