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Celestial Lullaby

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:14 pm
So I've decided to combine my two threads into one, and will therefore be Putting any and all of my favorite pieces of writing (both belonging to me and others) in here. The past first post is what is in quotes, it has to do with all the RP posts you will see. As I've said, please feel free to comment, but do not add anecdotes of your own.

RP posts
Yesh, well I am a tad self-centered. But I sincerely view my posts as written works of art, like poems, and some I like for a strange reason, so I shall post the ones I can find here, and you guys will just have to tolerate it.

Note: These all come from different periods in my RP experience and will vary in skill. I haven't corrected any, or edited them at all, but feel free to comment!

Second Note: I won't put 'em all in the first post, because as I go I'll find more, and they will probably end up being longer, and I don't like super-long first posts.

Third Note: You know what? I will now be placing my favorite posts, whether they be mine or not. So ha.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:40 pm
Ah, so I finally found my original of this one, not the one in my journal, so I will deign to provide you with background info on it. Through another quote. xD

Celestial Lullaby
I get to go first!!!

::twirls happily::

okies so I was browsing a help the newbs guild and I found a poorly lacking RP and couldn't help but reply. (after I reviewed his post, but nevermind that). This was his post:

Itachi Ex33
He was walking wit his girl friend down an old creepy road.The air around them started to get thick and densy.he grabed his katana getining ready to stricky,he uteered to his girl friend to hide,than a thick mist apeared,out of it glowing red eyes opened,the things face became clear,it was his arch enamy.Than his enamy's han turned light,electricity apeared from it,his enamy dashed to attack his gf,splat.......blood was every were his enemy had a katana going trow his chest....but he sacrasived his life to save his belovid girl friend.he droped down on the floor with a little bit of life leaft in him.his final words to his girl friend were i..love..you....and he died.

Don't gag yet. Here's mine:

Celestial Lullaby
His girlfriend looked at the lifeless body with cold eyes. Her entire frame was filled with disapproving hostility. Then, very gently, the girl bent down and carressed the dead man's face. She placed her rose red lips carefully over his, her mouth colder then even death could bring to his lips, and then drew back stiffly.

"You were never any good at anything." With ferocity emanating from her icy eyes, Starla rose up and strode over to the monster, half out of the shadows. She smiled, although it did not reach her eyes, llifted a perfectly manicured hand, and plunged it deeply into the chest of the beast. Twisting her wrist, she dug through muscle, nerves and even crushed his ribs. Redness flowed from the screaming beast's hide, flowing in a river down his chest to pool harmlessly on the ground, dying the woman's leather shoes a deep crimson.

Starla grinned maliciously. "A stupid spat between you two took away my source of food. Pity.." Her voice trailed off as she enclosed her petite hand around a mass... the beast's heart. "I have you now, brainless gutter-scum." Gingerly... almost lovingly, Starla felt around the heart, stroking it, each time bringing endless pain to the monster. Then, slowly, she crushed his heart little by little.

The beast flopped around wildly, unable to escape her unhuman strength, nor the coldness radiating from her petite body. His energy waned, then deliciously, he sang out a sweet scream, flinging it above the tree line. It ended in a high-pitched wine before all life flooded his body. The only thing holding him up was Starla's arm, her hand still clutching the dead heart.

Deftly, she slid her hand out of the cavity in his chest, then lowered him to the ground ceremoniously. "You bled too much for me to eat... but your insides feel ecstatic." She grinned evily, flashing two pearly white fangs that hadn't been there before. Her cold blue eyes then turned to her old boyfriend, and she smiled an evil smile. "But you my love..."

On her knees she turned to his body and tilted his neck lovingly, lustingly. With an almost tearful look in her eye, she streched her jaw out and laid it on his cold skin. A relaxed, hungering look befell her face as she broke the delicate skin on his neck and dug gently into his neck muscles until she hit an artery.

Unfortunately he was dead and his heart had stopped beating, but with the appropriate amount of sucking, it all came flooding into her sweet-smelling mouth.Starla closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his blood pouring down her throat, her eyes closed, and a happy smile descended heavenly on her open lips as she continued to suck her dead boyfriends blood.

I hadn't played a vampire in a REALLY long time


Celestial Lullaby

Celestial Lullaby

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:08 am
This here was a wonderful little RP between me and Sethy, the sweetie. An old friend of mine, my character is Celeste, one of my oldest and my absolute favorite for all time. I RPed her for over three years. Lots of history in these RPs.

I like this post because what Sethy says, and Celestial feels are so different. You need a bit, or rather quite a bit of history on the characters to understand this to the full extent, but it's not too important. But yes, I shivered when I read his last line. Therefore I like it.

Bittersweet November
Seth looked up at her as she walked towards the window, then let his eyes come back down to her bed once again as she stood by the window for a few moments. As she made her way back, he looked up at her and noticed the weak smile and sadness in her eyes as she spoke.

"...I'm sorry you've had to experience such a thing.." he said, still unsure of what to say. Where would he start? How would he explain all these happenings?.. how would he explain how he became.. like this?

After a long moment of silence, he began to speak slowly "..how do you explain..." he took in a short sigh as he looked out the dark window, then back down as he spoke once again "..watching your own mother suffer in the darkest pits of hell... and feeling so powerless.... you can do nothing to help.." he said with an expression of sorrow upon his face as he remembered the last time he saw his mother in Hell.. it seemed as if the memories were reliving themselves once again.

"How do you explain.. watching your own father beg for mercy before your eyes... before his blood stained the very floors in which he once lay.." he paused for another long moment before finaly looking into her eyes, his dark crimson eyes still replenting a look of sorrow and sadness upon them ".....and liking it?"
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:22 pm
Alrighty, so going through some more posts of Celeste's and I found an adorable little RP. This happens when little Joy is about five. It's between two of my friends (male) and me. I'll only post two or so.

He stared at the little bits of food they had placed out to eat. True, they looked delicious and were fresh foods, but that's where Cal had a problem. He couldn't eat small. He needed meat to replenish all the energy he had lost, and a little alcohol to give his flames that little extra "pep" he likes in them. So, he sighed, and whicpered to Joy, hoping should would help him. Hey, Joy, could ya do me a favor? This food looks gooad and all, but do you have any... you know, beef? I'll cook itmyself, I just need the meat. If you could find me any, I would be forever happy.

Celestial Lullaby
Joy practically growled at Cal. She was busy watching how her mother ate and making sure she didn't choke while she herself ate daintily. After a moment of being scared that Celeste would bust her for being mean, Joy leaned over and whispered back. "I can't teleport things and the tray would be too heavy. But there is a roasted pig downstairs... although I was going to feed it to Lucy."

Joy sat up once more and took another stick of celery. It hadn't been meal time.. but it seemed like everyone was hungry. With a sigh Joy spoke in her mother's mind so as not to disturb her eating. Celeste, everyone seems hungry... maybe we should bring up more food.

Celeste finished pigging out and nodded to her daughter. A couple trays simply popped into existence. Varying from pies to lamb meat and mashed potatoes... including the roasted pig. "It seems like we were all hungrier then it seemed... early lunch wouldn't be too bad."

Celestial smiled and picked up her cutlery that suddenly appeared and began heaping helpings onto her plate and picking the choicest things for Joy.

Joy then heard Gordon's question and smiled at him, a piece of cake halfway to her mouth. "Oh yes, Lucy's great.. I figure I can ride him all around the sand dunes and go see mommy's ex fiancee." Joy hadn't been born the time Auntie Joy fooled Celeste into accepting a marriage proposal from one of her tribe members. Celestial had been all red and flustered for 5 days after that according to her Auntie.

Lucifer leaned forward and dug head first into the well-done lamb meat in front of him. Neither Celestial nor Joy stopped him... instead Celeste pushed the plate closer to him so that he could reach it better.

The whole RP turned out to be a very hilarious situation with Cal trying to deal with a snippy little Joy, and Celeste getting embarrassed while her daughter ratted her out and then Cal getting into the alcohol. Good times..  

Celestial Lullaby

Celestial Lullaby

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:46 pm
From the second thread that I laced into this one. A poem. Obviously.

Celestial Lullaby
So, I was running through my Journal for the first time in forever, and I found an old entry I made a while back. Someone challenged his fellow guild members to write a better poem than him. So I flexed my fingers, and typed up a poem, right there, on the spot. This is the raw Celeste right here folks! This poem has never been gone over or eited!

*WARNING: some sexual content*

Made up just now! Unrefined and everything! Enjoy.
A tale of a mistress, afraid of losing the thing hurting her the most

Hot and heavy
You bear down upon me with those menacing eyes
But I smile
And move my body to better fit yours
Giving you pleasure
While I receive pain

Tears can't touch your icy heart
Nor can pleas or anger
So I smile
And let you tear me apart from the inside
Wanting to catch your eye
But afraid of what they hold

As we reach our climax
I grip you in a death hold
Wanting you to stay
Knowing you'll leave me behind
This is a destructive love
A one-sided bonfire to which I am used as fuel

I lie in bed
Watching you dress yourself
Leaving without a word
I turn over and bathe in the scent you left behind
Trying not to think of you with your boyfriend
Wanting you all to myself

A shower
A nice homemade breakfast
And a mask I place upon my face
And once more
I am nothing to you
Nothing to anyone

At work I smile at my boss
My eyes dry
I enter the meeting room
A crack in my mask quickly glued back together
I greet your boyfriend with a firm handshake
And a warm smile

I know who he is
I see the look in his eyes
The one given to him by your tender love
He does not know me
I am your pet, kept in your closet
Hidden from the world

You come to pick him up
Not even a glance in my direction
I do not flinch
For my mask protects me
At home once again
I undress and go to bed

An hour passes
Once more you are on top of me
No discussion
No mention of him
Just your weight daring me to disobey
Pushing all but want from my mind

Again you leave
Again I go through my day without you
We repeat this needless dance
And you always come back
With his scent adorning your body
And his love surrounding you

This unrequited love is so painful
But I daren't tell you to leave
Afraid that you'll never come back
That you will replace your heat
With the Icy chill of your face
Turned from mine
PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:37 pm
Yay! An update! I went and grabbed my English project and flipped through my poems and found this one. In case you're poetically illiterate, it's about a serial killer. The deeper meaning is for you to find. :: wink ::

Blood that he Spilled

Uncaring, unmotivated
Cold, piercing
Curled lip, Avoidance
Dangerous, Bloody
Dark, Merciless
That is how he kills

In black joy
Drowning in
That he spilled
With Glee
Without reason

Lights flaring
Lungs like fire
Dodging bullets
Giggling in
That he is
Playing God

Up stairs
Many stairs
Blue suits
Fifth floor
Guns held to his head
He is told to surrender
Shrugs, smiles
Shoot me
He says

He smells it
No shooting
No cuffing
Sharp as night

He smiles
And steps backward
Heel off the edge
Falling, floating

Until Death rises up
And enfolds him
Bringing him
Back to Hell
Where he is kept
Away from humans
Away from killing
And emotion
To where he is
To be
To where he
Should have left
Never to be born again

Death, comforting
Holds him in place
Like a mother
Keeping her monster
Away from misunderstanding
And persecution

Celestial Lullaby

Celestial Lullaby

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:43 pm
One of the posts I'm most proud of, in like, almost all-time. I dug it up from somewhere, an old guild of mine I guess. Still one of my favorites, and containing some of my favorite characters.

Celestial Lullaby
Apparently I did well on this, and I was bored, so I figured I'd make you people read it^^ It was my Roleplay sample to join, just for everyone's info. Anywho, enjoy, and I don't mind you being blunt. In fact I love critiques.

Quick notes: Delila : Lil-- Fairy, little, green, wears lots of gold jewelery

Tameraina Esryana : Tam/Tammy-- Gypsy, healer, petite, kid-faced, likes big heavy and furry coats with lots of pockets.

Tameraina sat quietly in a corner of the cell, the thick brick wall to her back, the iron bars at her side. Her eyes were hidden under her thick bangs, her head lowered, her body curled in the effort to conserve heat. The prison guards had taken away her thick fur coat, and all she had left on was her thin white linen robe. She was used to thick, heavy layers, and her current state was nothing short of annoying.

Stupidly, Lil had led her into a bar famous for it's many bloody brawls, but being too tired to really care, Tam had gone in anyway. Now she had been awake for 52 hours, refusing to sleep in a jail cell surrounded by big, burly men. Instead, Tam curved her arms tighter around her small frame and sealed her lips tightly against shivers. She had to fight exhaustion and push thoughts of Delila alone somewhere. Well, at least Lil was too small to be sexually harassed.

A small cough pushed itself through her lips, but was quickly smother by her petite hands. The guard nearest her barely moved, that was good. Tam was still deciding to risk an escape in the state she was in, or go to sleep and hope for the best. If only Lil was near, she could channel her earth magic and give Tam enough energy to get away safely. At this point, it all seemed hopeless. A lesser woman might have cried, but Tam would never let that happen. Not because she thought crying was bad, but it would simply be a sign of helplessness, and she couldn't afford that with a cell full with strong, well-rested men. Even if they had hangovers, it was unlikely that they would get beaten by a weaponless, exhausted woman like herself.

Tam buried her head in closer to her arms, snuggling into her knees. She was worried how much longer she would be left alone. Even if she was practically as visible to the guards as she could be, surely one of the disgusting idiots would find a way to smuggle her out of sight and have their way with her. A sad notion, but it was true. And Tam could barely move right now, it took all her willpower to keep her eyes open, she wouldn't have any left to defend against an assailant. A good tactic would be to choose the strongest one, give herself to him and hope he has enough courtesy to keep the rest away from her. A last resort, and one she would probably have to use soon enough, while she could still raise her head enough to examine them all.

An arm slid around her, Tam would have flinched if she had the energy, she did manage to go stiff though. The man smelt alright, not like the heavy perfume of ale that adorned the others, and he was warm. A pair of lips came close to her ear and a low, comforting voice said, "Just go to sleep. I'll keep you warm, and keep the others from bugging you. Don't argue, it'll be hard considering you're so exhausted you can't even twitch."Tam knew he was right, whoever he was. Plus, her exhaustion was already turning her thoughts fuzzy. She sunk into the heat source gratefully, and soon she was sleeping peacefully.

Delila, on the other hand, was sitting cross legged on the bottom of an empty glass lantern. She was drinking beer from a thimble and was currently playing a game with the off-duty prison guards. With her usual happiness, she played their game of truth and lies, easily detecting the lies, making them take swigs of the keg of alcohol behind them. Normally, this would be done in a part of a plan to get them so drunk they can't see straight in an eventual hope to escape. But with Lil, this was done with no bad intentions whatsoever, she just liked the game.

Almost a full day later, Tameraina woke up to the weird sensation of a person in close proximity. She knew she was supposed to be in a cell, so this wasn't a good sign. With her eyes yet closed, holding as still as possible, Tam tried to figure out the best way to knock the man unconscious so she could escape. "Oh, you're finally awake." Tammy jumped a mile high and glanced over at the person beside her. He was well built, and tall, not to mention dressed like a warrior. His beard was only just starting to appear, testimony to the two nights spent in jail. He was quite handsome with his clear blue eyes and dark shoulder length hair. His skin was weathered from being outside, and his hands were callused from hard work. Tam hated to say it, but she approved.

The girl folded her arms against her chest and looked at him suspiciously. The man held up his hands, a smile hovering around his mouth. "I haven't done anything, I'm not into kiddies," he obviously wasn't the sharpest man around. Even though she was 4' 11" and had a baby face, Tam was 23. "You looked cold and I didn't want any of the guys bothering you. Plus you were tired out of your mind." Tam nodded stiffly, like hell she'd thank a man who touched her without permission. He only laughed, god he had a great smile. "An imperious little chit, aren't cha? What were you doing in a place like that anyway, lost your pa?" Tam raised an eyebrow in slight disdain. "Ah, I see then. Guess not. Anyway, I'm Valek. How about we get out of this place?"

Tam stepped closer to him, saying quietly, "How? I don't think even you could break or even bend these bars, and I doubt you're one to know how to pick a lock." The man only grinned.

"Don't judge by appearance only..." as Tam still refused to tell him her name, Valek shrugged and slipped a pin from his coat pocket. Tam mumbled under her breath, "Why does he get to keep his jacket?" before watching him lean casually against the bars, waiting for the guard to turn away. When he did, Valek deftly, slid the piece of metal into the lock and tinkered with it for a couple seconds before the guard came back. He did this a couple times before Tam finally lost her patience.

She came up behind the man, grabbed his shoe, yanked his feet from under him and removed the piece of clothing. Then she stood up and threw it through the thick bars, only for it to slug the guard in the head, knocking him out. She then took out his metal piece, flipped it around, rolled her eyes and opened the lock in half a second, pushing the door open. Valek looked up at her, pouting slightly. "I was going for delicacy."Tam rolled her eyes once more, let the rush of men pass her by before retrieving the man's shoe, tossing it toward him. He grabbed it and slid it on his foot once more, before setting out behind Tam, following her down the hall. "What are you doing? Exit's that way.."

"Getting back lost property." Tam strode down the hall, before motioning to a door. Valek looked confused. "Kick it it!" Tam whispered fiercely. The warrior nodded and threw his weight on the poor door, it's hinges busted and the door flew in. A rush of half-drunk prison guards came at the two. Tam quickly side-stepped and let Valek handle everything while she slipped on her coat and checked all the pockets.

"If you knew there were people behind the door, especially trained soldiers, you should have told me!" Valek said, apparently having vanquished the guards, wiping at a rather large cut on his arm.

"You should have that looked at," said Tam, pointing at his face, cheerfully neglecting to tell him she was a doctor. She then ventured over to the table and removed the lantern from the tabletop, pinching Lil's wings and setting her on her shoulder.

"What took you so long Tammy? I mean, playing with them was fun, but it got boring after I started winning." Tam grinned and patted her friend on the head before pushing the table over to the wall.

"Oh, so Tammy is it?" Valek mentioned "And what are you doing?" Tam smiled and gently pried the bars from the small window at the joincture between the wall and ceiling, balancing carefully on the table. She then grabbed the bottom two corners and hauled herself half out the window.

"You probably won't fit, might want to head out the front door. Have fun with the guards. Oh, and don't call me Tammy." Valek swore as Tam wriggled out the wall between the stones and scampered across the clearing. He just managed to see her run into the trees as he watched from the small window.

"Damn kid." He ripped a piece of cloth from the uniform of one of the unconscious soldiers and bound his wound before collecting his sword from the weapons rack and heading out the door. After a few fights and a few more scrapes, Valek escaped and got to the woods himself. The sun was setting, and he had just gotten far enough to deem himself safe. Valek rolled out his bedroll and settled in. No fire today.

Little did Valek know ((OOC: ::snigger:: I love that line)) that Tam and Lil were sitting in the tree right above his head. They had waited for him, then followed him through the forest. On a sheer whim of course, the pair got bored easily.

It was only a while into the night before Tam sensed a couple bodies moving through the dark. Before she could even think to warn him, Valek was already quietly grabbing for his sword. She smiled involuntarily. He was quick. But she also recognized the sound of how the persons walked. They were gypsies, young ones if they had let Valek hear them. Although they deserved what they got, she didn't have the heart to let Valek and her kin go up against one another. Shushing Lil and placing her on the tree, Tam dropped from the tree, straight in front of the arrow sent at Valek. She plucked it from the air, dodged the blow released by Valek instinctively before loudly shouting, "Es anteliana kosryela" I am one of your own Valek looked at Tam, confusion written on his face, as four teenage gypsies emerged from the surrounding forest. A quick conversation was held between Tam and a dark skinned, dark eyed and haired boy. After a while they switched to the common language.

"This is a friend of mine." Tam said, motioning to Valek. "He is not Gypsy, but he is a warrior. And," Tam said as Lil fluttered down from the tree, "this is Delila. She wears our tribe's jewelery." Lil came towards the dark boy, letting him examine her bangles. His eyes opened up wide as he looked back at Tam. She smiled graciously at him. "Yes, we're from that tribe."

"What tribe? What Gypsies? And why are you here Tam?" Valek looked around suspiciously, but had the grace to put away his sword. Tam smiled and waved him off. Once again their conversation turned to Gypsy, with Lil and the other boys joining in. After a while, a decision was reached. In effect, the Gypsies would take are of Tam's caravan until she wanted it again, and other tribes would be warned of her passing.

"Ok Valek, let's go, you've slept a couple hours now and should be able to walk a tad bit more. Oh, and this is my companion Delila, I am Tameraina. Call me Tam." Valek, still slightly bewildered, nodded and packed up his stuff. Soon they set out, Tam in her overly large fur coat and Lil sitting on her shoulder singing merrily.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:57 pm
Ha! Three posts in one day! Pretty awesome, right? Not really, I'm just sifting through some of my old guilds (that haven't been sold off and changed) and finding REALLY OLD content. So enjoy. I actually completely forgot about this story, though, and haven't even re-read it yet. So it will probably suck. Each quote represents a post of mine in the thread. And yes, I never updated it.

Celestial Lullaby
First let me state this clearly:

I am a horrible at commitment. Seriously. I have about 2 dozen first 3 chapters of stories, but then I lost interest. The only thing that will keep me going is encouragment and constant nagging Please feel free to vent your pent up frustration on/at me, just no flamming. If this does get anywhere, it will be a weak story, I'm only good at introductions. xD

Now when I actually get around to typing up the first portion (It's written on lined-paper during french, religion, health, social and lunch periods) I shall put it in the next post. I have lots of homework this weekend, so I probably won't get done for a couple days (I may have to do it next weekend, if I get too much homework during the week, that only allows me to RP with you guys and not write) Nagg me lots, and it might be up sooner!

I look forward to providing you guys with a break from reality!

(And NO you CAN'T contribute to my story!)

P.S. I've been planning to do this for 6 months <-- see my procrastination skills? xDDDD

Celestial Lullaby
In the mild morning, the sunrise lighted upon a young girl sitting on the ramparts. First it dyed her chestnut locks a deep gold, then it spread to her plain garments, turning the low quality cloth to a garments that would only be worn by a god. Even the stone wall encircling the city was transformed. Even poor things could look beautiful in the right light.

This was the best part of the day, when all was quiet, tranquil and untouchable. Unfortunately, the magic would not last long, soon the morning would come in full. Carts would wheel down the road, business would be done and, worst of all, the soldiers would be on the prowl.

Soldier's were all over these days. The war had not stopped, or even slowed down, it was simply even more ferocious. Lonwynn, the country that had attacked us and began the war, was a nation of dishonest barbarians, or so the people were told. Living in Cairnn was not exactly the best place for pro-Lonwynn propaganda. It was the capital trade city of Katherain, supplying the standard for the rest of the country. Second only to the capital where King Bronwan lived in his palace.

The girl reflected back on the war. It had started 3 years ago, when she had been only sixteen. At first it was fun, cheering in the streets, encouraging the army, having parties when the Katherainian army gained victory. That all disappeared quickly. Soon the nation was impoverished, restless soldiers assaulted citizens. Although their army had been winning lately, one could never know when that would change, the Lonwynn army could push them back any day. Every hour consisted of dancing on knives, waiting for news of the latest battle, latest slaughter.

Koreina grimaced as a line of charcoal went astray of the rest. Carefully she rubbed it out, then sat back and cleared her mind. It was no use to draw with a disturbed mind. She had been working on this picture for a week. Finally Kory had assigned herself the task of drawing the Valley of lost Souls. The view was breathtaking from the top of the wall encircling the city, but it was a difficult task. Koreina sighed, perhaps she had overestimated her skill.

A loud bell called it quits for the young girl. Soon the troops would be in the streets and a girl like her would be ripe for the picking. Gingerly, Kory closed her sketchbook and tucked it into the bag beside her, along with the drawing materials. After securing the pack on her shoulders, she swung her legs over the inside of the wall and jumped down onto the wooden walk. She made her way quickly to the stairs then descended to the street-level. A couple early risers grinned at her, patted her head or winked. Kory was well-known as an airhead, only concerned about what to draw next, not the happenings of the city. People liked that.

Kory dipped through openings in the growing crowds, ducking into an alley as she approached a guard post. Her leather boots made n sound on the uneven cobblestones. On either side of the girl were tall old ramshackle buildings. The country could spare no money for repairs. Although depressing, it made for beautiful paintings.

It was only a short distance to the Frolicking Faye, an Inn with a famous tavern. Koreina slipped in, disregarding the closed sign. The plump Innkeeper raised his head from polishing bottles, once he spotted the intruder, he only smiled at Koreina in dismissal. Kory flashed a grin his way, then made her way on the old floor to the back table she always sat at. It was the sole one that was well lit by a window, yet it was strangely inconspicuous.

Soon Barney, the Innkeeper, welcomed his workers, gave them time to settle in, then opened his tavern. Already a few regulars were waiting, no one of consequence though. Kory took out her sketchbook and spread it out on the worn table. A couple minutes later and she was laying the base work of another masterpiece of hers. This time she had decided to draw an angel, weeping for the dead souls killed in the war.

She had almost finished the base work of the drawing when two soldiers came strutting to the table across from hers. Kory pretended not to notice, instead she drew slower, so as to not destroy her drawing while opening her ears to the two men's conversation. It was easy enough to discern their rank, two sergeants.

“The war isn't going well Batso, we just lost another company to the barbarians.” The man on the left side of the table said, a sigh evident in his heavy voice. The other chipped in with a notably higher one, quite irritating to listen to.

“Well don't worry, Bronwan is taking the weapon to the next battle, we'll win for sure this time. Those cripers won't know what smashed their puny skulls in.” His voice held a sneer. Koreina stifled a shiver, no matter what the Lonwynns did, surely they were still human, not gutter-scum.

Then Barney came, lugging two very large tankards of ale. Soon the men were drowning themselves in the alcohol, and no more was said. Kory was left to finish her drawing. She was shading in the angel's wings when it suddenly hit her. A weapon? That would smash in the enemy's skulls? What could it be? Surely if it meant winning against the barbarians it would be alright, but Kory couldn't help but wonder.

Celestial Lullaby

Celestial Lullaby

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:10 pm
Hmm, I finally found my old favorite post. Took the longest time.. I wrote this with a very vivid mental picture in mind, but to describe it would have compromised the overall mood of the post. For a while, this was my RP sample. Changed it later though. (Haha, 4 posts today)

Celestial Lullaby
Joy sat, staring at the sheets of music leaning against the piano. Her hands were resting beside her, gently balanced on the black leather piano bench. Thoughts rushed through her head at a million miles per hour.. and slowly diminished until one single line repeated itself in her head like a mantra.

Play it.

Joy had never been amazing at the piano... well she had never been amazing by her standards. In truth, she was near genius. Her hands could fly up and down the keys, her eyes closed as the song played itself in her head, every sound, every vibration brushing against her pale skin. A bad note would scrape and irritate, a harmonic one soothe and carress, sometimes, if played right, Joy could be pushed to nearly orgasmic levels of pleasure by a simple song. She could never do this herself, and thus, was not good at the instrument she now sat at.

A quick runover of the sheet music, another verse of her mantra, and she was ready. Joy's hands rested on the ivory keys or te grand piano for a bare moment before she began her composition. Her long, skilled fingers lighted upon the keys, as her body swayed to and fro to aid the span of her arms to reach their marks.

Music began to twirl gently into the air, spiraling into the upper reaches of the building. The girl, now ageless and perfect, closed her eye lids over the sapphire gems hidden within, and began to play from memory, never making a single mistake. The melody was light and beautiful, with no surprise notes, simple a smooth, soothing tune.

The sound bounced off the walls, to gently accompany the later portions of the song, blending fabulously. Unfortunately, no one was here to witness the beautiful piece of music, but Joy was not daunted, she worked best when her only witness was The Goddess herself.

The song wound on, never seeming too long, lulling you to sleep, yet keeping you awake. Slowly, it winded down to a beautiful finish. The woman left her hands in their last position for a couple moments, slowly opening her eyes, letting her long black lashes tickle her flushed cheek slightly before leaving. Joy returned her hands to her lap, and flipped her ringleted long black hair over her shoulder and once more stared at the sheet music.

After a couple moments of indescision, Joy picked up the mildly thick book of music notes and left the room. Letting her long white dress trail behind her, ignoring the vision it and her dark hair made of her baby-ish beauty, and walked outside. She gracefully mounted th outside stairs and then held the music over the ledge. Joy then tore it neatly in two and let go of the leaflets, watching them twirl and bound away in the wind, her face a mask of graceful indifference.

The woman continued to watch the paper on which the most beautiful song had been written for a few more minutes, before shifting her long, pure white dress and descended the stairs, walking away over the grasses, never once looking back, nor regretting the destruction of what could only be called a masterpiece.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:52 pm
Because everyone likes a chick with some sass ((Most recent post. Funnily enough))

Caiyanna had sat in position, enduring the continued cacophony from the other table. A small crease had appeared between her brows, the corners of her lips pulling down. Another girl had entered the store, and joined their table, triggering another wave of unpleasant sound. She seemed much more dressed up than the other ones, but sat down nonetheless. Many compliments floated around the table, apparently the outfit was appreciated.

Subtly, Caiy moved her hands from under her chin, to over her ears. She blocked them while trying not to bee too conspicuous about it. Again Caiyanna bent her head over her drink and sipped the liquid through her straw. There had been a lull at the other table, the man had started to talk. Well, perhaps they could control themselves. If only it would last.

Feeling more confident, Caiy let her hands drops from her ears and began to earnestly enjoy her iced tea. It didn't last long. Each girl seemed to have their own abusive response to throw at the man. Not very many of them were any kind of close to quiet. The crease at the middle of her forehead grew ever so slightly.

The orders had come at some point, keeping most of them too busy, but that too didn't last long. And then one of them got drunk. Even as the woman stumbled out of the restaurant, Caiyanna stood up, stretched to her breaking point. It had taken considerably more time than usual, but like always, the end was inevitable.

The woman snatched her iced tea, still over half full, and marched smartly across the room, up behind the man. She planted her feet, raised her arm, and with a quick motion turned the glass in her hand over. A splash of sugary liquid dumped itself over the man's head, followed by a sequence of three ice cubes, each bouncing off his head in a different direction, and the straw.

Caiyanna kept her stance, letting drops of the sugar at the bottom collect slowly in his hair. Her brows were knitted together, her mouth pursed in a furiously stubborn position, her weight on one foot so that one hip stuck out, giving some attitude to her pose. After a few seconds of silence, Caiy opened her mouth and let the accusations fly. "As the senior party of this group, who obviously has some kind of influence, shouldn't you be a little bit more concerned with controlling or at least regulating the behavior of those with you? Not only do you seem to have absolutely no concern or even thought for the other customers in this restaurant and therefore the restaurant itself, but you seem to have persevered in leaving these girls to their own devices. And by devices, I mean noise.

"Almost the entire group was getting into some trouble, or at least emitting a hell of a lot of noise. Your table is a mess," here Caiy motioned to the pile of garbage and a couple spills on their tables, "you all seem to be eating complete sugar, and you, my good man, seem to not even attempted to mention the fact that yours is not the only party here. I'm sure I'm not the only one annoyed with your lack of discipline. One of the girls with you got drunk. DRUNK for heaven's sake. And not only did you allow her to, she walked out of that door all alone! Do you know what kind of trouble a drunk girl can get into? UGH! And I thought adults were supposed to be RESPONSIBLE!"

Not waiting for any kind of response, Caiyanna slammed her now empty glass of iced tea on their table and stormed out of the restaurant, having already paid for her drink. Just as she left the restaurant Caiy removed her green hat, letting her pink and purple hair fall around her face. She walked a couple of paces from the door, turned to a log beside the road and plopped down onto it, running a hand through her bright hair. Caiy raised her fingers to her temples and began to massage them slowly, trying to calm her fiery temper.

Celestial Lullaby

Atrum krigare

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:31 am
Woh. These are amazing posts.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:20 pm
Why thank you sweetheart, I just got better over time I suppose. Practice makes perfect! Forgive me for the cliches, I just lost two days to flying and am now completely turned around time wise. Plus Jet lag.

EDIT:: Wow.. I haven't posted up anything new in quite awhile.. been to busy to RP, and all my old guilds deleted everything.. Maybe I'll grab an English essay to type up...  

Celestial Lullaby

Celestial Lullaby

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:26 pm
Alrighty, more from that poem project, this is the counterpart to the serial killer one. Again, themed with belonging.

Everyone looks
For a place
Where they belong
It's imprinted on our genes
Sometimes finding
That one spot
In the world
Where trees embrace you
The wind sings for you
Where you are safe
And can be comforted

In the arms of a husband
Soft and warm
The lap of a grandparent
A rumbling voice telling you a story
The park a block down
The smell of sap staining your nose
A corner in which you sit
Gray and plain
Your mother's kitchen
Pie sticking to your gums
All of these can be
Where someone

It isn't easy
To find a place
That feels like home
After the apple-picking
Life has been hard
But once you find
A home
Life is sunshine
But mostly sweet
PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 8:40 pm
An essay, my best one, but the shortest one. The only issue my teacher had with it was that it was too short, which is understandable considering I wrote it in a third the time it normally takes me. I missed the actual writing dates. I had to write it in the mornings before school. And the only other big issue was that one of my examples wasn't the best, cause I sorta brushed over the main event with that character. But whatever. The topic we were asked to write about was what the author of 'To kill a Mocking Bird' defined as courage.

Circumstance. It is what we are born into as humans, and what we must face everyday of our lives. It is truly the living with, and the overcoming of, these circumstances that the author of To Kill a Mocking Bird envisions as courage. Being able to defeat your own body, your loneliness or popular opinion are all great demonstrations of courage, and are shown by three of the characters in this outstanding piece of literature.

Mrs. Dubose, an older lady by any account, had the undesirable circumstances that led to a morphine addiction, through no fault of her own. She decided that she would "kick the habit" before she died, even though it seemed like an impossible preposition. All the way to her death, this old woman suffered, refusing to accept her body's wishes. At the end of her life, the impossible came within her reach, mrs. Dubose died free of any addiction.Mrs. Dubose had a tremendous amount of courage to even consider such a feat. She did not settle for just considering it, no, she resolved to choose the harshest path, that was likely to go nowhere, and saw ti through to the end. Another character, Atticus, saw this courage and as the wise man he is, remarked that "she was the most courageous person I know."

Another lady who had plenty of courage in facing her circumstances was Mayella Ewell. Although her family was large and lived in a small space, Mayella was the only on who cared enough to clean. Every single one of her siblings were soaked in dirt and grunge and would have soiled anything they touched, but this did not discourage Mayella. She stayed at home, cleaning, staying clean herself and even grew some flowers to try and brighten the place up. Her courage was unmeasurable. She lived in poverty, received not an ounce of help from her siblings and was probably beaten by her father. To even get up in the morning must have been a splendidly harsh task. Mayella Ewell was young, but she knew even then that she must live with what she was given and make the most of it.

Now, Atticus Finch was a lawyer, and a very moral man. He was born into a family of decent standing and fair wealth. This man was also one with courage in abundance. He lived in an older town brimming with people who were set in their ways. Women were to be lady-like, Negroes were only as good as dirt, etc. Contrary to popular belief, Atticus chose to view black people as equal to himself while knowing that he would be judged critically. He even went so far as to defend a black man in court. Atticus took on a job that was doomed from the start and he knew it would affect the way the townspeople would see him for years to come. He chose to be disliked and looked down upon by the majority, simply to try and help the needy minority. If that is not courage, then what is?

These three people were all wonderful depictions of courage. It was shown in three different ways, and in three different sets of circumstances, but it was courage, true and strong. Thus, The author of To Kill a Mockingbird illustrates to its many readers that courage is born in a great variety of individuals and used to endure, change or overcome their circumstances in everyday life.

Man, that is one short essay.  

Celestial Lullaby

Celestial Lullaby

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:06 pm
From 'My Amazing Journey' A written project/scrapbook for English in which we wrote a couple things about various places around the world. Unfortunately all the entries are marred by required bullets and factual information.

The music blared from the instruments placed in the round theater, notes gushing into the open air at an amazing pace. Here on the cobblestone street people danced to their hearts content, often a yip or a scream made its way into the blend of rhythm left to float above the peoples' heads. It was the 5th day of the family's adventure tour here at Cuba. Inscribed on the letter sent to the three sibling by their grandfather was a simple note: Go to http://cultural-tours.gordonsguide.com and then be off with you!

Obediently and trusting their grandpa's judgment, the trio went to the pre-paid adventure tour with open minds and hearts. It was amazing how fast they both found themselves being filled up.

Each day the group had explored a different section of Cuba, experiencing a new type of music or learning a new kind of dance. Today the found themselves in a street of Old Town in Havana. Bodies were pushed together, partners formed and dances begun.

At that moment, Louisa felt a gentle touch on her left hip. She turned slowly to see a dark-haired Spanish man offer her a hand. His eyes sparkled with laughter, his skin bathed in the warm sunlight cast into the alley, even his thick eyebrows did nothing but add to his attractive composure.

Captivated, Louisa placed her pale and petite hand in his large, brown one and found herself swept away into a fast-paced salsa. The woman found it amazing that she could remember all her salsa lessons, three steps in a bar of four beats, a flick kick or tap to mark the last. Her partner seemed completely at home in this dance, leading her in a series of complicated movements and guiding her body to every place it was supposed to be.

Eventually, the song had to end, and end it did. Her partner gave her his stomach-turning smile and then moved on to a different dance partner. The girl found her eyes wandering after the man who had just left her and mentally kicked herself for getting so comfortable with a complete stranger.

Louisa Brushed shoulders with her sister for awhile, both of them dancing by themselves in a modified version of the past movements until Brian whisked Louisa away from the shadows made by the wall into the center of the dance floor. Soon the woman forgot all about her mysterious dance partner, laughing her worries away to blend with the lively tunes.
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