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A Being of Unrealistic Nature
Heswina Covvant

User ImageName: Heswina Covvant (Hes-Ween-Ah Ko-van-t)
Mode of Combat: Aldian Berserk
Birthday: September 13th
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 330 lbs
Measurements: Broad and muscular
Birthplace: Isle of Aldia
Hobby: Fighting
Personal Treasure: Her sword
Favorite Food: Any form of red meat
Dislikes: Weakness
Other things worth mentioning: Heir of Aldian Court - Princess of the island kingdom of Aldia


The Aldian race, by evolution, is a race of strengthened warriors. As such, genetically, Heswina is gifted with a body most professional athletes would be envious of. Having been the daughter of the kingdom's most powerful Flame Priestess and the strongest Steel Warrior she had been raised accordingly, which left her with an extremely able body.

Standing at an impressively tall six foot seven inches and weighing upwards of three hundred and thirty pounds of muscle and bone Heswina's muscular build is an impressive thing to behold if anyone was ever able to get her out of the heavy suit of Aldian Vanguard Plate Mail. The body of an Aldian is genetically tougher than that of an average human. Her skin is somewhere close to twelve times tougher than that of the homo sapien, the muscular fibers that compose of her intramuscular system is developed to be both heavier and tighter than a typical human, which gives her excessive strength compared to a human male of her build. Included with this is her skeleton build, which has a bone build that is considerably denser than a purely human counterpart. This means her body is heavier and stronger than a typical human, capable of resisting far, far, more damage before succumbing to even the most basics of injury. Her body's genetic nature is also extremely efficient at disposing of amino acids that build up in the muscles, causing her body to retain it's muscular build despite periods of inactivity and her ability to shrug off the immediate effects of fatigue without having to pump her body full of adrenaline.

A prime example of Heswina's physical prowess is to note that she is rarely, if ever, seen outside of her suit of Royal Aldian Vanguard Plate Mail - a four hundred pound monster suit of armor - and, in addition to that, is a continual force on the battle field while wielding her b*****d sword - a twelve pound, forty eight inch, double edged, broad bladed monster that most humans would be forced to wield in a two handed grip to utilized effectively - and steel plated kite shield.

Because of Heswina's extensive biological aversion, in addition to the extensive training she placed with the heavy armor she constantly wore, she became extremely resistant to physical damage. Whether this meant a solid, brunt, attack of a mace, a thrust of a blade, or even the pierce of a bullet from a firearm Heswina's body was more resilient to it's effects than others. This was not to say, however, that she could shrug off a 5.56mm round or completely ignore a morning star's crushing blow, but that didn't mean she would fall pray to the same effects as others to the sort of attacks that would kill or disable others.
Because of this natural resistance to damage the Aldian as a people have also evolved beyond the point that allowed diseases or poisons of mild nature to afflict their bodies. In other words a weak virus or bacteria, whether they be natural or applied through more sinister means, Heswina would generally be able to over come it without any noticeable side effects.

Aldian Berserk
This style of combat is actually closer towards an absolute lack of of style than any singular identity. The Aldians, a race of large and muscular humanoids, adapted a very brunt, very balls to the wall so to speak, manner of combat. Typically armed and armored in heavy steel plate and massive two handed weapons the Aldians were perfect front line combatants. Enormous amount of damage were required to take one to the ground while at the same token they could inflict an absurd amount of casualties and damage with their great two handed weapons and excessive strength.

Aldian Berserking is closer to a physiological effect than a trained martial art. Their bodies undergo four stages of Rage or Blood Lust in which an Aldian Warrior becomes progressively more dangerous to the enemy, and it's ally.

<<More information regarding specifics of Blood Lusts in abilities>>

Rage One:
An Aldian Warrior gripped in a state of Rage One becomes increasingly stronger as they fight. The longer their body fights the stronger it becomes, making it rather imperative to kill them as fast a possible. While still retaining the ability to tell friend from foe any neutral party should immediately vacate the area of a Blood Lusting Aldian as they are unable to tell the innocent from combatant.

Rage Two:
Losing their grip on presence an Aldian Warrior enthralled within the second rank of Blood Lust is just as likely to attack friend as foe. Having received an immense boost to both physical and mystic power any Warrior caught in this level of Rage lashes out with steel and fire combined.

Rage Three:
Potentially the most chaotic, and most damaging, level of Blood Lust for an Aldian. The third rank of Rage causes any Warrior caught in it's grips to completely lose hold on reality, and self, and attack any living - actually any moving - target in it's path. While some would argue that an Aldian in the second rank is more deadly to a single opponent no one can dismiss the mass effect of an Aldian succumb to this level of pure carnage.

Rage Four:
Also known as Debello Aetas, the state of final battle. Beyond a level of Blood Lust, in which an Aldian actually gives itself freedom from it's mortal shell, a Warrior is capable of achieving near perfect physical, and mystical prowess on the battle field.

Cremotechnics (Pyro-kinetics)

The manipulation of both Flame and Steel are present in all Aldians, regardless of age, gender, or social stature. While, true, some are stronger in one than the other, both are capable to some degree by any Aldian.

Women, typically, tend to be stronger in Pyro-metabolism than their male counter parts. Such is a true fact for Heswina as well as any Aldian women. Compared to some, however, she is considerably weak and as such a potential target for criticism and taunting. Capable of manipulating the energy levels of the molecules - the easiest and by far most altered being oxygen - to the point of combustion Heswina is able to produce streams, balls, gouts, or general explosions of fire on demand. This has to due, in combination, of her mystical reverences to the Spirits of the Flame, and her race's genetic evolution.

Typically a Mystic of the Flame - any female Aldian who so chose to become a priestess of Volcanos, their deity of fire - is required to pray and accumulate her Passion for her goddess before conducting in any mystical art that might draw energies from their worship. Heswina, on the other hand, cannot touch her Passion unless she is under enough duress (typically when ever she's angry enough) which allow her to channel that Passion into a tangible form. As such any 'Cremo' based abilities cannot be used unless Heswina has subjected herself to the First, Second, or Forth teir of her Rage.

Chalybs-Metabolism (Steel/Metal kinetics)

While it's true that men tend to be stronger in Steel than women, Heswina's choice of living, and devout studies, have left her rather able to perform several feats that her male counter parts can do naturally. Though unable to manipulate the physical construct of steel, like her male counter parts, Heswina can infuse her steel with the energies of Flame and produce rather remarkable results without damaging her equipment.

The 'Chalybs' based abilities, however, are more easily accessed. Though males have an easier time with controlling their manipulation of Steel, Heswina's constant training and encumbered life style has led her to be more attuned to her metals than even some males. The difference, between herself and the males of her people, is that she must be completely armored in order to enact her 'Chalybs' abilities. To even be missing one piece of armor, whether it be her helmet or even a single gauntlet, renders her unable to interact with the metals unless driven through one of three form of her Rage, namely the First, Third, or Forth.
In order to access their manipulation of Steel and other metals, Aldians are forced to pay homage, to dedicate their Resolve to their patron god of steel and war, Bellom

* - Spell/Ability name
[<TEXT>] - Spell/Ability casting delay (ranges from Immediate [IE within same post] ; Delayed [One post casting, second post cast] ; Charged [Two post casting, third post cast] ; /Rage Cast/ [Inflicts bodily harm to immediately cast spell regardless of cost or delay])
[< # PASSION/RESOLVE>] - Effectively how much of Heswina's two pools of energy she must draw upon to use a particular Ability or Spell. Abilities or Spells that tend to have a higher energy cost also tend to have a higher delay as well.}

* Shield Slam

[Immediate - 1 RESOLVE]

By gathering her Resolve to Bellom within her body Heswina is capable of producing a sudden surge of vicious, violent, energy. While the drawn energy is no where near enough to damage her own impressive physic her opponent may want to be wary of the bone crushing charge typically unleashed in the form of a steel battering ram that Heswina effectively turns herself into.

* Shield Brace

[Immediate - 2 RESOLVE]

Similar to her ability to bash an opponent away with her Resolve, Heswina is able to draw that energy into herself and hunker down - for lack of a better term - in an effort to reduce incoming damage. This ability is only capable while equipped with a shield.
While the Shield Brace is in effect any damage inflicted against the shield is reduced by 75% of it's total effectiveness.

* Charge

[Delayed - 5 RESOLVE]

Pulling her Resolve into her body, particularly her legs and sword arm, Heswina is capable of producing a bone shattering charge. This ability is a reckless abandonment of personal safety in exchange for a dramatic increase in offensive capabilities. For a short duration after this ability is activated all damage received by Heswina is given an extra half of it's starting effect (Heswina receives 1.5x damage per attack for two turns/posts) in exchange her strength is nearly doubled on attacks (all attacks are given a 2x bonus so long as Heswina initiates the clash)

* Crescent Slash

[Charged - 7 RESOLVE]

Though this ability requires several turns/posts of uninterrupted charge the ending result can be extremely devastating. After two turns/posts of undisturbed charge Heswina can produce a long distance slash at an opponent within an average distance - to date maximum range seems to be fifty yards. When Heswina slashes her sword, so long as her opponent is within range, an identical and instant transference of energy is directed at her foe. The damage inflicted is the same as though she had been standing within sword's reach and attacking with her physical weapon.

* Hot Lips

[Immediate - 1 PASSION]

Pulling the Passion from her body - typically stored within what most would claim is the stomach region - Heswina is able to infuse her lungs with burning energy. Her ability to project this burning energy is similar to what one would imagine breathing fire would look like. Though not a very powerful attack, at least in her opinion as her body is naturally resistant to flames, it does serve well as a quick, sneak, attack and distraction.

* Fire Rain

[Charge - 5 PASSiON]

Volcanos, it was said, wept tears of liquid fire when her betroth was taken from her warm, loving, embrace. The embodiment of that sorrow and rage is transferred through Heswina, as a living conduit of Flame, as a means of raining death and fire down upon her foes. Though it requires a suitable level of anger (not necessarily Rage) this ability can be charged even during bouts of intensive physical combat.

* Enchant Weapon - Fire

[Immediate - 1 PASSION - 2 RESOLVE]

Pulling the powers from both Volcanos and Bellom, the goddess of Fire and the God of Steel and War, Heswina, as most Aldians, are able to enchant their weapon in a sheath of fire. This effect will last for a duration of five turns/posts and causing a 'splash' effect when striking. In other words the liquid flame property of the fire coating the blade will splash out, often times forward, through an enemy's guard to strike them regardless. While most weapons and armor will feel the full brunt of the fire's effect Heswina's own weapon is unharmed by it.

* Flame Wreath

[Delayed - 3 PASSION - 1 RESOLVE]

Wreathing herself in what amounts to liquid fire Heswina creates around herself a damage shield of fire. When struck, whether it be in the form of a ranged, physical, or magical attack a glob of liquid fire is launched back at her attacking in retribution for the damage inflicted. While the opponent's armor and guard will feel the full effect of the fiery damage inflicted by the damage shield Heswina's own armor becomes immune to fire for the duration of three turns/posts this ability is in effect.

* Blood Sieve

[Immediate - 2 RESOLVE]

A race of able bodied warriors and mystic priestess. The Aldian people have developed a trait through their mystic and brutal trainings to trade one for the other. To Blood Sieve is to draw one's blood - their essence of life for all intensive purposes - and transform the dormant energy within into a 'magical' reserve. The results of draining their own life for energy is to replenish their lost Passion as well as removing any bodily fatigue. (Heswina adds +1 PASSION to her reservoirs as well as recovers from all fatigue related reductions)

* Energy Sieve

[Immediate - 1 PASSION]

To heal oneself on the field of battle is an essential skill for any warrior to have. For an Aldian this is taught even before the teaching of the sword. Drawing forth their burning Passion, even the males are capable of doing this though at a higher cost, Aldians are capable of restoring their wounded body and their Resolve. In order to do this Aldians force their 'mystical' energy out of their body in the form of a hazy blue cloud, which is than reabsorbed into their body as a dark red mist. (Heswina adds +1 RESOLVE to her reservoirs as well as recovering any nonlethal damage)


Aldians are born into blood, the birth of an Aldian child often causes ruptured walls within the birthing mother leading to the woman's death if she is not strong enough to survive the birthing. Though none could honestly say if this is the immediate cause, or the generations upon generations of breeding within a society of war fixated giants, but the ending results is the Rage, or the Blood Lust.

* Rage One

[Immediate - 50 R.P (Rage Points)]

As one might expect from someone gripped in a Rage, Heswina loses the general awareness of herself in the red hazed berserk mode. Though it becomes difficult for Heswina to discern friend from foe it is still possible, leaving her prone to attacking an ally until the situation can be cleared up - generally with a lot of cussing towards Heswina. Any Aldian gripped in a Rage automatically receives a series of benefits to their combat abilities. For the first rank of Blood Lust, Heswina is given a sizable increase to her offensive capabilities (All attacks, regardless of who initiated the clash, receives a 2.5x modifier towards damage). In addition to that her PASSION and RESOLVE reservoirs are automatically refilled, it also enables her to utilize her powerful Rage Abilities and Rage Spells.

* Rage Two

[Immediate - 150 R.P (Rage Points)]

Drawn deeper into her people's greatest weapon and most horrible curse, Heswina is capable of drawing forth powers which put to shame her original state. Anyone, friend or innocent, who is in her immediate vicinity should flee as she will no longer be able to tell either from foe. Increasing her offensive abilities (An additional 4x modifier is given to Heswina's attacks, regardless who initiates the clash), is merely a start for the second level of Blood Lust. Once more restoring her PASSION and RESOLVE reservoirs Heswina also increases both limits by 1.5x their original levels, giving her an increase in power as well as a drastic increase in speed of casting (All Rage Abilities / Spells are given 2x damage modifiers as well as a speed modifier [All abilities / spells are now performed 1 turn quicker]).

* Rage Three

[Delayed - 450 R.P (Rage Points)]

What most consider to be the final state of the Aldian Blood Lust, the Third Rage is by far the most terrifying. Lost to all sense of reality beyond the battle field Heswina is granted strength beyond comprehension (All attacks are given a 6x modifier when she initiates the clash. All attacks are given a 10x modifier when the opponent initiates the clash), especially when she is forced on the defensive. Because of her lack of grasp on the world beyond her sword Heswina loses her ability to channel her PASSION, instead dumping it into her RESOLVE reservoir (Half of Heswina's PASSION reservoir is added onto her total RESOLVE reservoir. Both are filled before merger). In addition to a sizable increase in her offensive capabilities Heswina's defensive abilities are also jumped considerably to compensate for her sudden lack of PASSION (All damage inflicted against Heswina while in this state is reduced 50%).

* Rage Four - Debello Aetas

[Immediate - 00 R.P (Rage Points)]

None saw an Aldian's Debello Aetas and lived to tell a soul. As such it's capabilities are unavailable.


* Cremo Strike

[Immediate - +1+ PASSION]

Infusing her attack, be it with a sword, hammer, arrow, firearm, or even her bare fist, with refined Passion, Heswina is able to take this purified essence of Fire and apply it, through her rage, into a tangible, rather volatile, attack. Though this is, technically, a low level attack the damage output is directly determined upon how much Passion Heswina infuses with her strike. (Every additional PASSION used in this ability increased the damage inflicted by 1x [IE 2 PASSION gives the attack a 2x damage modifier. 3 PASSION gives 3x damage modifier, ect.]). With the increase in damage a slight charge requirement is also needed if the draw becomes too large. (Any cost over 4 PASSION requires 1 additional turn/post to charge)

* Arrow De Cremo

[Immediate - +1+ PASSION]

Similar to the Cremo Strike the Arrow De Cremo is the ability that allows Heswina to project arrows of solidified flames. These arrows cause tremendous physical damage upon impact, for starters. After impact they burst into their basic, fiery, nature once more, dousing not just the target, but the immediate area with liquid flames. Heswina is able to amass her Passion into the Arrow De Cremo to cause a stronger, more solid, attack (Every additional PASSION used in this ability increased the damage inflicted by 1x [IE 2 PASSION gives the attack a 2x damage modifier. 3 PASSION gives 3x damage modifier, ect.]). With the increase in damage a slight charge requirement is also needed if the draw becomes too large. (Any cost over 4 PASSION requires 1 additional turn/post to charge)

* Cremo Chaos

[Charge - +2+ PASSION]

An apparent random, and chaotic, discharge of Heswina's rage filled Passion unleashes a torrential storm of liquid fire in a wide, spreading, field around her. The greater the distance the more spread between each bolt of fire, making it an extremely effective close to mid range area of affect attack. Though it is of less effectiveness against targets further away, she happened to be firing it into a mass of hostile forces it works just as well. (Additional PASSION used in this ability increased the damage inflicted by 1x [IE 4 PASSION gives the attack a 2x damage modifier. 6 PASSION gives 3x damage modifier, ect.]). With the increase in damage a slight charge requirement is also needed if the draw becomes too large. (Any cost over 4 PASSION requires 1 additional turn/post to charge)

* Cremo Avian

[Charge - 10 PASSION]

It was said that Volcanos, even as a deity over the forces of fire, envied a bird in flight. She would lay within her palace watching them through her windows in the heaven, wishing to take flight herself. It wasn't until one day, when an avian comprised solely of the very Flames which Volcanos held reign over. This creature, the Cremo Avian, became immediately, and irrecoverably, bound to the Fire Deity and often descends from it's lofty palace home to aid the faithful Aldian worshipers.


Royal Aldian Vanguard Plate Mail

Though technically a ceremonial suit the warlike nature of the Aldians prevent them from creating anything that cannot be effectively utilized in combat. This armor is no exception. Weighing a whopping four hundred pounds of thick, over lapping, plates, leather reinforced joints, and chain link under suit the Vanguard Plate is a testimony to the term Juggernaut of the Battlefield.

~Aldian steel, an alloy forged from the metals found on Heswina's home world of existence, is a very dense, very heavy, metal that displays odd properties. Due to the planet's mystic nature, supposedly forcefully forged when the deities of her reality clashed at the center of the universe, the minerals found within adopted traits of the various deities worshiped across the planet's surface. The minerals that comprises Aldian Steel follow the traits of three respective deities. Bellom, the God of steel and war, imbued the metal with extra density and strength making it more difficult to destroy despite it being 'softer' than some other metals out there. Aoctos, the God of Growth and Continuation, gave the metal 'healing' properties. Damage inflicted against the steel will recover after time, meaning no suit of armor that isn't completely destroyed or dismember is ever damaged for too long. And finally Volcanos, who's fiery imbued attributes allows a great deal of energy to become stored within the metal during it's forging. Which makes it less prone to 'vibration' effects from serious clashes or impurities during the metal casting.~

((Character template credit goes to Tresondros Ecstuffuan))

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