If you are planning to donate to the guild, please send your donation to duck_sushi, the guild mule. Any gold sent directly to the guild can only be used to purchase new sub-forums (lets hope gaia changes that soon), and we already have THOUSANDS of gold towards that.

Welcome stranger. You've stumbled upon an ancient secret; the training grounds to the psychadelic sushi scouts and holiday retreat of the evil duck mob. Be weary of... ahhh who am I kidding? This guild rocks, we're awesome, and you'll be so much more awesome if you join. If you don't... SUCKS FOR YOU!

your duckyness,


Strong language content. Join at your own risk (of death) The owner of this guild has a strong tendency to be very graphic and mouthy.

User Image

PFF is truely an amazing person, who donates the gold she gets by spending her time on here to the people of her thread and guild. Not exactly the actions of a normal person? talking at least low level saint if you go by catholic standards.

There really are none... they're more like expectations. I expect you to be non-problematic, include a poll with your topics, and you know... participate once in a while. Pretty much it.
BUT ABSOLUTELY NO HUGE PAGE STRETCHES! (past your avi horizontally and more than 2 'page down' button clicks)


Main Forum - Where you can meet lots of new friends and find most of the introductory topics.
Mini Games - Where you can find lots of fun mini games, some offer gold!
Guild Tasks and Poll Whore Central - Where you can find hundreds of polls and complete certain guild tasks for even more gold!
Quest Raffle - We help you raise money for your quest by raffling off a nice donated item.
RP Forum - Where you can create your own little RP or join an existing one.