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emo sakura's journal
I finally got the first chapter done of my story!
August 13, 1999 the truth “Kona, come here a minute.” Kona ran to her father’s call. Kona was five years old, living with her father, Orochimaru, and her mother Anko. “Yes, father?”
“Kona, I am leaving and I just talked to your mother about you coming with me.” Kona looked at her father.
“Where are you going?” Kona asked. “I’m traveling to the feudal era of Japan. It’s a place filled with humans, half demons, and demons.” Kona was confused. “Father, what are half demons?” Kona asked. Orochimaru chuckled. “Well, you already know what demons are right?” Kona nodded. “Well, half demons are nor human or demon.” Kona understood now. Kona wanted to learn more about half demons. Kona smiled. “I will love to go.” Orochimaru smiled. “Great, now Kona, we are staying at a friend’s house or should I say mansion. There are already clothes for you and me but I think it would be a good idea if you would bring some things if you want.” Kona nodded and ran toward her room. Orochimaru looked at his wife. “When are you going to tell her Orochimaru?” Anko asked. Orochimaru sighed. “I will as soon as we get to the mansion.” Anko nodded.

Kona came back with her back pack will some of her clothes and some things she loved. “I’m ready father.” Orochimaru smiled. Kona ran to her mother gave her a hug and said goodbye. Orochimaru did the same and grabbed Kona’s hand in his and used the other hand to make a hand sign and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Orochimaru is a ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village and so was Anko. Kona was to when she was out of the academy.

Orochimaru and Kona appeared in front of a giant mansion.

“Well, Kona this is it.” said Orochimaru. Kona was amazed how big and beautiful the mansion is. Kona looked at her father. “Father, who are we meeting?” She asked.
“His name is Inutaisho and we are meeting his two sons too.”
“Is Inutaisho a demon?”
“Yes and so is one of his sons.” Orochimaru looked at his daughter. Its time to tell her the truth. Orochimaru thought. He kneed down and looked at his daughter.
“Kona I need to tell you something.” Orochimaru sighed. “You know when I told you about half demons?” Kona looked at her dad and nodded. “Well, when you were born yo-.”
“Orochimaru, it’s good to see you again.” Kona looked at the demon coming up the dirt road. Beside the demon was another demon. He reached up to about his father’s elbow. On the other side of the demon was a boy but this boy had silver long hair and dog ears on the top of his head. Orochimaru stood up.
“It’s good to see you to, Inutaisho.” Said Orochimaru. Inutashio smiled and then looked at Kona. “Is this Kona? Orochimaru she looks just like you. Have you told her yet?”

“I was just about to when you walked up the road.” Orochimaru looked down at Kona. “Kona, when you were born you had dog ears on your head. That only means that you are a half demon. I am a demon yes. Your mother and I were hoping that you would turn up as a human. We came here to train you and Inuyasha.” Orochimaru pointed at the boy with the dog ears. Kona looked at Inuyasha and then she looked at her father. He made a hand sign and put the other hand on her head and said release. Orochimaru lifted his hand off of his daughter’s head. She didn’t notice anything until she looked at her nails. They were longer than normal. Then she touched her teeth with her tongue. They were sharper. Finally, Kona touched the top of her head. There were dog ears! Kona kept pulling on her ears. Then, her father stopped her.
“I was surprised that you turned out to be a dog half demon instead of a snake.” Said Orochimaru.
“You’re a snake demon?” Kona asked. Her father nodded.

“Alright, Kona you stay here with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Inutaisho and I are going to talk.” Kona nodded. Orochimaru kissed Kona’s forehead and walked to Inutashio’s side. Then the two demons walked off. Kona sat down cross legged. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stared at her. There was a very long silence till Sesshomaru walked up to Kona and sat next to her. Kona looked at the demon. Sesshomaru looked a lot like his father. He had silver long hair, gold eyes, pointed ears and teeth, and long nails. He wore a white torso with a black and yellow slash around his waste. He smiled.
“I’m Sesshomaru and that is, Inuyasha, my half brother.” Kona looked at Inuyasha. Inuyasha also had long silver, gold eyes, long nails, dog ears, and pointed teeth.

“You have dog ears too. Are you a half demon?” He nodded.
“Since you are going to be here awhile may as well show you the village.” Sesshomaru got off the ground, smiled at Kona, and offered his hand to her. Kona gladly took Sesshomaru’s hand and Sesshomaru pulled Kona off the ground.

“Thank you, Sesshomaru.” Sesshomaru nodded and let go of Kona’s hand.

“Well are you two love birds ready or not?” asked Inuyasha. Sesshomaru’s smile faded and Kona blushed. Sesshomaru and Kona walked up to Inuyasha and whacked him on the head. Inuyasha fell to the ground. He was rolling on the ground holding his head. A huge bump appeared on Inuyasha’s head. Sesshomaru started walking down the dirt road and Kona followed. Inuyasha got off the ground and ran after them. “Well, Kona mostly the village is filled with shops, farmer’s garden, and huts. Nothing special.” Said Sesshomaru explaining to Kona what was in the village. Kona looked around the village. It was nice and calm.

“It’s so peaceful” she said. “My village is usually really busy and loud”

Its true, people are running around, shopping, finishing missions, and delivering stuff to shops.

“Kona, when we get back to the mansion you are to change. It’s not a very good idea you wearing that type of clothing.” said Sesshomaru looking at her. Kona was wearing her usual clothes. A pair of blue jeans with holes in the knees and a black shirt with a kunai knife with a snake running up the kunai. She was also wearing blue sandals and a very long tan jacket that touched the ground.

“What type of clothes do you want me to wear?” asked Kona

“Kimonos” Sesshomaru answered

“Oh come on, I hate that girl stuff.”

“Stop complaining. Girls need to wear kimonos not what you are wearing.” said Inuyasha.

“Whatever mutt face. You should see what the women wear at my village.” Kona yelled.

“What did you call you little wench.” Sesshomaru chuckled at the two.

“You heard me fee fee.” At that point Inuyasha tackled Kona. Sesshomaru started laughing at the name Kona called Inuyasha. After a few minutes of yelling and fighting, Inuyasha had a black eye and Kona had scratches all over her. Sesshomaru was still laughing.

“What are you laughing at?” Inuyasha snapped.

“I’m laughing at you, fee fee and that you got a black eye.”

“I’m strong for my age.” said Kona.

“Okay Kona after giving Inuyasha a black eye and calling him fee fee, you can wear whatever you want. I can tell you and me are going to get along really well.”

Sesshomaru smirked and showed Kona the rest of the village. After showing Kona the rest of the village Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kona walked back to the mansion. As the three entered the mansion, they heard their father’s voices. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha led Kona into the living room where both fathers were sitting at a low black table with pillows along it. Orochimaru notice the three walk in.

“Kona what happen to you?” he asked.

“Inuyasha, what happen to your eye?” asked Inutaisho. Both half demons pointed at each other.

“He called me wench”

“She called me mutt face and fee fee.”

Both fathers looked at each other and started laughing. After a couple of minutes of laughing Orochimaru spoke.

“Well, looks like we are going to have our hands full, Inutaisho.”

“We sure are.” Said Inutaisho wiping a tear.

“What do you mean?” asked Kona

“Tomorrow you and Inuyasha are starting your training.” Kona’s father answered.

“Training? What training?” asked Inuyasha?

"Well, I don’t know about you but I have ninja training.” said Kona

“Actually Kona-Chan, all demons and half demons have attacks and you and my son need to know what they are and how to use those attacks” said Inutaisho with a smile but it faded into a confused look. “I have a question. Why did you call my son fee fee?

“Well, at my village some people name their pet dog’s fee fee. Well, your son is part dog.” Said Kona rubbing the back of her head. Inutaisho walked in front of Kona and kneed down so that they were face to face. “So tell me. I’m pretty much a dog. Are you going to call me fee fee?” Kona crossed her arms and gave Inutaisho one of her evil smirks.

“Only if you make me mad.” Inutaisho starred at Kona and started laughing. He patted top of kona’s head.

“You got one heck of a kid here, Orochimaru. She can stick up for herself and she’s cute.” Kona blushed when Inutaisho touched her head and called her cute. Inutaisho notice this when he turned to look at her. He smiled at Kona. Then, a woman walked into the room. “Lord Inutaisho, dinner is ready.”

“Thank you.” The woman walked out of the room. “Well let’s eat.” The demon lord stood up and walked into the same room the servant just walked in. Orochimaru, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kona all followed the demon lord. Kona found herself in a big and beautiful room. The walls were painted blood red and in the middle of the room was a long black low table with pillows where you sit on. On the table was some good looking food. Kona was brought out of her thoughts by her father’s voice.

“Kona are going to eat?” he asked

“Huh? Oh yeah” Kona sat down next her father. Kona looked down at her plate. Kona’s eyes widen when she saw her food. It was her favorite dinner. Beef, broccoli, and rice. Inutaisho notice Kona’s eyes widen.

“What’s the matter Kona? Don’t you like beef, broccoli, and rice?” Inutaisho asked. Kona looked at the dog demon and smiled. “Actually it’s my favorite.” Kona picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

After a few minutes of silence, Inutaisho spoke. “Kona your father told me you want to become a powerful samurai ninja. You are a ninja?”

“Not yet. I have to graduate from the academy first. Everyone of the Mitarashi clan has become a great samurai. I’m next in line to inherit the Mitarashi sword.” Kona looked at her father. “Is that right, father?” Orochimaru chewed the rest of food in his and smiled at his daughter. “That’s right Kona. But you have to start your training here and then you will have the sword.”

“So what is this great Mitarashi sword any way?” Inutaisho asked.

“The sword is how our clan was named the second greatest clan in the country of fire. It can observe the power of a sword or any weapon. My clan’s ancestors kept a record of who and how many weapons the sword copied. Right now the record is 100,000 swords and I’m going to break it.” Kona smiled and did a piece sign. Orochimaru smiled at his daughter.

“I see, now Sesshomaru, when we are done eating can you show her room?” Inutiasho asked. Sesshomaru nodded.

Kona ate slowly. She didn’t want the dinner to end. She was enjoying herself. It’s been awhile since I ate dinner with my father. Kona thought to herself. After anther few minutes of silence a green guy walked in the dinning room. Kona’s eyes widen and she jumped. “Wha-whats that?” Kona pointed at the green guy. The green guy ran next to Sesshomaru

“Lord Sesshomaru what is a half demon doing in your father’s house?” asked the little green man.

“Oh come on can’t Inuyasha have a nice home and good food once in awhile?” Kona asked. Inutaisho and Orochimaru laughed. Sesshomaru smirked and Inuyasha just gave Kona a cold glare.

“Jacken, this is Kona and her father, Orochimaru.” Inutaisho explained. “She just found out that she was a half demon and starting her training with Inuyasha in the morning.”

Jacken sat on the pillow next to Sesshomaru. “So… Jacken what are you?” Kona asked.
“I’m a servant of lord Sesshomaru.” Jacken answered.

“Ah I see. So that explains why you are a little green guy. That explains it.” Kona said in a sarcastic voice.

“I’m an imp.”


Once dinner was over Sesshomaru showed Kona her room. Sesshomaru and Kona walked in a long hallway. It was really dark and had pictures all over the wall. Sesshomaru stopped at the last door on the left. Sesshomaru slid open the door and let Kona enter the room first. I was a beautiful room. The walls were painted black and the black faded into a blood red. The bed was a king size with a black comforter on it. Kona saw a glass door that led out to the balcony.

“Wow this is an amazing room.” Kona said

“Glad you like it. This was my mother’s room. Over there is your wardrobe.” Sesshomaru pointed at the wardrobe. Kona walked over and pulled open the doors. She turned around and looked at Sesshomaru. “I hate you.” Was all she said. Sesshomaru just smirked.

“When you are training you are aloud to wear you normal clothes. But when you are out in the village or just sitting around the mansion you are to wear those kimonos.” Kona closed the doors to her dresser. “Well, Inuyasha’s room is a crossed your room and my father’s room and my room are in the east side of the mansion. The bathroom is that door right there.” Sesshomaru pointed at the door. “I will be heading back to my room. Is there anything you need before I go?”

“No thank you. I’m fine.”
“Okay then, goodnight Kona.”
“Goodnight Sesshomaru”
Sesshomaru walked out of the room sliding the door shut. Kona walked over to her wardrobe and opened the door to find something to wear for bed. She found a white silk robe to sleep in. Kona went into the bathroom to change. The bathroom was way different than the one at her house. It had a toilet but the bath was different. It was like a built in sauna. After a few minutes Kona walked out of the bathroom and laid herself on the bed. She pulled the blankets over her chin and closed her eyes.

Kona woke up in sweat. This was the sixth time Kona had a nightmare. Her nightmares were usually about her father either leaving the village or was killed. Kona got out of bed and went out to the balcony to look at the moon. Kona loved the moon. She had no idea why though. Inutaisho walked into Kona’s room to check on her. But he didn’t find her in her bed but out on the balcony. Inutaisho slid open the door to the balcony and sat next to Kona.

“Kona, what are you doing up so late?”

“I had a nightmare” Inutaisho looked at Kona. She was crying. “What was it about?”
“My father left my village. Everyday I would ask my mom when my father would be home and she would always say he will be back soon. Then two ninja come back with news that my father was dead” At that point Kona started crying harder. “Then they tell me that they found him ten feet from the village gate. The two ninja said that they haven’t moved the body. I run out of my house and run to my father’s body. I see my father’s body covered in blood. That’s when I woke up”

Kona was still crying and she started trembling. Inutaisho noticed Kona trembling.

“Is this the first time you’ve had a dream like that?” Inutaisho asked
“This is the sixth time. Sometimes it’s worse. I’m usually the one who was dead your I killed the whole village.” Inutaisho’s eyes widen. Kona looked at Inutaisho. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying.

“Do you remember when I told you that my clan is the second strongest? Well, the Huuyga clan is the strongest. They have some sort of kaiginkai. They are able to see into the future or predict other people’s destiny. Well they predicted mine and when I am older I’m to destroy the whole village with some organization.”

Inutaisho notice that Kona’s eyes were blue instead of gold. Those eyes. I haven’t seen eyes like hers since the great miko who created the sacred jewel. Her eyes would change color with her mood. Inutaisho picked Kona up and laid her on his lap. Kona looked at Inutaisho who just stared into her eyes. Kona laid her head on his chest.

“Kona why didn’t you go to your father? Most kids your age would scream and run to their parents. Why don’t you?” Kona just shrugged. “I like the moon better to comfort me.”

“I see, the moon comforts you.”

“Uh-huh.” Kona shut her eyes and fell asleep. Inutaisho stood with Kona in his arms and laid her down on her bed. Inutaisho turned around and walked out of Kona’s room. When Inutiasho turned around from sliding the door close he comes face to face with Orochimaru.

“Orochimaru what are you doing up?” Inutaisho asked

“I came to check on Kona.”

“I came to do the same. When I came she wasn’t in her bed, she was sitting on the balcony looking at the moon. She said that she had a nightmare.”

“She has been having a lot of dreams lately. I catch her asleep on the roof a lot.

“Does she always hold her blanket so close to her?”

“Kona started doing that when she this guy named Kakashi Hatake. He always watched over Kona when I and her mom are out. Kona falls asleep his lap and always wrap his arms around her.”

“I see, so she wraps her blanket close around her because reminds her of Kakashi.”

“Yeah.” Orochimaru sighed and said goodnight to Inutaisho and both demons walked back to their rooms.

“Kona. Kona wake up.” Sesshomaru was sent to wake Kona up. Kona only stirred.

“Come on Kona get up.”

“Go away Mintoshi. Go lick your self.”

“Kona wake up.” Kona opened her eyes to find Sesshomaru. “Who is Mintoshi?”

“I’ll tell you later.” Kona got out of bed and got out her normal clothes. She walked into the bathroom to take a bath and change. Ten minutes later Kona came out dressed in all black. She wore a plain T-shirt, black pants, and a long black jacket she brought from home.

“Lets go. Breakfast is ready and your training is going to start after you eat.” Kona responded with a yawn. Kona followed Sesshomaru to the dinning room and found everyone eating. Kona sat down next to her father. Sesshomaru sat next to Inuyasha and Jacken. Kona picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

“Kona I have two questions.” Kona looked up at Sesshomaru lazily. “One who is Mintoshi and two why did you tell me to lick myself?”

Kona started rubbing the back of her head. “Hehe, well you see, Mintoshi is the guardian of the Mitarashi clan. He would usually wake me up when my mom and dad is gone. He is a wolf.” Inutaisho and Inuyasha fell back laughing when they found out that Kona told Sesshomaru to lick himself. “Sorry Sesshomaru.” He just nodded. Everyone went back to eating. Kona felt like something bite her. Kona slapped her cheek and looked at her hand. “What the?”

“Is that Myouga?” Inuyasha asked. The flea jumped from Kona’s hand to Inuyasha’s. “It is you, Myouga!” Myouga had a long white beard and was dressed in a green and white torso.

“Yes it is me. Who is that half demon girl?”

“That’s Kona. She started her training today with me.”

“Oh really?” Myouga jumped on Kona’s shoulder and then onto her neck. He bit her neck.

“Hey!” Kona smacked her neck. “You are really getting on my nerves.”

“I’m sorry but I’m a flea. What do you expect? Hey, since you gave me a drink how ‘bout I give you a drink of my special potion. It keeps you healthy and it helps you if you were poisoned. What do you say?”

“Sounds cool.”

“Be right back” Myouga jumped from Kona’s hand and jumped out of the dinning room.

“Kona if you drink that potion then you will never taste a thing again. Its taste horrible.” Inuyasha warned Kona. Myouga came back with a cup of his potion. Kona took the cup and took a sip of it. Kona’s eyes widen.

“Oh.” Inuyasha said.
“My.” Sesshomaru said.
“God.” Inutaisho said.
“This stuff taste… Great!” Kona yelled. “WHAT!?” yelled all three demons. “Let me take a drink of that, Kona.” Kona handed the cup to Orochimaru and Orochimaru took a sip. Then, he spitted it out. “My god this stuff taste horrible. What is this made of?” Orochimaru gave back the cup back to Kona and she drank the rest. “Its made of snakes blood and mushroom juice.” Kona looked into her cup. “Really? Hey, Myouga I’ll take this to go. I love this stuff.”

“Oh great! I will make some right now.” Myouga jumped out of the dinning room and Kona herd a door slide closed. “Inuyasha, is Myouga your servant?”


“Wow Sesshomaru gets and imp and you get a flea. Yeah that seems about fare.” Inutaisho stood up from seat.

“Okay, Inuyasha. Kona. Lets start your training!”

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