A Fullmetal Alchemist RP.


Username: <>
Character name: << Your Character's name>>
Age: <>
Rank (If applicable): <>
Alchemist?: <>
Homunculus?: <>
Homunculus appearance (If applicable):


2: No major profanity.
3. Try to be literate.
4. No cybering
5. No flaming
6. Random attacking is okay as long as the other person has a chance to respond.
7. Please be courteous to others
8. No auto-hitting
9. No auto-grab
10. Long quotes, NO.
11. Don't stretch the page.
12. no spamming, bumps be damned.


Character name: Shiranui A. Hitomi (Later Shiranui A. Mustang ( biggrin ?))

Age: 25 (Ages but lives forever, never changing unless she wills herself to die)

Rank: Second Lieutenant

Alchemist?: The Gravi Alchemist

Humunculous?: Insanity


Normal appearance: User Image

Homunculus Appearance (Insanity): User Image

Past/History/Bio: Arha was 6 when her parents died in the Ishbalan war. Her parents were soldiers for the Military. When she found out her parents died she went into a spiraling depression and her older sister, Melanie, stopped speaking and going out. Later a man visited her and apologized for their deaths. This man was Lt. Colonel Mustang, who Arha then developed a crush on. She then asked around about him and found out he was an alchemist. She and her sister then started to study alchemy. While her sister studied other things, she studied human transmutation. After learning, she drew the circle in their backyard and tried to revive her parents. As a result, she lost her life, and failed to bring back her parents. Her sister came out during the transmutation and saw her die. After she died her sister then started reading about human transmutation and used Arha's circle for her own transmutation. Melanie lost her life as well but brought back her sister Arha. Arha, now older because of transmutation defect, had some deformations because of her sister's not enough sacrifice. she lost her real ears and cat ears were placed instead, she lost her tail, most of the sight in her left eye, and her middle and ring finger on her left hand. Realizing the pain, she screamed and was quickly rushed to a hospital. After being discharged she wandered the countryside until the rockbells found her and gave her automail fingers, which he promptly thanked them for. She then started to noticed more that there were moments where she would black out. A while after this she realized she was a homunculus, her Ouroboros between her shoulderblades and wings. The She had all her memories, but only in bits and pieces, and sometimes she would randomly forget and remember them. She remembers Mustang clearly and never forgets her love for him so she takes the alchemy exam for the military and passes with her remembered skills to control gravity. She is later placed in Mustang's platoon as another Second Lieutenant, where she is today.