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View User's Journal


Katrina Scott was 14 years old when she lost her mother and one of her brothers in a terrible earthquake. Only her youngest brother and she survived. Now two years later, Katrina has had enough of the orphanage her and her brother live at. Then mademoiselle, the person who owns the orphanage, who is almost always drunk, goes too far and beats Katrina so badly she has to stay at the hospital for one month. During this time she asks god for an angel and gets the angel. The only thing unordinary about this is she gets a little surprise…. A devil decides to follow her on the ride of her life. The angel’s name is Mark. Only Mark has a problem… he has a mortal enemy who has apparently decided to accompany Katrina on the ride of her life. His name is Jareth, he’s Lucifer’s son. She gets her memory wiped, adopted, kidnapped, and tested beyond her endurance. All during this she has the company of both the devil and the angel, one of which will have the pleasure of being called….


“Katrina, dinner is ready.”
My name is Katrina Scott. I live in Billings, Montana. I am 14 years old with brown hair and blue eyes. Strange I know. Neither my parents, nor anyone else in my family have blue eyes, but somehow I ended up with them.
“Katrina!” some one shouted from down stairs.
“Hold your horses, I’m coming!” That’s my mom, loud isn’t she?
“Wash your hands.” she says “James quit picking on Nate!”
“But he started it!” James whined.
James is my little brother, he’s ten. Nate is also my brother, he’s six.
“I don’t care who started it! I’m going to finish it!” mom says.
Suddenly the house starts to shake really badly.
“Earth quake!” I scream, “Every body under the door frames!” but it was too late. The roof was already caving in. I started to run to the doorway, but I see Nate is still in his chair. So I grab him and keep him with me.
Then all goes quiet.

Part one
The Meeting

Chapter One
Guardian Angel

“Calm down Katrina.” Her lawyer said.
“NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW THEY TREAT US!” I was very angry about how the orphanage treated me and my brother. We had been there for two years. Ever since the earthquake that killed our mother and my other brother. “They treat us horrible. I get the worst chores out of all of them, my brother gets picked on. More than that, nobody appreciates us. I want to leave! NOW!”
“Katrina, you know that cant happen unless we find a relative responsible enough to take you in.” Mr. Hollingsworth, my lawyer, once again reminded me, for the thousandth time.
“You mean a relative who actually wants us there.” I muttered, but he had heard me anyway.
“Katrina you know that’s not true.” He said exhausted from this repeating conversation. Whenever he came we always had this same exact conversation. “You know your family loves you both.”
“Right…” I said sarcastically “They’re just dying to have us…. Literally.” No one could explain how our closest relatives kept dying. Detectives where of course working on it, but they still haven’t found anything out yet. “Have you talked to Detective Ashley yet?”
“Yes actually I just got off the phone with him” Detective Ashley was the detective on the “case of the disappearing relatives” as I called it” unfortunately he doesn’t have any good news.” he watched as my face fell “but he’s working as hard as he
can. I’m sure something will come up. Trust me.” he said quickly.
“I know something will turn up, but….”I trailed off, felling tears stinging my eyes.
“Don’t worry everything will turn out fine. I promise.” He said comfortingly, wile he patted my shoulder.
A knock sounded at the door and my little brother, Nate, walked in holding Mr. Snuffles his teddy bear. I had gotten him that teddy bear three years ago. “Hi every body.” he said cheerfully.
Nate has brown hair and blue eyes like me. “Hey buddy. Did you do anything fun at school today?” I ask.
“Yea, we made sock puppets!” he sounded excited so I had to ask him about it.
“What are you so excited about?”
“I made a new friend today, his name is Billy. He’s nine and a half. He says he wasn’t at school much this year because he had pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. Big word isn’t it
“You bet. How did you remember all of that anyway?” I asked astonished.
“I don’t know really. I guess that’s just one of my many talents.” He said with an over confident smile. “Every one at school was amazed I could even pronounce it. Even the teacher was impressed.”
For one of those rare moments my brother looked so genuinely happy that I almost started to cry. He was rarely happy these days because his closest friend from the orphanage got adopted and moved to Texas with his new family. So seeing him smile like he is put a light of hope in my heart. ‘Maybe now he’ll start playing with the other kids his age instead of huddling in his room crying all the time.’ I thought.
“Mr. Hollingsworth, does Detective Ashley have any news about the case?” he asked hopefully.
“No I’m afraid not, but don’t worry, I’m sure something will
come up. Trust me.”
Nate smiled again but this time it didn’t reach his eyes as he said to the lawyer, “Oh okay then.” and walked out the door.
Just then Mr. Hollingsworth’s pager went off, as he checked the number he told me “I’m sorry but I have to go. I’ll come back next month okay?”
“Fine. Good bye.” I said. As he left I noticed the look on his face was a worried look and wondered what was wrong. I was about to ask him, but when I turned around he was gone. “I hate it when he does that” I muttered to myself. “He’s always so quiet.”
That’s mademoiselle. She runs the orphanage.
“Great she’s drunk again. At least she’ll pass out soon.” I muttered to myself as I ran down the stairs. As soon as I got down there I saw everyone feared something. Before I could ask I felt
blows to my sides and my head. I couldn’t stand any more, the pain was so great. Just when I thought I could deal with it…. All went black
I awoke to realize I was in the hospital connected to an IV. I looked around the room in complete confusion, wondering what had happened.
Just then someone in a white coat walked in. “Hi I’m Dr. Jared Davis. How are you feeling today Katrina?” he said sounding very professional.
“What happened?” I asked as I tried to sit up, wincing at the sharp stabs of pain that struck my sides.
“Please stay lying down; you have five broken ribs and a
fractured skull. Don’t worry though you’re recovering unusually fast for someone with your injuries. Now as to your question, your mistress or as you call her mademoiselle was drunk and as soon as
she saw you she snapped. She had already scared the other orphans. She’s in custody right now although I wouldn’t be surprised if a couple of the cops show up here with injuries. She hit you with a rolling pin three times. Two in your sides and one on your head. That’s probably what made you pass out. Also—”
I interrupted him at that moment. “Where’s Nate? Is he okay? Did she get a hold of him?” I asked rapidly.
“Nate? Is he a little boy with brown hair carrying around a bear?” he asked confused.
“Yes. Where is Nate?” I demanded. “Is he okay?”
“Oh, he’s fine, but he’s really worried about you. He almost feinted when he found out it was you who got hurt.” The doctor assured me.
“Where is he?” I asked tentively.
“He’s right outside. Would you like him to come in?” Dr. Davis asked.
“Yes please.” I said eagerly. “Oh and Dr. Davis?”
“Please call me Dr. Jared, okay?” he told me wanting to dismiss with the formality.
“Okay. How long will I have to stay here? Will Nate and I have to go back to the orphanage?” I asked worriedly.
“I can tell you that you that you will be staying in the hospital for another month….” He trailed off. “But I can’t tell you weather you will be going back. That’s up to Mr. Hollingsworth.”
“Do you still want me to send your brother in?”
I nodded. I couldn’t speak past the lump in my throat. After a moment the doctor left and I heard my brother’s feet hit the ground with a force that surprised me. The next second he was sprinting across the room to my side. He looked like he wanted to hug me but was afraid he’d hurt me. So I said “Gently.” And then he hugged me
so softly that I almost cried.
Hours later after my brother left I made a prayer to god. “Please god answer this one prayer and I will never ask for anything I promise….. Please send me an angel to help me get through this. I do not want to do this on my own and my brother’s got enough to worry about. So please send me an angel. Amen.”
About a half hour later I was almost asleep when a blinding light came out of nowhere. In the center of the light appeared a…. well an angel. Well… that’s what I assumed he was. He looked to be about my age, with blonde hair reaching down to his mid-back. His eyes where the palest blue and his face beautiful.
“My name is Mark.” He said in the most heavenly voice I’ve ever heard.
I sat there with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide. “Oh. My. God.” I stated. Then she passed out.
When I woke up he was still standing there just smiling at her. God he was handsome! “Wha- what are you?” I stuttered.
“Well that’s kind of obvious. Isn’t it?” Even though it may have sounded rude coming from any other mouth, when he said it it sounded like a suggestion or an informative statement. “You’re the
one who called me here. Aren’t you? Are you Katrina Scott?”
“Yes. Duh!” I was still amazed at the heavenly vision standing in front of her. “How old are you?”
“In angel years I am 18.”
“Wait. Where you born in heaven?”
“If you call it being born, yes I guess.” He said. Then, looking in my eyes, he read my mind. “Thanks. You’re not too bad looking yourself.”
“OH MY GOD. YOU CAN READ MINDS?!” I shouted astounded.
“Yes I’m afraid so. You can never hide anything from me.”
Knock. Knock.
“Oh no! Someone will see you!”
“No they won’t only you can see me… for now.”
“Don’t come in I’m almost asleep!” I called to the door.
“Do you need a pain pill?” a nurse asked from the other side of the door.
“No! I just want to sleep!” I said and as the nurse walked
away, I said to the angel, “Now what did you mean by ‘for now’?”
“I mean that people can see me only if I want them to.”
“Oh.” I said. Then all of a sudden he appeared by my side and I almost screamed, but before I could he leaned down and kissed me. I was so stunned I didn’t even react for a minute. He pulled back just enough to look into my face and asked, “Well are you going to kiss me back or not?”
I didn’t say anything. I was so stunned it took a second for what he said to register in my mind. Then, as soon as it completely registered, I said with a frown of disaprovement, “You know, I really should slap you for that, but I don’t know if I’m allowed to or not.”
He laughed and shook his head saying, “yes you are allowed to smack me but I don’t really think you would.” Then he asked worriedly, “You wouldn’t, would you?”
“I was thinking about it really hard. That was very unorthodox.” I said trying very hard not to laugh, but I couldn’t hold it in for very long. I started laughing, but stopped abruptly when I felt a sharp pain in my sides.
He heard my gasp and was instantly worried. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” I lied.
Nobody seemed to notice the shadow watching silently during the whole exchange.
“Maudire!” someone shouted. It was the same person who hid in the shadows, watching mark and Katrina at the hospital. “He did it again!”
“Jareth settle down.” The other’s father, Lucifer, said.
“Father he always gets the ones I want!” Jareth screamed. Then all of a sudden a chair smashed against a wall of fire. “I hate him! I was so looking forward to meeting her! I will kill him!” Jareth was
fuming by now.
“Just don’t make a mess of him okay.” Lucifer told him.
“Are you serious father?” Jareth asked astounded.
“Have I ever not been towards you?”
Jareth said nothing, but as he walked away you could see the evil smile on his face. Some one was going to die… some angel.
While I was with mark two days after I met him a shadow appeared out of nowhere, but this time I watched it and I almost screamed. Mark, realizing something was wrong, turned around only to duck just in time to miss being hit in the head with a fire ball.
“You stupid angel!” someone shouted from the shadows. “I’m tired of you stealing all the girls I care about!”
“What are you talking about?” Mark said.
“Hello! Anyone want to explain what’s going on here?” I shouted at the two standing before me.
“SHUT UP!!” this came from Mark. I could do no more than stare at him, I was so shocked.
“Don’t yell at her like that!” the person from the shadows yelled at Mark. “Besides you’re an angel! You shouldn’t be talking to her like that.”
“Don’t you tell me how to act like an angel! You are the complete opposite of an angel!” Mark shouted.
“I may not know how to be an angel, but I do know how to be a devil, and that’s something a devil would do.” The devil shot back.
“Hello! Oblivious person here! What the heck is going on!!” I shouted, and then threw a pillow at them both to get their attention.
“WHAT!!” they both shouted at the same time.
“Tell me what the heck is going on! NOW!” They were both shocked at my sudden out burst. The devil recovered first, going to my side and taking my hand.
“I’m so sorry. My name is Jareth.” He said kissing my hand. I was stunned.
“P- pl- pleasure’s all mine.” I stuttered.
“Get away from her! NOW!” Mark, recovered apparently, shouted at him. Then all of a sudden, without changing his appearance, became menacing.
I shrunk back into my last pillow trying to get away from him.
“You are scaring her!” Jareth told him. Menace in his eyes. He really did care about her. More so than he should, and he could not explain why.
“I’m so sorry for scaring you.” He told me. “Please forgive me. Please!” He got up and walked towards me. When he got to my side he reached out for me, but before he touched me I flinched. Mark, realizing how much I was afraid of him, sank to his knees. His heart broke at the sight of the fear in my eyes… the fear he had inflicted.
Before my eyes he disappeared and instantly I regretted flinching. Even though I new I could not have helped it, I was still guilty. I had brought pain on him and I hated making people suffer. I was so upset I didn’t even notice Jareth still standing next to me. I started crying, and when I felt a hand on my face wiping away my tears, I jumped. Jareth was still standing there. Horrified he had seen me crying, I blushed furiously and swatted at him, “Get away from me! Please I just want to be alone right now.”
Not obliging my demand, he grabbed my hand and told me, “Never. I will never leave you. Even if you tell me you loath and hate me, I will never leave your side.” He told me, his eyes giving away much more promise than that.
“Why? Why won’t you leave me alone? Do you think that since you protected me from Marks anger, that it is your responsibility to protect me from everything? Well for your information I don’t need you to protect me.” I said, starting to get defensive. “I can take care of myself!”
“I know you can. That is not my reason at all.” He told me as if his reason was the most obvious there was. “My reason is because ……”
“Well? What is it?” I asked impatiently.
“I ….well it’s hard to explain. Because I don’t know what it is. I get this really weird feeling whenever I look at you.” He hesitated. “My heartbeat gets all frantic, my palms get sweaty, my knees get all weak, and I feel as though nothing in the world could make me happier than to stay by your side.”
I had read enough teen-romance novels to know what he was describing was love. “You just described the feelings of love.”
“Love……hmmm.” he tasted the word on his tongue… he liked the taste of it. “Yes I think that’s right. I love her. It’s the only rational explanation there is.” He said to himself more than to me.

Chapter Two
Devils Love

‘He loved her’ I thought I had heard him wrong. I had to have. How could he love me? He just met me five minutes ago. “Did you just say you love me?”
“Yes. Didn’t you hear me?” he asked me, his eyes boring into mine.
“That’s what I thought you said.” I stated calmly.
‘Wow’ he thought ‘she is taking this very calmly….’
‘….Or not.’
“I’ve known you longer than you think.” At my skeptical look he assured me, “I have. Let’s see how can I… ah yes, when you were five years old you got lost in the woods and a black cat led you home. And when you were eight you wrote two poems in your diary called ‘Can’t Wait Forever’ and ‘Broken’. ‘Can’t Wait Forever’ went like this…
I will not wait forever for
The ones I hold dear,
I will not wait forever for
My dreams to appear,
I won’t wait forever for you
To tell me,
That you’re done and over
Someone you’ll never see,
And I won’t wait forever
For you to see,
That I am ready and you
And she will never be,
Why can’t you see that I
Am here and she doesn’t care
I am always waiting but
You’re never there,
I’ll tell you again but
Just one more time,
I can’t wait forever for
You to be mine.

And ‘Broken’ went like this….

You left my heart broken
And all in pieces,
Though I love chocolate I’m
Fed up with Resees,
I’m sad all the time though it
May not show,
I love you so much that
You’ll never know,
I’m crying on the inside
And laughing out,
Though you never listen you
Know what it’s about,
I call you practically
All the time,
But you never are there
And that makes me cry,
I don’t want to be broken but you
Don’t seem to care,
Though I want you to know that
I’ll always be there.

‘How did he know that?’ I thought furiously. I had never told anyone about my poems or the incident in the woods. I voiced my thought out loud, “How did you know that?!”
“I told you, I’ve known you longer than you thought. Do you believe me now?”
At first I could do nothing but nod, I was so astounded by his knowledge of my past. Then I recovered. “What are you?” I asked, afraid I already knew the answer.
“A dark angel. The highest of them all” he stated.
I was right. “What do you mean ‘the highest of them all’? Lucifer’s son?” I asked sarcastically, but when I looked at him I gasped. “Are you?”
“Yes. Does that make you hate me?” he asked pained at what he knew her answer would be. She was the same as all the others.
Her answer shocked him. Maybe she wasn’t the same at all. “Why?” he asked me.
“I don’t know why, but I just know it doesn’t make me hate you.” I told him truthfully.
“Wow. Maybe this could work out after all!” Jareth exclaimed.
“But it doesn’t make me love you either. So don’t get your hopes up. Really.” I told him. Just to make sure he didn’t get any ideas.
“I can dream cant I.” he said, which was ironic really. Considering he had the power to invade dreams and bend them to his will. He didn’t tell her this though. She would see him tonight anyway so why ruin the surprise? He wanted to see how she would react to seeing him in her dreams, and how she would compare him to Mark. Man that name left a horrible after taste even when he didn’t say it out loud. Yuck!!
Meanwhile, mark is pacing around in his room up in heaven, very pissed off at him self for going off on Katrina. “Oh no! She must hate me now. I can not believe I yelled at her! God is going to be furious with me!”
“MARK!!” a loud voice boomed out. “COME HERE NOW!!”
‘Let me rephrase that. God is mad now.’ he thought to himself.
“MARK!! NOW!!” God boomed again.
“Coming! Be right there!” Mark said quickly, and disappeared.
Later that night I had a very strange dream. Not strange as in bad but strange nonetheless.
I was running through a forest with no idea weather I was running from or to something or someone. I was running for a long time before my dream changed. I was in a room, but it wasn’t my room in the hospital, it was a room I had never seen before. Inside the room was a bed with red silk sheets, a side table that looked charred black, along with a matching desk, chair, and a dresser. But the strangest thing of all was the walls. They were not really walls at all but fire. Only no heat came from them, and when I touched them they didn’t burn me at all. I was so fascinated with the walls, I didn’t even notice when Jareth walked in from, not a door, but an opening in the fire that closed as soon as he entered.
“How do you like it?” he asked, startling me. “My room is designed by myself. How do you like it?” he asked again.
“It’s…. It’s….well I can’t even put a word to it.” I said amazed. “I don’t know what to call it.”
“Magnificent? Amazing? Breathtaking?” he suggested.
“All of them!” I exclaimed. “This is your room?” I asked astounded.
“Yes, do you like it?” he enquired.
“I love it! Is this real fire?”
“Yes, but it is magical fire. It will never burn anyone unless they have threatened anyone in this room.”
“Where are the doors, the closet, and the windows?” I asked truly intrigued.
“The doors and closet are hidden, and believe me; you wouldn’t want to see what’s outside anyway.” He informed me and before I could ask him he said, “We are in my room located outside the gates of Hell.”
“What!? I’m just dreaming though right? I’m not really here am I?” I asked cautiously.
“Only if you want to be.” He told me.
‘He’s so mysterious’ I thought ‘not to mention handsome!’
“I heard that. Thank you.” He said smiling at my face.
“Quit reading my mind!” I told him, frustrated beyond doubt. He shouldn’t be invading my private thoughts at all!
“It’s kind of obvious with how you think. So unguarded!” he told me. I was thinking so I didn’t hear him. I was trying to figure out what he meant by ‘Only if you want to be’. I didn’t even notice his confused gaze.
How was she blocking him out? A second ago she was so open with her mind he could see her memories. How was she blocking him out now? “What are you thinking?” he asked her.
“What you mean you can’t tell?” I asked sarcastically. “I thought you could read minds.”
“I can’t when you block me from it.” He said exasperated.
“Huh? What do you mean block you out? I’m not doing anything!” I told him, looking at him like he was crazy.
“Never mind.” Exasperated even more he turned around to walk out when I stopped him.
“Wait! Don’t leave! Please!” I sounded so worried.
“Why are you worried? Are you afraid I’ll never come back?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Don’t worry I’ll come back. I promise I’ll never leave you like that.”
“You know why. I love you.”
“No, I mean why do you love me?”
He had to think about that for a minute. He didn’t really know why he loved her he just did. So he told her that. “I don’t really know why. I just do.” Then he left.
He left me feeling very confused. I couldn’t understand why he liked me so much. What he said left me feeling happy, yet at the same time sad because I knew he wouldn’t be around forever. No matter what he told me.
Jareth knew she was thinking about him but didn’t want to intrude to her mind again. He didn’t want her to shut him out again. He still couldn’t understand why she shut him out or even how. Nobody had ever shut him out before why should she be any different, but then again he was glad she was different.
He decided to come back in about twelve hours. He decided that should be enough time for her to get used to being where she was. He thought about how she would react to coming down here in her consciousness. Then he realized she might not want to come down here with him. ‘I have to make her like me if not love me.’ He thought to himself.

Chapter 3
Memory Lost and Regained

“I wonder how long I’ve been here.” I said to myself.
“About twelve hours. Why?”
“AHHHHHH!!!” I screamed. “DON’T YOU EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN! You scared the crap out of me!” my heart was beating so fast I started to get dizzy.
He saw her swaying and on reflex grabbed her arm to try to steady her. “Are you okay?” he asked genuinely concerned.
“Yeah. I just… I’m just a little dizzy. That’s all.” I told him. Then I realized that he had told me that I had been in here for twelve hours. “If I’ve been in here for twelve hours, shouldn’t I be waking up soon? I mean… I am dreaming right.” I asked hesitantly.
“Yes you are dreaming. And you could’ve waken up any time you wanted to.” He told me.
“I’d like to wake up now…that is if you don’t mind”
“It’s your choice not mine.”
“Then I’d like to wake up.”
The next thing I knew I was in the hospital bed I had fallen asleep in.
“Well good morning sleeping beauty. It’s about time you woke up.” A familiar voice said.
“Mark!! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—“
He stopped me with a finger to her mouth. “I should be the one to say I’m sorry. I scared you yesterday. I don’t know what came over me.” He had removed his finger but I was still silent. He was getting worried. “Please forgive me?” he saw the forgiveness in my eyes even before I said it.
All of a sudden Mark broke out in a grin so bright I smiled in return and said, “You have a nice smile. Did you know that?”
“Of course I knew, but it’s nice to hear you say that.”
He said. “Look I have to go, okay? I’ll be back at around eight.” He looked at me, but he couldn’t hide the sadness in his eyes well enough.
I started to ask what was wrong but he disappeared before I had the chance.

Later that evening…..

Katrina had just fallen asleep when Mark appeared. He looked very sad as he whispered her name, “Katrina…”
Then he walked over to her side and crouched next to the bed. “I’m sorry I have to do this Katrina. I really am, but it’s for the best if you forget about the devil. He’s no good.” Then he laid his hand over Katrina’s eyes and a blue light emanated from under his hand.

Meanwhile in dream land….

“Doesn’t that mean I’ll have to meet Lucifer?” I asked Jareth.
“Of course, he is my father after all.” Jareth replied.
“But what if he doesn’t like me?”
“This isn’t an engagement party. It’s just a birthday party.”
Just then my eyes started to glow then I collapsed.
Jareth was at my side in an instant. “Katrina!? Katrina can you hear me?” But it was no use I was already fading into unconsciousness, in the dream inside a dream sense.

“So do you know what happened?” Jareth asked his father.
“Im Satan not god! I don’t know everything! But I think I have a pretty good idea about what happened.”
“What?!” Jareth was getting very impatient by now. “If you know tell me! Please!”
“Since when do you say please, son?”
“Since I fell in love. Now tell me dammit!”
“I think her memory just got erased. so you’ll have to bring her down here for me to help, but you have to bring her fully down here, not just her unconscious mind, but her body too. Only don’t worry I will put a protection spell on her.” He finished but Jareth was already gone.
Jareth gathered Katrina in his arms and was about to disappear when a nurse knocked on the door. He had to hurry or he would never be able to get her out of here. He disappeared as soon as the door knob was turning. He reappeared in his room and laid Katrina down on his bed. Then he placed a piece of paper with some kind of symbol on it, on her chest and as the symbol dissolved into her chest he said, “sorry father but I would rather use my own protection spell.” He said to no one in particular. Then after placing her under the covers he disappeared.
“Father! She is in my room. She already has a protection spell on her made by me so you do not need to put one on her.” Jareth told his father who was putting together a spell of his own.
“Here place this on her forehead and let it dissolve and she should awaken in one hour with every memory but one. You have to choose that one though. So chose carefully.” He told Jareth, giving him a paper spell.
“Thanks dad.” Jareth said forgetting he was never to call his father dad. Lucifer decided to overlook it this once though.
As Jareth disappeared his brother, Damien, walked in and said to his father, “Jareth is in love, isn’t he father?”
“Yes, he is.” Lucifer was not happy about this because devils are not supposed to feel love.
“I can’t believe Jareth has fallen in love! And with a human at that!” shouted Damien. “he was supposed to become Satan some day, but if he pursues this hell get kicked out of hell!”
“He has chosen this path for himself. There is nothing we can do about it.” Lucifer told him calmly. “And try not to interfere. I want to see how things work out.” He said with a mischievous smile.
Damian looked at his father and said, “I’ll try to contain myself, but only because I want to know what you are thinking about doing.”
Lucifer looked at his youngest son and laughed. “Like that will ever stop you.”
Damian smiled showing pointed teeth, a trait Jareth didn’t have.
“You shall see.”

Jareth is pacing in his room trying to figure out which memory to keep from her. He thought to himself, ‘if she doesn’t remember Mark then I will have no compition.’ But then he realized she had more than one memory of mark, so that wouldn’t work.
“Damn! This is hard.” He said out loud. “What memory should I keep? I could keep one that is very unimportant but….”
Just then he had a brilliant idea. He would keep one memory all right. He would keep the memory of her getting downstairs before her beating.
Now that the dilemma of which memory to keep was solved, he proceeded to describe the memory out loud then said the words that would activate the spell and placed it on her forehead. Immediately the spell started to dissolve and he waited for her to wake up.


“Hmmm….” I moaned. I felt like crap and my head hurt like hell.
“Your awake!” I jumped as Jareth said this.
“Not so loud my head hurts really bad.” I told him.
“I imagine it would after what happened, but you probably don’t remember anything. Do you?”
“Not about what happened. Although I’m sure you’ll fill me in.” I said sarcastically.
“I might later… right now I need to get the physician.” He said and walked out. Right when I was about to tell him to come back he returned leading a very handsome doctor-looking demon. I knew he was a demon because he smiled at me and showed pointed teeth.
“Hello my name is Ambrogio. I am the royal family’s physician. Jareth here wants me to take a look at you to make sure every thing is the way it is supposed to be. OK?” said the demon.
“Sure, I guess. If you are alright with it. I mean… I’m not in the royal family so it might not be such a good idea if you’ll get into trouble. I really don’t want you to get into—“
Jareth cut me off by saying, “I am giving him permission to do this so he won’t get in trouble. So settle down Katrina.”
“And no, I do not mind making sure the one Jareth is in love with has not been harmed in anyway.” Ambrogio told me. I just noticed his hair was white and fell to his mid back in a braid. His eyes were red like the Red Cross you see in hospitals. I let him check me out to see if anything was wrong. He checked my eyesight, hearing, reflexes, and my thought process. When he was done he said, “well I can find nothing wrong with her, so I guess the only thing that happened was she lost her memory. Otherwise she is fine.”
“Thank you Ambrogio. You can go now.” Jareth told him.
“Hey! Don’t be so rude to him!” I said to Jareth. “He was the one who made sure I was okay!”
“Don’t worry. He used to be a lot ruder. I’m used to it.” Ambrogio said with a chuckle. “I’ll leave now so you two can talk. Bye now.”
“bye.” I said then turned on Jareth. “Now what happened to me and why am I here and not in the hospital?”
“Somebody wiped your memory. And I think I know who it was.”
“Mark, he’s the only other person who could have done it. I’ve questioned all the devils and demons in hell and none of them knew anything about a human getting her memory wiped. So that only leaves the angels.”
“Can angels do that?”
“Of course they can. How do you think they make people forget their guardian angel?”
“I don’t know… I always thought that people forgot them naturally.” I told him. “Besides I never thought about angels and demons much anyway. Well… until I was moved to the orphanage.”
“Really? Well…. That’s unexpected.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that usually people who wish for an angel are really desperate to be rescued. So they’ve been thinking about asking for an angel for a while. It’s not usually a spur-of-the-moment thing.”
“Oh really? Well it was for me. I only did it because didn’t want to trouble my little brother with my problems. I’m supposed to be strong for him.”
“You have been … its just you need someone to be there for you too. I can do that, I promise. You can count on me.”
“I know… It’s just… I’m not used to people I don’t know that… well… randomly come up to me and tell me and tell me they love me.”
“Believe me it’s not something I usually do either. Although I did mean what I said.”
“I can tell.”
“So are you still going to the party with me?”
“Party? Oh… the birthday party… I don’t know… I mean I want to but don’t I need to get back to the hospital?”
“Yes… I guess you are right… but you can still come to the party.”
“The same way you’ve come down here before, in your dreams. So do you still want to come?”
“Sure, I guess.”
“Okay it’s tonight so be prepared, alright?”
“yup.” then he grabbed my hand and the next thing I knew we were in the hospital. He kissed me on the cheek and said, “See you tonight, okay?”
“Yeah see you tonight.”
Then he disappeared and I was left alone.
I did have one thing to do before I made sure the nurses weren’t freaking out because I was gone….

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Oct 12, 2009 @ 10:54pm
W.O.W. Did you write that? That's the most amazing story I've ever read...other than twilight (sorry). Mr. Snuffles? lol + rolleyes

heart Love Forever, heart
heart Alex heart heart

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