Welcome to the Land of Terra!

The land of Terra is a last land that seem's to go on for ever. There are many races that live here, and many mythical ones that resides here aswell.


In the center of the realm is the Great City. This city is unique by that it floats over a vast lake, known as Terrian Lake. From there the alnd opens up. The Plains lay around the city. But to the West of the city, is the Rainforst of Faydark. This rainforest is different from any other, because this is where most of the faces and creaturs resides. To the East and South will lead you to the Kraken Ocean. This ocean is about 1/3 of the realm. Many sunken temples lay under neaths its waves, waiting to be explored. To the most Southern-Western part of the realm is the Frosen Wasteland. This wasteland is apart of the glacier that is flowing into the realm. Within this glacier lays Frost Temples run by a mythical race that no one knows. No one could ever reach these temples, because the bitter cold here frezzes you if your there too long. To the north lays a chain of mountains. These are the Stormy Mountains. These mountains changes weather quickly, so be careful when exploring.

The land of Terra welcome's all, and we can't wait to meet you. Please read the rules, and sign them. After that, create your Biography and then join us in this realm.

Captain of the Guild,