Name: David

Age: 30

Height: 6 foot 4

Build: David doesn't have large biceps and no abs but he is stronger then he looks.

Hair: David's Hair is short and black.

Eyes: Brown.

Profile: David was an guy that no one could picture him liking what he did in particular comics and trading cards, mostly do too the fact that he wasn't some geeky looking guy with glasses living at his parents house. At the age of 25 David had the money saved too open his own hobby store called The Magic Chest. Now at the age of 30 with more then 20 stores too his name he is ready too find someone for his other favorite hobby, sex. David is very tame around his customers but he is sick of ******** only single mothers he wants someone that he can have whenever whenever.

Kind of Master he will be: David will be an mostly nice master as long as his slave does as she is told no matter how sick or embarrassing.

Kind of slave he wants: David want's an pleasure slave that will do anything he tells her without argument or question.

Photo of David: