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Plz do this? OwO
It would be cool <3

What would you do if:

[1] I committed suicide:
[2] I said I liked you:
[3] I kissed you:
[4] I lived next door to you:
[5] I started smoking:
[6] I stole something:
[7] I was hospitalized:
[8] I ran away from home:
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:

What do you think about my:

[1] Personality:
[2] Eyes:
[3] Face:
[4] Hair:
[5] Clothes:
[6] Mannerisms:


[1] Who are you?
[2] Are we friends?
[3] When and how did we meet?
[4] How have I affected you?
[5] What do you think of me?
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
[8] Do you love me?
[9] Have I ever hurt you?
[10] Would you hug me?
[11] Would you kiss me?
[13] Would you marry me?
[14] Emotionally, what stands out?
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[18] Am I loveable?
[19] How long have you known me?
[20] Describe me in one word.
[21] What was your first impression?
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?
[23] What do you think my weakness is?
[24] Do you think I'll get married?
[25] What about me makes you happy?
[26] What about me makes you sad?
[27] What reminds you of me?
[28] What's something you would change about me?
[29] How well do you know me?
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[31] Do you think I would kill someone?
[32] Are we close?
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 12:43am
In regard to my friend Olivia (TearAlchemist) What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: cry forever & more. [2] I said I liked you: ... ask why. [3] I kissed you: ... blush all over. and then I don't know. [4] I lived next door to you: [5] I started smoking: beg you to stop. [6] I stole something: tell you how wrong it was. xD; [7] I was hospitalized: visit you everyday until you were better. [8] I ran away from home: ... try to convince you to go back home. then get you to come to my house. x3; [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: beat up whatever mothertrucker you were fighting with. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: lovable. ^^ [2] Eyes: Dazzling~ [3] Face: Cuuuute! :3 [4] Hair: shiny. [5] Clothes: original. [6] Mannerisms: awesome. x3 You're so assertive and don't let someone in your way. Other: [1] Who are you? Megzy-kins~ [2] Are we friends? PSHAW. [3] When and how did we meet? Met sometime couple years back through another friend... [4] How have I affected you? ... in many ways. you've taught me so many things about myself and life. [5] What do you think of me? A strong, smart young woman who will do great things with her life. [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Staying up all night just to talk. <3 [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Forever. [8] Do you love me? Seme/Uke love is a strong thing, dudes. Besides, it's like the big sis/little sis thing, too. [9] Have I ever hurt you? ... I think so. [10] Would you hug me? Of course! You'd get sick of all the hugs. [11] Would you kiss me? on the cheek. [13] Would you marry me? nah, I'm straight. <333 I'll be the one choosin' what b*****d can have you instead. [14] Emotionally, what stands out? You're so understanding. [15] Do you wish I was cooler? BEING COOL IS OVERRATED. :3 [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? ... 5,670,098,233,934,2838.9879. [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. SEME. because you always give me advice and treat me like a little sister. <3 [18] Am I loveable? Damn straight. [19] How long have you known me? Seems like forever. [20] Describe me in one word: Joyful. [21] What was your first impression? You were nice~ [22] Do you still think that way about me now? ... look up at that number, genius. <333 [23] What do you think my weakness is? Too much pressure/stress. [24] Do you think I'll get married? Of course I do. [25] What about me makes you happy? You're always so happy and outrageous, but also know when things are serious. You handle yourself very well during those kinds of difficult conversations, and it's something I admire. <333 [26] What about me makes you sad? When you doubt your future... which isn't often, thankfully! ^^ [27] What reminds you of me? A happy, friendly puppy. :3 [28] What's something you would change about me? Nothing. You are who you are, and I love it all. [29] How well do you know me? Like the back of my hand~? [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? ... Yeah... [31] Do you think I would kill someone? ... I hope not. [32] Are we close? Very. [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? You said you would, anyways. xD;

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 12:45am
What would you do if [1] I committed suicide *shrug* Kick your body, because suicide is stupid. [2] I said I liked you Slap you. Internet relationships= NO. [3] I kissed you Over the internet? @.@ [4] I lived next door to you PARTY! [5] I started smoking Give you the patch. [6] I stole something Tell you to share.... ninja [7] I was hospitalized Send you E-flowers. [8] I ran away from home Bring the internets with you! [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there I'm never there. This is the internet. What do you think about my [1] Personality It's nice. [2] Eyes I don't know [3] Face I don't know [4] Hair I don't know [5] Clothes I don't know [6] Mannerisms I'm not sure... Other [1] Who are you? Who are you? [2] Are we friends? I hope. [3] When and how did we meet? I do believe it was on some random Naruto thread. I can't be sure. [4] How have I affected you? *shrug* [5] What do you think of me? You're nice. Or are you?? Dun dun dun... [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? @.@? I dunno,,, [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? To the end of time... [8] Do you love me? Nope, sorry. [9] Have I ever hurt you? Not that I know of... [10] Would you hug me? I don't like to hug anyone. I hate hugs.. [11] Would you kiss me? No. I save my lips for the shiney-haired one. [13] Would you marry me? Nope. [14] Emotionally, what stands out? What...? I don't get this question. [15] Do you wish I was cooler? You're cool. If you were cooler, then you wouldn't be my friend. emo [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 9. [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. I don't do nicknames. [18] Am I loveable? Yep. [19] How long have you known me? How the hell am I supposed to know? I'm terrible with time. [20] Describe me in one word. Gah. Enough with this wierd stuff. I can't just pick one word! [21] What was your first impression? Just another Gaian. [22] Do you still think that way about me now? No. [23] What do you think my weakness is? It is Ramen, because I said so! [24] Do you think I'll get married? Yes. Why wouldn't you? [25] What about me makes you happy? YOu don't really make me happy, alot of people just don't make me happy. Just content. [26] What about me makes you sad? Nothing makes me sad. About you, that is. [27] What reminds you of me? The color blue. I can not be sure why... [28] What's something you would change about me? I don't change people. [29] How well do you know me? Not that well. @.@ [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Not really. [31] Do you think I would kill someone? No. [32] Are we close? No really. [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Nah, but check my journal.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 12:51am
[1] I committed suicide: Get over it quickly and send your story to everyone I know. [2] I said I liked you: Tell you calmly that I'm straight and only like you as a friend. [3] I kissed you: Yell at you. [4] I lived next door to you: Come over and play/talk to/with you. [5] I started smoking: Yell at you. [6] I stole something: Talk it through with you. [7] I was hospitalized: Visit you on the computer. :sweat: [8] I ran away from home: Ask you why. [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: Flame him/her until they report me. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: Funny and kind. [2] Eyes: Never seen em'. [3] Face: Never seen em'. [4] Hair: Never seen em'. [5] Clothes: Never seen em'. [6] Mannerisms: Huh? What's that? Other: [1] Who are you? Nicole A.K.A. Aburame_Shino_7 A.K.A. Kiater. [2] Are we friends? Yes. I may not act like it at some times but I hope we still are. [3] When and how did we meet? Sadly, I don't remember. [4] How have I affected you? By giving me a friend who dosn't care about my appearence. [5] What do you think of me? Nice, smart, funy, and un-annoying. [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Don't remember. [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? A month or two. [8] Do you love me? As a friend, yes. [9] Have I ever hurt you? Nope. [10] Would you hug me? I don't hug. [11] Would you kiss me? No. [13] Would you marry me? No. [14] Emotionally, what stands out? Funny-ness? [15] Do you wish I was cooler? Naw. [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 11 [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Kitten cuz' your sweet? :shock: [18] Am I loveable? Sure. [19] How long have you known me? A month or two. [20] Describe me in one word. Funny. [21] What was your first impression? Another sarcastic Gain... [22] Do you still think that way about me now? Nope. [23] What do you think my weakness is? Fire cuz' your parent's died in one? I have no clue... [24] Do you think I'll get married? If you choose it. [25] What about me makes you happy? Funny-ness. [26] What about me makes you sad? Nothin'. [27] What reminds you of me? The color yellow. I don't know why. [28] What's something you would change about me? Nothing. [29] How well do you know me? Not very well. [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No. [31] Do you think I would kill someone? No. [32] Are we close? Not really. [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? I already have it in my Journal.

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 12:54am
[1] I committed suicide: I'd think why.. :? :?: [2] I said I liked you: :3!! Nooro! [3] I kissed you: X3!!!! [4] I lived next door to you: I'd visit at least once :3! [5] I started smoking: I wouldn't be happy =( [6] I stole something: x-x same as the smoking [7] I was hospitalized: o.o I nu understand that one [8] I ran away from home: I wouldn't be happy again x-x and I'd tell you it's not a solution [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: o.o! I'd try to calm you down after? What do you think about my: [1] Personality: :3! kawaii personality [2] Eyes: no idea XD [3] Face: same as above [4] Hair: same [5] Clothes: same [6] Mannerisms: X3 <3 Other: [1] Who are you? Ni-ni [2] Are we friends? Haaii [3] When and how did we meet? I was feeling down x3! and you made me feel better :3 [4] How have I affected you? X3 nooro [5] What do you think of me? :3! A nice person [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? The first time we met xD <3 [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? :3 unknown [8] Do you love me? lavu xD [9] Have I ever hurt you? nu [10] Would you hug me? ^_^ yesh [11] Would you kiss me? o-o nu xD! [13] Would you marry me? XD not possible XD! x-x [14] Emotionally, what stands out? o-o? [15] Do you wish I was cooler? nu X3 [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? :3! Within 9 and 10 XD no one's perfect [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. :3! Tear-sama cause it sounds cute [18] Am I loveable? Hai [19] How long have you known me? 1 month or so (but not continous o.o) [20] Describe me in one word. Nice desu (ha I cheated >>) [21] What was your first impression? o-o The above [22] Do you still think that way about me now? Yaz X3 [23] What do you think my weakness is? No clue [24] Do you think I'll get married? Also unknown xD [25] What about me makes you happy? :3 your niceness [26] What about me makes you sad? Nothing so far [27] What reminds you of me? :3?! Nooro! [28] What's something you would change about me? o-o I am not one to judge [29] How well do you know me? I still need to know Tear-chan better xD [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? o-o shakes head [31] Do you think I would kill someone? Iie, I don't think you would nu [32] Are we close? Kinda X3 we still haven't conversed that deeply :3nod: [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Hai hai :3! I am going to think about it X3 :heart: But maybe :ninja:

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 01:22am
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: I would cry. D: [2] I said I liked you: Oookay. o.O [3] I kissed you: o.O [4] I lived next door to you: Yay! [5] I started smoking: That's bad for you! :C [6] I stole something: Be surprised. [7] I was hospitalized: Be sad and call all the time [8] I ran away from home: Wonder what is going on and try to talk to your family as much as possible for updates [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: Well, that's obvious. I am a few states away from you. I would probably say good job if you won it or something... What do you think about my: [1] Personality: Awesome. [2] Eyes: Pretty. [3] Face: Hasn't changed since you lived near me! [4] Hair: I like it shorter better than longer! [5] Clothes: Well, when you lived near me they were very comfortable looking :sweat: [6] Mannerisms: :D Other: [1] Who are you? Beth-Beth! [2] Are we friends? Yes! [3] When and how did we meet? Uh. Beginning of my 7th grade school year and Georgia introduced us. [4] How have I affected you? You showed me the wonders of AMVs xD [5] What do you think of me? You're cool! You're like my sister! [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Uh... yikes. So many! xD Maybe Halloween TeenClub when we threw the things around [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? For a while! [8] Do you love me? As a friend. [9] Have I ever hurt you? Not really. [10] Would you hug me? Yes [11] Would you kiss me? No [13] Would you marry me? No [14] Emotionally, what stands out? You're hyperness? [15] Do you wish I was cooler? Nah [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? uh... it's been a while but 9 [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Yelena, was you're YYH name. [18] Am I loveable? Yes [19] How long have you known me? 2 years-ish [20] Describe me in one word. crazzzy [21] What was your first impression? She likes YYH too! [22] Do you still think that way about me now? Not really [23] What do you think my weakness is? I don't know [24] Do you think I'll get married? yeah [25] What about me makes you happy? Your humor [26] What about me makes you sad? I haven't talked to you in a while. D: [27] What reminds you of me? FMA, Naruto.... [28] What's something you would change about me? Nothing [29] How well do you know me? Pretty well I guess. [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? I guess [31] Do you think I would kill someone? Nah [32] Are we close? Yeah! [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Why not? ^^

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 03:54am
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: I'd be sad... [2] I said I liked you: I'd smile [3] I kissed you: I'd be a bit weirded out... [4] I lived next door to you: It'd be cool. 8D [5] I started smoking: I'd warn you about the risks. [6] I stole something: I'd ask why. [7] I was hospitalized: I'd pray for you, and hope you'd ger better. [8] I ran away from home: I'd hope you'd come back... [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: I'd hope you were alright. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: We haven't spoken in a while, but, I remember you being a really fun person. [2] Eyes: I don't know what you... look like. xD; [3] Face: same as above. xD [4] Hair: Same...as...above. [5] Clothes: same. XD;;;; [6] Mannerisms: Good~ Other: [1] Who are you? Samantha [2] Are we friends? We were... [3] When and how did we meet? I don't... know. xD; [4] How have I affected you? ...? [5] What do you think of me? You seem like a cool person. [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? I can't say I have one... YET! ^^ [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? I dunno. [8] Do you love me? Not yet. [9] Have I ever hurt you? Nope. [10] Would you hug me? Sure! [11] Would you kiss me? Sorry.. ;>> [13] Would you marry me? ..Sorry... ;>> [14] Emotionally, what stands out? I don't know.. ;>> [15] Do you wish I was cooler? Naw. [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 10~ if 10's the highest. o.o; [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Chemy! Because 'chem' is in 'Alchemist'! [18] Am I loveable? Sure! [19] How long have you known me? Since I started Gaia... so... almost two years. [20] Describe me in one word. Interesting. In a good way. [21] What was your first impression? You seemed like a good person, who had something in common with me. [22] Do you still think that way about me now? Yesh. [23] What do you think my weakness is? ;>> Dunno. [24] Do you think I'll get married? Of course! Unless you don't want to... [25] What about me makes you happy? I don't know... [26] What about me makes you sad? Nothing! [27] What reminds you of me? Transmutation Circles! [28] What's something you would change about me? Nothing [29] How well do you know me? Not too well. ;_; [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Nah. [31] Do you think I would kill someone? No. o_o; [32] Are we close? Not yet! [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Sure! >w<

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 03:57am
Eeek! double post! x 3 x

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 12:00pm
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: :gonk: :gonk: [2] I said I liked you: Jump up and down for joy [3] I kissed you: Oh god, give me more!! 8) [4] I lived next door to you: Visit you like, every day, and wake you up in the middle of the night for three-AM parties ^^ [5] I started smoking: Hit you until you stopped [6] I stole something: Make you share [7] I was hospitalized: be right beside you saying "that was awesome...ow..." [8] I ran away from home: find you and bring you back [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: Dammit Olivia! You know how much I like punching people! What do you think about my: [1] Personality: Lovely [2] Eyes: Lovely (even though I can't really remember what color they are) [3] Face: Lovely [4] Hair: Lovely [5] Clothes: Sexy [6] Mannerisms: Extremely sexy 8) Other: [1] Who are you? I AM ROCK LEE! [2] Are we friends? We'd better be [3] When and how did we meet? Um..Last year through Caitlin? [4] How have I affected you? you've made my life more fun [5] What do you think of me? I LOVE YOU! [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Uh....every one [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? We'll be enemies forever ^^ [8] Do you love me? YES [9] Have I ever hurt you? Never! [10] Would you hug me? I do every time i see you [11] Would you kiss me? Absolutely :heart: [13] Would you marry me? :heart: My dream come true!! [14] Emotionally, what stands out? What? [15] Do you wish I was cooler? No, cause then I'd have to give you my sweater [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? Elevendy bajillion [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. NARU-CHAN!!!! [18] Am I loveable? No. Not at all. [19] How long have you known me? God, um...about a year and a half? [20] Describe me in one word. Yummy 8) [21] What was your first impression? "I'd fell bad for Sasuke if he ever got into HER hands.... [22] Do you still think that way about me now? No, cause I don't really like Sasuke anymore... [23] What do you think my weakness is? [24] Do you think I'll get married? Yes, TO ME [25] What about me makes you happy? Everything [26] What about me makes you sad? When you leave [27] What reminds you of me? Orange and Ramen [28] What's something you would change about me? Your address. I'd make it the same as mine [29] How well do you know me? I hope as well as I can ^^ [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No. [31] Do you think I would kill someone? Probably [32] Are we close? I HOPE SO!! [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? yup

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 03:30pm
What would you do if [1] I committed suicide I'd be sad, and extremely disappointed in you [2] I said I liked you ....it depends on what kind of like [3] I kissed you O.o i'd be really creeped out...sorry [4] I lived next door to you yay! XD [5] I started smoking i'd give you a whole lecture and show you nasty pictures of what happens when you smoke, but if you kept smoking i'd just say fine cause Hyde smokes too [6] I stole something depends on what you stole and why [7] I was hospitalized i would visit you and bring you manga [8] I ran away from home i would be saddened by your decision but its your life so yeah...like in Paradise Kiss [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there i'd find a way to get there and help you kick the crap out of people What do you think about my [1] Personality you're totally coolio [2] Eyes i cant remember the color of your eyes but i see you everyday sweat thats really sad...but i'm sure they're cool [3] Face ....like a face should look [4] Hair tis nice [5] Clothes coolio [6] Mannerisms coolio Other [1] Who are you? Angel (i never post my real name anywhere) [2] Are we friends? i would hope so [3] When and how did we meet? we meet last year in gym, i like your naruto shirt and you liked my kyo shirt [4] How have I affected you? i think i have a much bigger appreciation towards cosplayers [5] What do you think of me? you're coolio, and fun to hang out with [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? my memory doesnt go that far back...i cant remember what i did on Sunday [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? i think we'll be friends forever...tis very corny i know [8] Do you love me? sure [9] Have I ever hurt you? not that i know of [10] Would you hug me? sure...but i am partially claustrophobic [11] Would you kiss me? yeah no sorry not into the whole yuri thing, i'm totally yaoi all the way [13] Would you marry me? same as above [14] Emotionally, what stands out? ...eh? [15] Do you wish I was cooler? psh we're all cool in our own way [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 9 too people you like of course [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. i'm not good with nicknames sorry [18] Am I loveable? depends on the situation [19] How long have you known me? atleast a year [20] Describe me in one word. interesting [21] What was your first impression? i thought you were cool, cause of your naruto shirt [22] Do you still think that way about me now? yup [23] What do you think my weakness is? ....ramen? [24] Do you think I'll get married? probably [25] What about me makes you happy? .....dunno [26] What about me makes you sad? nothing [27] What reminds you of me? naruto in general [28] What's something you would change about me? i cant think of anything [29] How well do you know me? pretty well, but theres a lot i probably dont know [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? nothing currently [31] Do you think I would kill someone? depends on the situation [32] Are we close? yeah sure [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? thats a good idea, check my journal then, oh by the way theres no 12

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 27, 2006 @ 10:37pm
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: Lock my pain away and pretend I'm not crying inside. [2] I said I liked you: I would be very surprised. [3] I kissed you: Blush like mad because I'm like that. [4] I lived next door to you: Hang out with you. I'm always looking for people with same interests as me to be friends. [5] I started smoking: Ask you to stop cause its bad for you. [6] I stole something: Tell you to return it. [7] I was hospitalized: Go visit you and give you flowers. [8] I ran away from home: Offer you to stay with my family but try and talk you into going back you real home cause your family would miss you. [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: I would be angry with the people who fought with you but unless I was there I wouldn't really do anything. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: I don't know you that well right now but from what I know of you at the moment, I really like your personality. [2] Eyes: Their pretty. I saw them in one of your cosplay photos. [3] Face: Also pretty. [4] Hair: You were wearing a wig so I don't know. lol [5] Clothes: I know what you wear on a normal basis but I don't judge people on appearance anyways. [6] Mannerisms: I don't you that well. Other: [1] Who are you? My real name is Marissa but on gaia I go by Tsuzuki. [2] Are we friends? I rp with you. [3] When and how did we meet? A while back on a Naruto guild here on gaia. [4] How have I affected you? You have given me rp which is something I haven't had a long while. So you've made me very happy. [5] What do you think of me? You seem intelligent and funny. [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Rping I suppose? [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? As long as you want until you get bored with me I suppose. Thats how it usually works with my friends. [8] Do you love me? Don't know you that well. [9] Have I ever hurt you? Nope. [10] Would you hug me? Sure. I love hugs. [11] Would you kiss me? Don't know you that well. [13] Would you marry me? Don't know you that well. [14] Emotionally, what stands out? I don't really know you well but you seem rather outgoing. [15] Do you wish I was cooler? No. [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? Dunno, 7? [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Naru. Because you rp Naruto. [18] Am I loveable? Everyone is loveable. But it is more evident in you so yes. [19] How long have you known me? A couple of months? [20] Describe me in one word. Nice. [21] What was your first impression? That you were a very nice person. [22] Do you still think that way about me now? Yes. [23] What do you think my weakness is? I don't know. [24] Do you think I'll get married? If wish to then yes. [25] What about me makes you happy? Your creativity. [26] What about me makes you sad? Nothing. [27] What reminds you of me? Naruto. >_> [28] What's something you would change about me? Nothing. [29] How well do you know me? Not that well. [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No. [31] Do you think I would kill someone? I don't believe so. [32] Are we close? No. [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? My journal is a in character one so alas noes. But it was cool filling this out for you.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 29, 2006 @ 02:22pm
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: I would cry. =( [2] I said I liked you: I would be happy. :3 [3] I kissed you: I'd blush a lot. xD [4] I lived next door to you: OMFG I'D BE SO HAPPY [5] I started smoking: I'd be mad at you. =P [6] I stole something: I'd be mad at you. =P [7] I was hospitalized: I'd get my parents to drive me down to Virginia to see you. [8] I ran away from home: I'd let you come to my house, even though it would take you forever to get here. [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: I don't know. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: Crazy in a good way. [2] Eyes: I haven't seen a good enough pic to comment on your eyes. [3] Face: Cute. [4] Hair: Cute. [5] Clothes: Cool. [6] Mannerisms: I dunno what those are, lol. Other: [1] Who are you? Your ex-uke. [2] Are we friends? Yesh, I believe we are. [3] When and how did we meet? A while ago on dA. [4] How have I affected you? In a good way. <3 [5] What do you think of me? I love you, even though you aren't my seme anymore. [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? When you asked me to be your uke. [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? A very long time. [8] Do you love me? YESH! [9] Have I ever hurt you? Kinda... [10] Would you hug me? Yesh. [11] Would you kiss me? Maybe. [13] Would you marry me? Maybe. [14] Emotionally, what stands out? Your craziness. [15] Do you wish I was cooler? No. [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 9.8 [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Oli-chan because you tell people to call you that. xD [18] Am I loveable? Yesh. [19] How long have you known me? A while, don't know exactly how long. [20] Describe me in one word. Crazy. [21] What was your first impression? You're cool. xD [22] Do you still think that way about me now? Yesh. [23] What do you think my weakness is? Um... I dunno. [24] Do you think I'll get married? Yesh. [25] What about me makes you happy? Your craziness. [26] What about me makes you sad? I dunno. [27] What reminds you of me? Naruto. [28] What's something you would change about me? Nothing. [29] How well do you know me? I dunno. [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No. [31] Do you think I would kill someone? Maybe. [32] Are we close? Kinda. [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Yesh.

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 07:27pm
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: Cry, blaming only myself. [2] I said I liked you: Say I liked you too. [3] I kissed you: Kiss you back [4] I lived next door to you: Visit everyday [5] I started smoking: Hit you very soundly in the back of the with a blunt object [6] I stole something: Steal it with you [7] I was hospitalized: Be there for you [8] I ran away from home: Provide a safe house [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: Blame myself for not protecting you. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: wonderful [2] Eyes:(never seen you not in costume) [3] Face:(never seen you not in costume) [4] Hair:(never seen you not in costume) [5] Clothes:(never seen you not in costume) [6] Mannerisms: kind Other: [1] Who are you? Hollyann, but you call me Deidara [2] Are we friends? I hope so [3] When and how did we meet? On my thread some time ago. [4] How have I affected you? Positively. [5] What do you think of me? Someone I look forward to hearing from and talking to everyday. [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Just one? [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? For a very long time. [8] Do you love me? Yes [9] Have I ever hurt you? No, Dear. [10] Would you hug me? yes [11] Would you kiss me? yes [13] Would you marry me? If you wanted me too, yes. [14] Emotionally, what stands out? Your a very happy person [15] Do you wish I was cooler? no [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 8 [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Naru-chan, because it suits you. [18] Am I loveable? yes [19] How long have you known me?...**is bad with time** [20] Describe me in one word. Joyful [21] What was your first impression? NARUTO~!! [22] Do you still think that way about me now? often times, yes! xD [23] What do you think my weakness is? I have no idea. [24] Do you think I'll get married? Of course. [25] What about me makes you happy? That you're happy around me. [26] What about me makes you sad? nothing [27] What reminds you of me? ramen... [28] What's something you would change about me? not a thing [29] How well do you know me? Not very well... but I want to know more. [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No. [31] Do you think I would kill someone? Not without me [32] Are we close? I hope so. [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Yes.

Kaoru Desuyo
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 12, 2006 @ 03:01am
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: Slip into a deep depression. [2] I said I liked you: I'd blush and feel loved. [3] I kissed you: Kiss back? [4] I lived next door to you: I'd kick down your door to hang out with you. [5] I started smoking: B*tch slap you and give you a lecture. [6] I stole something: ^ w/o the slap. [7] I was hospitalized: Worry 'til my hair turns gray. [8] I ran away from home: Put up posters and call everyone I knew. [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: send my telepathic strength. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: Cute. [2] Eyes: ...don't remmeber. XD [3] Face: ^ [4] Hair: ^ [5] Clothes: I saw you dressed as Naruto once. 8D [6] Mannerisms: ...kay? Other: [1] Who are you? Mistral Ebony, of course. [2] Are we friends? Hellz yeah. [3] When and how did we meet? Through DA. [4] How have I affected you? Opened my eyes to some awesome stuff. [5] What do you think of me? Awesomesauce in a can. [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? ...Rping. [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? FOREVERANDEVER. [8] Do you love me? <3 [9] Have I ever hurt you? ...no, not that I know of. [10] Would you hug me? YES. [11] Would you kiss me? Depends. [13] Would you marry me? Depends. [14] Emotionally, what stands out? Your awesome sense of humor. [15] Do you wish I was cooler? Cool is a state of mind. [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 10. [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Narurin, because...yeah. You know. [18] Am I loveable? Heck yes. [19] How long have you known me? ...I forget. [20] Describe me in one word. Supercalafragilisticexpialidocious. [21] What was your first impression? OMG she's so cool... 8D [22] Do you still think that way about me now? Yes. [23] What do you think my weakness is? ...kryptonite. [24] Do you think I'll get married? WHo wouldn't want to marry you? [25] What about me makes you happy? Awesome memories. [26] What about me makes you sad? The fact that we don't talk as much as we should. [27] What reminds you of me? Naruto. [28] What's something you would change about me? I'd move you to WI. [29] How well do you know me? ...I have no clue, actually. That's for you to judge. [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? ...don't think so. [31] Do you think I would kill someone? ...um...no? [32] Are we close? We've drifted. D: [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? if I have time. D: <3333

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 29, 2007 @ 09:24pm
What would you do if:

[1] I committed suicide: think that it was partly my fault then go after ur borther twisted
[2] I said I liked you: wonder why if it was more than a friend! confused
[3] I kissed you: ...WOULD REALLY WONDER WHY!!! eek
[4] I lived next door to you: would come over EVERYday! biggrin
[5] I started smoking: tell you to quit screwin' up ur life with POT!!! crying
[6] I stole something: *steal it from you...jk* persuade u to give it back!
[7] I was hospitalized: visit u everyday...(even if that means i'd hav to drive up from NC)
[8] I ran away from home: tell u to come live with me!!! xd
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: that's impossible if u were having a fight i would be there!!

What do you think about my:

[1] Personality: AWESOME!!! ur the anime virus u can't get rid of! LOL
[2] Eyes: purtiful! heart
[3] Face: gorgeous! wink
[4] Hair: shiny!
[5] Clothes: your own style! (yeah u go girl)
[6] Mannerisms: cool, nice, awesome, shall i go on?


[1] Who are you? ur favoritest girl that's 2 years younger than you SHANNON!!! heart
[2] Are we friends? of course then i wouldn't be your favorite!
[3] When and how did we meet? When: about 2 and 1/2 years ago How: you lived behind me!
[4] How have I affected you? well u got me interested in ALL the anime that i LOVE and Linkin Park and you taought me that it's ok to speak your mind!! THANX BUDDIE!!! heart heart heart
[5] What do you think of me? the anime virus u can't get rid of!! (awesomeness!)
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? to many but probablly anytime that we'd were RPing with Beth and Georgia!
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? forever if i can find ur stupid fone # *grr...where'd i out that thing!!*
[8] Do you love me? o.0 as a friend 0.o
[9] Have I ever hurt you? nope!
[10] Would you hug me? now what kinda friend would i be if i didn't hug u?? 4laugh
[11] Would you kiss me? o.0 i don't think so???
[13] Would you marry me? again not that i know of
[14] Emotionally, what stands out? your ability to sing!
[15] Do you wish I was cooler? no i like u just how u r!
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 9 1/2!!! awesome!!!
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Anime Virus...that's what u r!! (that's a good thing!) 3nodding
[18] Am I loveable? yup
[19] How long have you known me? about 3 years
[20] Describe me in one word. considerate
[21] What was your first impression? a girl that i never ever thought would see me as a friend... redface
[22] Do you still think that way about me now? no i KNOW that u see me as a friend...hopefully!
[23] What do you think my weakness is? i don't think u HAVE a weakness
[24] Do you think I'll get married? of course!
[25] What about me makes you happy? that u always try to make me feel better!
[26] What about me makes you sad? that i had to move away from u!!
[27] What reminds you of me? anime, music, and comedians!
[28] What's something you would change about me? nothing except for where u live!
[29] How well do you know me? pretty well i guess
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Bye... crying and i'm gonna miss you!
[31] Do you think I would kill someone? no....o.0 wait would you?
[32] Are we close? i guess
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? if u feel like it'll be there!

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