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Jeremy's Voyage of Dreams I like to read and write, for the most part, but also go hiking sometimes. Currently, I am attending College as a freshman (freshmeat). This journal will have anything and everything in it.

Jeremiah BrightWaters
Community Member
It's been a while
I was going to say that I was done with Gaia and wouldn't go back, but I guess time changes things. I'm married now with four cats and wonderful husband (I'm a girl, in case anybody didn't know that). Life's on the uptake, I guess.

Everything's different. People changes, the world changed, and then you come back and it's like you never left. Hm... Even the old guild is still there, plodding along. Weird huh?

Rant...Sort of...
Today I found out that 41 news mods have been given their powers, so to speak, and the vague feeling of discontent arose promptly thereafter. I try very hard to stay away from moderators because no matter what slogans they throw out, they are modertors first and users second. If this was not the case, then they would be unable to do their jobs (especially when the perpetrator is a friend). Since they obviously do well enough, I am very sure that first, they are all moderators with powers over the users and only after words, if all is well, are they simply users.

Several people whom I respect, including Seishin and terradi, and others have been modded, and that's sad for me as much as anything else. I am really happy for them, but I also know that most of us will not be friends in part because of it. *shrug* It's happened before and it's happening again. And I am not surprised.

A part of me is pissed off that A. the news mods are not morning time mods at all, and B. that the admins put that as their first priority, over fixing the glitches that plague this site. Sometimes I wonder why they stall on fixing things. The bank has been screwy for ages now, and nothing has happened, and yet the donation letters are out and about just fine. Me thinks there needs to be some change.

More over, I am, not jealuos, necessarly, but definitely disappointed. A part of me really would like to be able to do more for users than now. A part of me wonders who would want to be subjected to the whims of every user on the whole site. So, not a happy way to start the day, really. I know that no one ever reads my journal, probably because I never update it, but nonetheless, it's still true. Well so it is and so it will be. No problems will get solved today. The number of glitches will go up again, and come tomorrow, it will all repeat itself (except for the new moderators deal). So, wish everyone lots of luck and the skill to bend like a willow in the wind. You're going to need it.

Jeremiah BrightWaters
Community Member

Jeremiah BrightWaters
Community Member
Liberal Thoughts
Betcha no one but maybe Exaggio and Shining Froggy know this one.

I am of no political party or train of thought. They all seem to be speaking a different language from where I stand. I read about politics in the newspapers and hear about them, and I find myself wondering if they are all lying to themselves. We do it all the time, everyone, and most of us don't even realize it until too late.

Anyway. My point isn't about politics, but politics really helps lead into it. It is the "art" of the government to make decisions that are balanced enough not to upset the people too much. And that's where we get into trouble. A politician, or anyone who likes discussions for that matter, should be aware that they are not going to be able to pleas everyone. It doesn't happen. It doesn't work.

So, what are liberal thoughts? The thoughts of people who believe in the freedom to choose. And you know what, that's not the thought of our government (provided you live in America). It's funny how words are misinterpreted and treated with so little respect. Taky any matter, and you will see that there are usually two sides. The people against it stand on one end of the spectrum and the people for the CHOICE to allow or disallow stand on the other. That's the idea behind liberal thoughts. No one may be for the thing in question, be it abortion or gay marriage or cloning or school vouchers. But, the people divide themselves into those who are strictly against and those who would rather give the choice to the individual.

Liberal thoughts then are for those who wish to allow each their choice. Those are the thought of the future, the howard roarks so to speak. Why am I writing about them?: Because today I was reading the journal of a moderator (Twistex) and it made me think. What makes compromise so hard? What makes compromising so hard? Why can't people agree? Why does there have to be hate and bigotry and so much anger. And the more I thought about it, the more it occured to me that the reason was that people want to make choices for others instead of allowing everyone to decide for themselves.

I am not for abortion. I think each child deserves a chance, but I am not pro-life. I understand that my choice is not everyone choice, and that I can never impose what I want onto another. I am also not a mother. What do I know about how a woman feels when she is pregnant and alone and unable to care for the child to come? I don't, so what right do I have to tell her not to get an abortion?

I believe in God, but that doesn't mean that I want to make everyone else believe in God. If asked, I don't hide it, but unless someone wants to know what I believe, I also don't mention it. That's liberal thought. I've seen a lot of people with these thoughts out there, and they should be proud of themsleves for not squashing the words and thoughts of others...


I know I never update, but that's beside the point, really.

First of all, Happy Holidays to everyone! That's the important thing. Everyone should have a nice, soothing holiday and just kind of relax.

Beyond that, however, there is come degree of insanity involved. As some of you may have guessed, Christmas is not my holiday of choice as I am not religious in any way, shape, or form, but it's as good a day as any to spend some time celebrating, so I will not be on over Christmas.


Still: Seeking some RP time with anyone who is willing. Literate. smile

Jeremiah BrightWaters
Community Member

Jeremiah BrightWaters
Community Member
Just a little more...
All the temples dedicated to the Blessed One and his Companions look very much alike in their size, shape, and structure. Minus a few exceptions, all temples are small, square buildings made of white stone that depict scenes from the Great Book of Divine Knowledge. Inside, when one walks in, the temples have a main prayer room and donations basket. In the back the priests and servants reside. All temples have at least three priests, male or female, plus servants and apprentices, most of whom stay for about four years before going off on their own.

For safety's sake all temples are placed in relatively quiet areas to protect the buildings and make them easier and cheaper to maintain. This temple was quite typical in its looks and placement. It stood at the edge of the moors under the shade of trees. A small dirt road led past the temple, toward the harbors. The scene on the front showed the One's son hurting himself for his land; the way it was done made it seem almost magical. No matter how much the people tried, bloodshed popped up everywhere. According to greatest philosophers there was no way around it.

I walked down the dirt road heading South to the harbors. I could just see the temple from where I stood and it looked welcoming in the cold of a late February afternoon. I was cold, despite being dressed for walking the harsh weather. I wore a heavy robe over long pants and warm shirt. The robe was for warmth and to identify me as part of the Blessed Brotherhood. Ironic name since most of the Brotherhood was made up of girls and women. I carried a bag on my back and walking stick in my right hand. The stick was marked to tell what rank I carried.

Behind me I could feel the life of another, a male. He had been following for the last two days but wasn't apparently dangerous. So far he had plenty of chances to end my life and take my food and yet he never had. Since it was not my business what others did, I stayed alert and let things be. Infinity taught the way of patience and kindness, of letting things run their course.

Taking a deep breath I walked over to the temple and rang the bell that would call the local priest. He arrived in moments and nearly fell over with fear. Most priests didn't like inspections from the Brotherhood, but this was almost cute. He recovered quickly to my relief. I didn't feel like standing out here for any longer, and the wind was picking up.

"Welcome to the moors, Sister. Please come in," he said and promptly hurried inside.

I followed more slowly. I was only nineteen, but training had taught me to walk slowly and with pride. The Brotherhood trained people to become the messengers of the One's companions, and the training to get there was harsh, but educational.

"Thank you Brother, and you shouldn't worry; I'm merely passing by on my way to the harbors," I explained with a smile.

There were standard greetings for these kinds of meetings, but the man didn't look like he needed one right now. He looked afraid of me as it was.

"That is well and good. Tell me how is it in the city while the cook brings us some warm stew." At this he turned to a plump, happy woman and gave orders.

"Make it three bowls since my stalker would also like some," I said as I watched a man with lavender hair and eyes walk in; I could recognize his life force with ease by now.

The priest changed the directions, and the lady disappeared down a long
passageway. She reminded me of a matronly grandmother, someone who would give you chocolate cookies while speaking about baking.

I sighed and spoke, "Nothing much has changed in the last months, Brother. The temple still stands, and all is well with His Majesty. There was a minor uprising in the Upper Reaches, but it is over now, and peace has returned. I'm sorry to say the Speaker for the Blessed One has passed away, and the selections for the new one are coming up at summer's end. That's about all."

The priest nodded, thinking. The stranger, meanwhile, took a seat by the door and remained there. I looked at him in curiosity. He was just a few years older than I was, and other than strange eyes and hair he looked relatively normal. He had a large sword with him, and I guessed that he knew how to wield it. A smile spread across my lips, but I didn't say anything to him. It had taken him two days to become comfortable enough to sit this close and not run away. I was fully planning to give him his time for whatever it was worth. People are like wild animals sometimes. They may not be afraid, but they remain cautious until you prove to be trustworthy.

The lady came back with three bowls and spoons. My strange new companion sat down behind and to the left of me in a familiar position; I couldn't place it however. He sat far enough from me that he could reach me with a sword while I couldn't touch him. I guess he didn't know that my magic would be deadlier than his sword. The cook handed out bowls, and the priest and I said a small prayer. My companion waited until we were done before eating. "Clueless but with manners" was my overall assessment of him.

The food tasted wonderful especially since it was so warm and comforting after the cold dusk outside. After dinner I thanked the priest went outside. As nice as it would have been to stay in the temple I still had a long road ahead and wanted to get some more walking done before going to bed.

Outside it was dark and the road was barely visible in the temple light, and yet it was still three hours before bedtime. Terra rotates around its axis every thirty hours and ten of them are spent in darkness. Yet most people only need about six to seven hours of sleep in order to function properly.

I started walking while tugging the wool robe around me. My companion walked by my side, and I had to smile though he couldn't see it. I was thankful to the darkness for it hid my blushing.

"So, what's your name?" I asked

The man smiled and shook his head. I felt both and saw neither. For a moment I thought he might be mute or something. It was far too dark to see. Finally though he spoke which gave me another hint that he was not from around here and that he was not mute.

"Tobias and yours?"

"Well Tobias it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Merry, which is short for Meredith. I'm going to stop around the next bend and look for a place to spend the night."

"Thanks for the warning. Mind if I join you? It's too cold to sleep on the ground," he said and I nodded; then I hit myself, cursing at my stupidity.

"Yeah, sure."

With that I headed off the road and began feeling around for a hollow. Hollows went on the side of the road nearly all the way to the harbors and that suited me fine. Upon finding a safe place to sleep I took a blanket out of my pack, spread it on the ground and lay down on it. I covered myself with my robe since it was the warmest thing I had. Tobias lay down next to me and curled up around his sword.

"Where are you from?" I wondered out loud.

"Sierra Nova."

One small response, so I figured he wasn't much for conversation. Sierra Nova was a province at the edge of Alexandria. Alexandria is my home and the biggest country on the northern continent. Little provinces border it on nearly all sides, but we have access to a number of harbors.

"You're far from home then," I said and felt a little sorry that anyone had to leave his home that far behind.

I walked around my home year after year, but it was home. I could always hitch a ride back to the capital. Hitching a ride to Sierra Nova was similar to trying for a ride to the moon.

"I wasn't welcome there because of what I look like."

He said that as if it explained everything, and in a way it did. In Alexandria, as well as other countries, people who look like Tobias are treated poorly because it is believed that their color marks them as god's chosen, for better or for worse.

"I can see why. What I don't see is why you're following me. I have nothing and if you want the leftover beef you can just ask."

He laughed at that. "I saw you back in the other town, about four days ago, and you looked like a person worth following. I've got nothing better to do, and at least this way I can put my skills to good use."

I just had to ask. "Skills?"

"I am-was a personal guard," he said and it all suddenly made sense.

The strange place he chose to walk was a guard's stance. I fought a temptation to hit myself on the head a few times.

"Guards and indentured servants aren't treated particularly well here. You might want to choose a new occupation," I pointed out, stating the obvious.

Slaves and guards were considered lower than average citizens. In part it had to do with the fact that both could be overcome by enlisting in the Blessed One's service or saving up money.

"Yeah, I know, and I am willing to be your servant or anyone else's if I don't have to go back to hell." There was conviction in his voice and I believed him.

"I'll think about it tomorrow. Good night." With that I fell asleep and dreamed.

My dreams are usually either scary or visions, and I usually opt for scary. I dreamed that night of myself running down a path with a monster chasing me. When I couldn't run anymore Tobias appeared and pulled out a sword, standing in front of me. With that I woke up and looked around.

It was nearly dawn and its first lights could be seen on the horizon. I smiled at the sounds of birds and took a good look at the moors. Most people assume that the moors are dead, but they aren't really; they are bursting with life that waits for just the right moment to bloom and live.

Slowly I stood up and stretched. Before my body had ached each morning, but it did not do that now. I folded up my blanket and shoved it back into my pack, after pulling out some cheese and beef strips. After finding out I was being followed I took the time to get extra food to accommodate two people.

Tobias woke up and turned to face me. "So what'll it be?"

I handed him half the meat and most of the cheese. "I'd be honored if you accompanied me as long as you promise to obey. I won't tell you to jump off buildings though."

He laughed at that and nodded. He began to eat, and I joined him having no problem with eating without prayer. He noticed that and raised his eyebrow.

"Okay. This is complicated." The sun was almost ready to step over the horizon and I looked in that direction. "Alexandria's religion is one based on belief rather than strict rituals and prayers.

"There are only two real things that must be done and only once. You must read the Great Book and meditate on it for at least twenty-four hours. That's all. Otherwise do as you wish. Saying a prayer is my way of verifying my faith, but it has nothing to do with it being law. If I could sing than my service to the Blessed One might include singing a song to each temple.

"Actually the religion of the Blessed One and his Companions is more complex than that, but most people try and simplify it, rather than go into gory details about why we do the things we do."

He nodded and looked at a flower below his left foot. "Tell me, please."

"Sure. The belief goes that the Blessed One made the entire world in about a week. His Companions came to the world and did services to the world in order to bless it. Then He chose to give His creations a life of their own.

"He and the Companions live in a different plane of existence and the only way to reach it is by believing in Him or any of His minions. So there is no need for rituals or anything of that sort. It's only pure belief that makes a difference. For example I'm a priestess of Infinity, and at the beginning he created mortality and the cycle of life," I explained the lessons taught to me years ago when I was still a child.

"It's much simpler here than Sierra. There they have a sort of hierarchy of Gods and Goddesses that each child must learn by their fifth birthday. People have to pray to all these deities at one time or another and perform rituals to keep them happy," he said.

He looked deep in thought as he said it, like he had been thinking about this for a long time. I knew a little about the religions of the provinces, but I couldn't name Gods or anything. As far as I knew Sierra Nova had a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses who either married or fought each other.

I nodded and stood up; he followed me. With one last look around I climbed onto the road and started walking. Tobias caught up to me quickly.

"Where are we headed Mistress Merry?" he asked and it made me turn.

"One: please never call me that. Merry alone will do. Two: we are headed for the harbors to solve a dispute, and because I need to talk with one of the practitioners there," I said and regretted being so sharp about it. "Sorry. I'm always like this in the morning."

"It's okay." He walked be my side for the rest of the day, which was uneventful.

Christmas stuff (early, I know)
Aldo -- avatar art (by Razumi Yazyra)
Sevi Rais. -- angelic collar as donation to quest
Razumi Yazura -- sealed letter (november)
Shining_froggy -- Angelic headband (hopefully)
Seishin_No_Kibou -- Surprise
An Angels Nightmare -- Don't know yet (probably art)
RayQuazza -- wrapped gift smile

If anyone else would like something, feel free to post here or PM me or whatever. If you're not on my friends' list and want something, PM me anyway.

Current items that can be given away:
1. Demonic Pitchfork
2. Enchanted Trunk
3. Sealed letter (november)
4. Sealed Letter December (assuming they will have them next month)
5. Bear pajamas
6. Gold...

So, ask, and you shall receive. All righty?

Jeremiah BrightWaters
Community Member

Jeremiah BrightWaters
Community Member
A thought
(Just my ramblings about vampires...yaoi...expect more....)

Adrian perched at the edge of the roof and watched the newcomer thread his way along the narrow street. The oncoming man looked tasty enough to eat, and the copper-haired watcher was just the right species for it. Within moment, he landed on ground in front of the other man and opened his mouth slightly, showing off fangs.

The man, who was really little more than a boy, looked up at the vampire and offered a gentle sort of smile. He looked so innocent with that ear-length blond hair and wide, sky-blue eyes. For a moment, Adrian hesitated and instead of going for the boy's throat took a moment to examine his tattered clothes and uncombed hair. The child was homeless and suffering, by the looks of it, he decided to himself almost at once.

"Got a name?" Adrian asked the boy, moving around him in a slow circle.

The boy nodded and said softly, "Toby."

Adrian thought for a moment, noticing now that he'd missed the company of others in the last century or so. Toby looked about ready to pass out, and he was shivering in the bitter wind. Without much in the way of thought, the vampire took Toby's thin hand and led him back towards his car. The quiet, submissive child followed without question, all too used to life on the streets.

"Hungry?" Adrian asked the boy as he buckled him into front passenger seat of the car.

Tobias was about to answer when a stake flew out of nowhere and broke the windshield into a million little pieces. The boy cried out as the vampire turned to face the enemy, a hunter with an automatic arrow launcher in his arms. For a moment, the two enemies stared angrily at each other, judging, calculating their next move.

Then, the hunter said, "Another victim, eh Adrian?"

"No," replied the vampire firmly, shielding Toby with his body. "Tell me this, Hart. Where were you when this child needed food and shelter?"

"Shouldn't matter to you, bloodsucker," answered the hunter. "Now let's be quick about it, shall we? I still have a lot to do after I end your life and your toy's."

Horrified to hear Hart speak thus, Toby couldn't tear his eyes from the scene in front of him. He didn't have the strength or will to run away as the two predators faced each other in combat. He cheered silently for Adrian, for the man had offered food and not promised death quite so easily. In Toby's world, vampires were neither the good nor the bad guys, but still hunters came after them. In his world, to be a blood toy meant certain death, if the vampire who owned him got caught and killed. In Toby's world, homeless weren't citizen any longer; they were little more than food that spoke back.

I don't really know why I'm posting in here when I'd rather be RPing or something, but since I am already here...

To begin with, school is awesome for now. I am staying up with my classes and having a pretty fun time with friends and such. Paul and I are going to go to a haunted house next weekend with some friends, so I can't wait. It'll be nice to see everyone again, especially Ryan, whose been gone for so long. He just fell out of radar range for a couple of years. So, now it will be nice to see him again. It's also reassuring ot see him going out with Sandy. Kind of makes me think that loving someone comes out of being friends with them first and foremost.

Besides that, not much going on. Olivia (a friend from college) invited me over for dinner on Halloween, and I couldn't exactly say no when I'd promised her we'd do something. I was going to ask Donny (another friend) if he and I could take her to Tattered Cover (a cool book store) but he has to work from now till the day he dies.

About that new house, which Paul has seen by the way. It's really cool, and I am finally getting used to losing people in it. It's a lot louder than our old place, even though the nearest highway is like 5-10 streets away. You can still hear it even here. It sounds a little like a river over rocks or something in that vicinity. I got a changing night light in my room for the hell of it, so las night I stared at it as it changed colors for hours (couldn't sleep) and drove my family nuts.

Short of homework, relaxing, and work, the only other thing I'm really looking into is getting a place of my own. Apartments aren't exactly cheap, especially since the bus is a total must! Also looking into the room mate idea, but that's a bit more shaky. I'm staying home for sure until the end of semester, and maybe even through the school year just because I don't want to start moving a week before the Finals and fail some classes. That wouldn't be cool.

My life in a nutshell! smile

Jokes, and don't shoot me if you're arabic, please. These are meant to be funny, not cruel or degrading.


Thank you for showing me your marvelous gun.

I am delighted to accept your kind invitation to lie down on the floor with my arms above my head with my legs apart.

I agree with everything you have ever said and thought in your whole life.
If you will do me the kindness of not harming my genital appendages, I will gladly reciprocate by betraying my country in public.

It is exceptionally kind of you to allow me to travel in the trunk of your car.

I will tell you the names and addresses of many American spies travelling as reporters.

Whatever you say.

The red blindfold would be lovely, excellency.

The water soaked breadcrumbs are delicious, thank you. I must have the recipe

Jeremiah BrightWaters
Community Member

Jeremiah BrightWaters
Community Member
Another day, another calculator
Yesterday, my family bought a new and bigger townhome, which will lovingly be called "Hell." It's not horrible, as far as a roof over one's head go, but it has little enough room for me. My room went from being bigger to being smaller because the new place has a loft, and lo and behold, my dad gets to use that, not me. He says that I get half of it, but knowing my general luck, he'll occupy it like Germans did with Poland in WWII. And he is against me getting a kitten, which is really not much of a deterent since he can't kick me out. *grin*

Otherwise, life is good. I miss being on Gaia but no internet at home until next week because of the move. Of course, I have enough time to do it here that it's no trouble at all, but oh well. At this point, let me be clear in saying something. BOW DOWN before the people who fix Gaia and/or warn you that it's broken. While not quite to the rank of "GOD" they come very close with their patience and ability. Even I'd go nuts if I got 150+ emails from random users telling me that my code didn't work. So, everyone thank Lanzer profusely next time you see him (or even so much as see his name mentioned somewhere.)

Today, for no apparently good reason, I am going to praise Oggy. The poor soul stood under the rain last night while waiting for the bus (stupid schedules) and is probably sick by now. I haven't actually asked, but that has something to do with classes this morning, I think.

And that, Ladies and Geraniums, is the end of my tale for the day. Next post after I move into the new place, hopefully. My room is dark blue there (major bonus) so I'll be decorating.

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