Welcome to Mythic Dawn 302! We are a friendly guild where we talk about anything and everything!!! We are also dedicated to helping players new to Gaia learn the ropes. If you have any questions about the guild or about Gaia in general just ask lazerflux or darkflower102. There will be an entry fee of 20 gold because we need the money to build up our guild funds and if you do not like our guild for any reason we will refund your entry fee of 20 gold but we WILL NOT refund any donations that you make hence the word donation. Also we will be having weekly raffles and will be doing fun activities often. We will be also having a weekly guild news letter informing you on everything that has happened this week as well as what is going on next week. You will be receiving your newsletter through the PM (private Message) system. The news letter will be written by either lazerflux or darkflower102. We also have some general rules and guidelines and here they are 1) Whatever the captain (Lazerflux) or the vice captain (darkflower102) says goes. 3) Please do not swear in the guild because you WILL be banned. 4) Be nice and respectful of your other guild members. 5) please DO NOT do anything that will violate the TOS (Terms Of Service) because That will get you not only banned from the guild but also from Gaia itself so just don’t do it man. 6) And last but not least remember Gaia is just a game so just because someone else bought the last pair of Fairy wings from the marketplace doesn’t give you the right to be mean to everyone else around you. 7) And lastly have fun it IS just a game right? I will answer that for you yes it is.