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What would you do if..
1.I committed suicide:
2.I said I liked you:
3.I kissed you:
4.I lived next door to you:
5.I started smoking:
6.I stole something:
7.I was hospitalized:
8.I ran away from home:
9.I got into a fight and you weren't there:

What do you think about my:



16.Who are you?
17.Are we friends?
18.When and how did we meet?
19.How have I affected you?
20.What do you think of me?
21.What's the fondest memory you have of me?
22.How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
23.Do you love me?
24.Have I ever hurt you?
25.Would you hug me?
26.Would you kiss me?
27. Would you marry me?
28.Emotionally, what stands out?
29.Do you wish I was cooler?
30.On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
31.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
32.Am I loveable?
33.How long have you known me?
34.Describe me in one word.
35.What was your first impression?
36.Do you still think that way about me now?
37.What do you think my weakness is?
38.Do you think I'll get married?
39.What about me makes you happy?
40.What about me makes you sad?
41.What reminds you of me?
42.What's something you would change about me?
43.How well do you know me?
44.Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
45.Do you think I would kill someone?
46.Are we close?
47.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

the poke
Community Member
the poke
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  • [06/23/05 05:22am]

  • User Comments: [3] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Thu Jun 23, 2005 @ 05:37am
    What would you do if.. 1.I committed suicidedie too 2.I said I liked youummm 3.I kissed youblush 4.I lived next door to youvisit u ALOT 5.I started smokingkill ya until u stop 6.I stole somethingsteal it from u 7.I was hospitalizedcome see u alot 8.I ran away from homehelp find u 9.I got into a fight and you weren't therecry What do you think about my 10.Personalitykewl n funny 11.Eyesummness 12.Faceweird? 13.Hairfunny 14.Clothesuhhh 15.Mannerisms.... Other 16.Who are you?me u idiot 17.Are we friends?yes 18.When and how did we meet?at school...how?i dunno 19.How have I affected you?u.....i 4got 20.What do you think of me?ur awesome 21.What's the fondest memory you have of me?*looks around*GILLIGAN OMFG FROM 7TH GRADE!!!!!!!!! 22.How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?4evr 23.Do you love me?perhaps 24.Have I ever hurt you?not that i know of.....*wonders* 25.Would you hug me?yesness 26.Would you kiss me?uh-huh 27. Would you marry me?......... 28.Emotionally, what stands out?......something..? 29.Do you wish I was cooler?naw 30.On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?100 31.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.poopie...i dunno y 32.Am I loveable?yes 33.How long have you known me?7th grade 34.Describe me in one word.taylor 35.What was your first impression?u were sum weirdo that i hardly evr talked 2 that sat bhind me n jenni in science ^_^ 36.Do you still think that way about me now?nope 37.What do you think my weakness is?FRENCH PEOPLE 38.Do you think I'll get married?mayb 1 day...... 39.What about me makes you happy?ur ness 40.What about me makes you sad?umm... 41.What reminds you of me?french people n gilligans island 42.What's something you would change about me?nothing 43.How well do you know me?well i guess 44.Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?yes...talk2hand 45.Do you think I would kill someone?...yes 46.Are we close? 3nod 47.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? I GAVE IT 2 U!!!!!!!! scream

    commentCommented on: Fri Jun 24, 2005 @ 04:10am
    What would you do if.. 1.I committed suicide:.....i would cry...and put something that i cherish in ur coffin 2.I said I liked you:...well u kno.....that already happened.... 3.I kissed you:....i would be surprised....cuz ur a church boy...but i would most likey blush 4.I lived next door to you:...that would be so kool...we could hang out everyday 5.I started smoking:....meh...maybe we could do it 2gethr...jk i quit 6.I stole something:...i'de make u steal something 4 me...jk... 7.I was hospitalized:...o dunt say that.... 8.I ran away from home:...i'de find u and run away with u... 9.I got into a fight and you weren't there:....i'de be they're by soul What do you think about my: 10.Personality:...its awesome....ur gr8...but u can be an a** at times...lol 11.Eyes:...hmmm...i like them...u dont always see blue eyes 12.Face:...WHITE!! 13.Hair:....eww....BLONDE.... 14.Clothes:....i dunt understand the question...umm...i like that u wear clothes...its terrific 15.Mannerisms:.....well u are a church boy.... Other: 16.Who are you? u know who i am 17.Are we friends? of course 18.When and how did we meet? we met at the beginning of the year in social studies...that was when we 1st started talking 2 each othr.... 19.How have I affected you?...u made me .....stop smoking....in a wierd twisted way.. 20.What do you think of me? ur kool...but ur missing my b-day so ur an a** 21.What's the fondest memory you have of me? thrs many...but remember that time whr i couldnt find the light switch and u would make fun of me 4 weeks...good times... 22.How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? friends 4 evr....just call me more often 23.Do you love me? of course...ur my b***h 24.Have I ever hurt you? well ur missing my b-day...so yea *tear* 25.Would you hug me?....i've done it b4... 26.Would you kiss me?...if u want me 2... 27. Would you marry me?...give me a nice ring first and then i'll think about it... 28.Emotionally, what stands out?....i dunt get the question... 29.Do you wish I was cooler?....hmm...if it was possible...ur already kool 30.On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?hmm...8? 31.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.....church boy...u kno the story behind that 32.Am I loveable?....yep...like a teddy bear...lol 33.How long have you known me?...umm like a year-ish?? 34.Describe me in one word.....TAYLOR 35.What was your first impression?....funni...well....u made fun of my mustache i drew on myslf...hmm....ur mean... 36.Do you still think that way about me now?.....nopers....ur kool...n u nevr make fun of my stupidity anymore...well u do...sometimes... 37.What do you think my weakness is?......ME!! 38.Do you think I'll get married?....yea...wit sum church chick...lol 39.What about me makes you happy?...ur sex...umm jk...lol...hmmm...everything... 40.What about me makes you sad?....u missing my birthday 41.What reminds you of me?....mustashes...and lightswitches..n blonde people...n...churches...n my bracelate that u gave me 42.What's something you would change about me? i would make u not miss my b-day.. 43.How well do you know me? from skool.... 44.Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?....sometimes... 45.Do you think I would kill someone?...never....2 godly.... 46.Are we close? as close as it gets niggr.... 47.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?hmm...maybe ...maybe not...im 2 lazy rite now...or maybe im not

    Community Member

    Your Friend
    commentCommented on: Fri Oct 21, 2005 @ 12:02am
    I wanted to redo it...see what changed after....our whole world's changed along with everything in them.... What would you do if.. 1.I committed suicide: i probably wouldnt even know about it since we dont go to the same school anymore...I'de end up finding out like a month later and frantically crying and cutting myself like crazyabout one of my good friends dying...one of those that i knew i could trust and tell secrets to without being paranoid about if they would tell anyone or not....someone more reliable than my very best friend... 2.I said I liked you: just like you have before....i remember exactly what happened....we were having an engaging conversation...not the boring ones that are like hi..whats up..nm..hbu?...sos...kool...gtg bye ttyl...but one of those rare ones where you excually want to stay online and chat...it was great...and then you said something....and i didnt get it and your like...im saying i like you....it was kind of wierd at first but then...it felt kool to have someone like you to like me...i saved the converstation...but it got deleted after a while...i wish i still had it... 3.I kissed you: you'de have more time hooking up with chicks at richards instead of one of you "old" friends...its like we barely even know each other anymore...but if you really think about it...we went through SOO much together..we had fun times and bad times...like remember that time where we couldnt stop laughing with Manure and Mrs. Stiers was gonna kick us out of the class....good times.... 4.I lived next door to you: we would exually go to the same school...wouldnt that be great...and even though things would still be different, we'de still be best friends and we'd see each other everyday...and i would come over everyday...and if i was Mensral i would make you get me brownies....or whatever i was craving...it would be fun...we'd do our homework together...and watch my favorite shows...and we'd rent movies and watch them....but no sleepovers sorry..your a boy... 5.I started smoking: TAYLOR...SMOKING???...wierd s**t...but i've seen wierder....i'de probably smoke with you....just messing...I'de make you quit cuz then it would be just so wierd seeing you smoke...since you still are a church boy and such.... 6.I stole something: it depends on what it it...if its chocolate i would steal it from you and eat it ...but if it was not an eadible thing than i would make you return it...plus...its not like a church boy to steal anything...God would'nt be very proud of you... 7.I was hospitalized: after everything we've been through together...you can bet I would be there even if you just broke a finger....at least you'll never be on the 4th floor...there the crazy people go....*shivers*...i remember when my mom was there....do you remember.... it was tough....i had friends to pull me through...and you were definately one of them.... 8.I ran away from home: You better call me before you run away so i can be right there with you...my life totally sucks...to much pressure and pain at my house anyways so i'de be happy to get away from everything...we'de run all the way to California...or where ever you want to go...it would be like a road trip...only not.... 9.I got into a fight and you weren't there: well how can i be there....since you never even call me anymore...i probably wouldnt even know about it....but as soon as i did hear about it i would come over with a GET WELL CARD...and kiss all your BOO BOO's....deal? What do you think about my: 10.Personality: i dont know anymore...so many things have changed that maybe even you changed...i mean after all people do change....especially when they start high school and move on with different friends....*sigh* 11.Eyes: BLUE....like the sky...like the ocean....hehe....oceans have piss in them...and sea animals have sex in oceans....wow...i was sniffing markers today...not good for me... 12.Face: it reminds me of that one kid's...TAYA...yep...identical faces...its like you guys are mirrors... 13.Hair: ....resebles your stupidity...and your innocence.... 14.Clothes: clothes are clothes...they never reflect what kind of person you are...so it shouldnt even matter... 15.Mannerisms: im gonna skip this one...because i have no idea what they mean by that... Other: 16.Who are you? ME?...yeah...your right...you probably forgot...its been a while....you know...every since we dont go to the same sc=kool anymore....yep things change.... 17.Are we friends? ....well we used to be like best friends...i dont know what happened.... 18.When and how did we meet? In 8th grade in Social Studies, Mrs. Mayfields class 7th period...yeah wen you and Mani used to make fun of me everyday after the day i drew a mustache on myself...hey im a very comedian-like person...i like to come out of my shell once in a while and if drawing a mustache on me does that then i would draw a mustache on myslf everyday if i had to...but i dont....so im gonna sit down and shut my mouth now.... 19.How have I affected you? tramendously!!!....theres just so much....you helped my pass some of my darkest times...like Jr. high...especially 8th grade of course with all my "issues" and it ment alot to me...and now that your gone i dont feel that suport anymore.... 20.What do you think of me? one of those friends that eventually moves on... 21.What's the fondest memory you have of me? You know how many good times we had...like everyday in mrs. stiers class....i miss her so much...and social studies...that was fun..and the mustache deal....all the jokes we made...there was so much..and that time you walked to my house and got in trouble...good times... 22.How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?Enemies...never...friends...time can only tell 23.Do you love me? of course i do...would i be wasting my valuable time answering these questions for the 2nd time if i didnt love you...i dont think so... 24.Have I ever hurt you? ....yes....and i know it wont stop... 25.Would you hug me? of course i would...and it would be a very long hug cuz i havnt hugged u in ages... 26.Would you kiss me?....sloppy seconds?....i dont know...jk...i would... 27. Would you marry me? no...you moved on....we barely see each other...i would hate to see it once we got married.... 28.Emotionally, what stands out? ....you used to care... 29.Do you wish I was cooler? never...your kool enough for me...if you were any kooler you wouldnt be friends with me... 30.On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?.....7 31.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. ...TAYA...talented:makes people happy...Angry: wen i dont tell you something...Young grasshopper: you dont understand as much as you think you do....Another One: one of those.....people....that will stick with you forever...even if they stop talking... 32.Am I loveable? yesh 33.How long have you known me? a year....it seemed like just yesterday.... 34.Describe me in one word. UNFORGETABLE 35.What was your first impression? is he gay? 36.Do you still think that way about me now? of course not....maybe...sometimes...often? 37.What do you think my weakness is? ummm god? 38.Do you think I'll get married? of sourse taylor...and she would be a lucky one...dont 4get to invite me to ur wedding... 39.What about me makes you happy? That your always gonna be taylor...the person i can tell things to....the person i can trust and be myself around...the one i can pig out infront of and dance like a moron...and sing if i wanted to knowing that i would pop your ear drums with that noise....just someone i could be myself with and get help with all my problems...kinda like a shrink...but i have enough of those...ill just call you my...friend 40.What about me makes you sad? athe fact that now me and you go to different schools and we wont be able to go back in time and relive those years at Prairie and laugh and have fun again together.. 41.What reminds you of me? French mustaches...prairie...richards...knives...8th grade memories...and alot more.... 42.What's something you would change about me? for you to go to Richards 43.How well do you know me? i knew you last year...but people change... 44.Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? ummm yea...im pretty much sure that happened a couple times... 45.Do you think I would kill someone? me... 46.Are we close? like two peas in a pot 47.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? we went over this already... ok...so i finally send it...it took me a while...this is what i told you i would send to you...dealing with the past and all the changes...i took alot of time on this...so i hope you read it and like it...i love you

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