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ambiedexter15's avatar

Report | 04/01/2011 5:15 pm


I have no clue lol stare
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 01/04/2011 7:19 pm

Perfectionistic Mistake

Wow. That's some nose Dx I can't smell anything. Well, I can, kinda. Some things I pick up really well, others I don't. =p
Some people also get alcohol poisoning, get really sick and feel like crap for a long time. I guess it's kind of the same as detox, I'm not sure =p I've never been hung over, probably because I don't drink that much anyway, so I'm really the worst person to ask DX I just know from being around hung over people you just kind of want to sleep it off, so I told him to sleep. If you get poisoning though, some people are able to just kind of let their body take care of it, and others need to get their liver pumped.
Augh I hate bipolar people Dx over the break my aunt(in Cali) was asking me about getting on birth control, which I thought was kind of nice considering if I asked my Dad he would trip and automatically assume I'm having sex, and I would still end up with no B/C. I told her no, because I only see her over the break and I don't want her to pay for it or ask for money to pay for it and I could take care of it myself. So I looked it up and costs and stuff, and my dad saw that on the history and he tripped out, like how I knew he would. And he made such a big deal out of it too! Like 'who do you want to have sex with?' and 'why is it such a necessity?' and all this other stuff. So I'm not allowed to look up anything anymore? And then he was just like I'll call your aunt(the one that lives out here) and schedule an appointment or whatever for you to get birth control.
He's freaking bipolar. DX
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 01/03/2011 2:05 pm

Perfectionistic Mistake

Really? I thought it was just cartilage and skin up there sweatdrop I know that if you get your tongue pierced you could mess it up and not be able to use it or most of your jaw because of a nerve or something, but I never knew that about the ear...
Ouch, I'm sorry. I'm scared of college classes now Dx A lot of people I know failed the Chem.1 final and had to retake the class, and they're all begging me for notes so they can pass. I'm really tempted to start charging them for the notes, but I don't know how good of an idea that's going to be Dx I don't really get the whole idea of a 'final' anyway, it goes over things that you learned months ago, and they really expect you to remember it? Or things that almost no time was spent on anyway. In my math class a whole chapter was focusing on matrix's and stuff, so I spent a long time learning how to do that right, and there wasn't a single problem on the final! I was so mad DX
Oh gosh, great idea there. Well, did you drink on New Years? My friend texted me asking for hangover cures, and I told him to sleep it off. He slept for 14 hours, when he woke up and texted me saying he was still hung over
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 01/02/2011 10:38 am

Perfectionistic Mistake

It is cool. Just don't do it yourself if you're squeamish around blood. if you don't do it fast, a lot of blood comes out.
And I've been good. I need to start working on my essay and reading for school before I go back on tuesday, but I think I'm going to waste another day watching movies XD how about you, how's school been for you?
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 12/31/2010 10:31 pm

Perfectionistic Mistake

My boyfriend was just saying how he'd think that living in one of the houses in my complex would be cool for a single person. I had to remind him that it would be, cause that's what it was designed for, but when you have two teenagers who both demand their own rooms/ privacy its not so great Dx I think poor people cluster to a area because they see other poor people and think that they kind of belong there. Like other stereotypes, they just kind of happen because everyone else follows the trend.
New topic, but speaking of trends, I've wanted to get the top part of my ear pierced ever since like, forever almost. My mom wouldn't let me because she'd never seen any other 10 year old with one, and my dad wouldn't because he's all anti piercings. So I never got to really chase that trend. But I told my cousins how I wanted it done and they all said they would never do it, and then I go out this christmas and all of them have their ears pierced on the top of their ear. I got annoyed and just did it myself, with the help of my cousin (she had been asking to pierce it anyway). Yes I did it with a safety pin, but it was from my own collection and I had made sure to steralize it lots of times before, and I even steralized the earring. I kind of regret doing it now, just because I know when my dad notices it will be the end of the world for me, but its cute, so I'm happy.
Everyone thought it was going to get infected, especially since I kept on playing with it and taking it out, and you're not supposed to do that until after 12 weeks, but I've never been good at following directions anyway =P and I cleaned it every time I took it out, so I don't really see how it could get infected anyway....
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 12/29/2010 10:32 pm

Perfectionistic Mistake

My teacher freshman year was talking about that, how one of her girlfriends was pregnant but didnt know, and she still had her period and everything, and went into labor in the middle of a basketball game she was playing. I was like wow, thats kinda intense.
Theres a lot of trailer parks by here, but we don't live in one so we aren't considered 'ghetto'. But they're all like half a mile from here, totally walking distance, so I don't really understand the logic of how the ghetto ends on the outside of the trailer park, but its whatever. I know a lot of people and some of my cousins live there, and I was telling my aunt how I wouldn't mind living in one of those just because it was decent enough size for a single person or couple and it would probably be cheaper than buying an actual house or anything, and she tripped out. Its not like they're ugly or bad or anything. It's just 'ghetto'
There's all these different 'theories' on how to treat law (criminology class) and pretty much all of them say that the rich and powerful control the law and the poor and 'unfortunate' just have to deal with it. So something might be unlawful one day, and then nobody cares the next
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 12/27/2010 6:39 pm

Perfectionistic Mistake

Or if there was some other medical risk involved. Like those women who still have their periods and stuff, but after having their first child they cannot hold a child in their uterus anymore. I dont exactly remember all the terms and stuff, but I remember my aunt saying that happened to her and it made her sad that she had a boy and not a little girl. But its okay cause she loves her son, but she'd still rather have a girl anyway =d
Oh my gosh, I get so annoyed when people used to ask me where I lived and I told them downtown, close to the industrial ish area(it looks like it but its really not) with all the bars and stuff. They always asked me why I lived there, because I was white and obviously had money. I got so annoyed all the time. And the people that have been in my house are like, wow this house is really nice, its so 'white' and all of that, except they dont consider the fact that there is only one bedroom (if you can even call it that) and the top of my house has a whole wall torn down to make that bedroom. Its one of the most ghetto-ist 'white' places I have ever been in. I mean, I know people who live in projects that have it better than I do.
I wanted to write in my paper about how stereotypes are real because people choose to follow them and act like them. Like people say 'only black people play basketball', hence why in DPS about 90% of basketball players are black. The teacher said it was an inappropriate topic =P
it should, but it doesnt. Because it makes you a criminal in doing so. Hence the debate over which Batman is a good guy or not =P
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 12/18/2010 11:35 am

Perfectionistic Mistake

I would hate to have a surrogate. Just because I dont know, it just doesnt seem right to me, you know? Theres this saying about parents, that a mother is the one that carried you for nine months but a mom is the one that actually takes care of you? Besides, it also seems really selfish to have a surrogate while you go out and have fun.
Haha, that would be ironic if you had a surrogate and then you ended up getting pregnant XD
Oh yeah, I know. But I mean, I'll admit to that, and people flip out. They would much rather call someone a racist behind their backs than to have said person admit it. And I mean, its not even like I'm racist where its a general steryotype and they get shunned forever. Its more like, you're white so I"m going to assume you act this way because majority of white people I've had encountered acted that way. Same with blacks and mexicans and any other race really. Bu its not really until I find out what a person is like do I live by that standard or actually believe its true. Especially since most of my black opinions come from black females. Which I personally think the whole world would be much better without Xd
Thats like this other case we were talking about in criminology. There was a man that heard a woman scream rape outside his house, so he went outside with his gun to check it out. He went outside and couldnt really see anything as it was dark (obviously) so he shot his gun twice to kind of scare the attacker off, and he actually shot him twice in the head, so he got arrested for aggravated assault even though he was helping that woman.
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 12/04/2010 9:11 pm

Perfectionistic Mistake

I hate teachers that do that. My science teacher was sick and some kids decided to be retarded and take the question sheet (the questions and answer sheet are printed on two separate pages so she can reuse them for next year) so she tripped and failed everybody, because we could have seen the questions (even though she still made us take the test)
oh scnaps. thats... not good. Well, worst case scenario, that's going to happen. Hope for the best though.
Besides, self destructive paths are fun (//sarcasm, really bad joke DX)
How are you going to get a girl preggo anyway? and as far as being arrested and doing drugs, even if you were doing drugs you wouldn't get caught because you're white! (DX) I hate the kids at my school. I made the comment (and I do say that it was a bad choice to say it) that I am more lenient towards white people than black. One of the very annoying black chicks in my class (2012) heard and passed it all around the school saying I was racist. What she didn't hear though, was that I said that because majority of the black people *cough*imeangirls*cough* are annoying, ignorant, and don't even seem to think about anything. They just hear one thing and assume everything else. So, because of that, if I meet someone that is black, I'm going to initially judge them as annoying, ignorant and everything else, but once I learn who they really are, that thought will be gone from my mind. And I know so many blacks at manual that I am good or decent friends with so when me being racist was passed around, they all came up to me and asked, 'what retarded person would say and believe that?'
I think parents act more in the moment that teenagers do, if thats possible.
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 11/28/2010 10:07 am

Perfectionistic Mistake

Oh, I know how finals are. We had finals two weeks before break. All the junior teachers gave them out early, we had two half days the week of(/before? I'm not sure how to explain it anymore) so kids could see where their grades were and do extra credit stuff. My grades were fine, but I was worried about the college class, African history. Thank god our final was a take home, otherwise I would've failed it. I'm sure I still failed it, just because the teacher hates me. (its cause I'm white! XD lol jk)
I wouldn't stress too much about finals, or pre-stress before. It can't be good D= I'm sure you'll do fine. I mean, you've survived this far right? Maybe some sleep would be good for you.
As far as my life, I'm fine. I'm grounded again, like always, but really it just means that I have no phone. And instead of chillin at my house with my loserface friends we go out until 9/10 at night and then I go home. Its funny, because I'm grounded to make sure I don't get into trouble, but its kinda like my dad is asking me too. How much trouble can I get into with me and a couple people over at my house vs. walking around the middle of nowhere at night?
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 11/28/2010 9:54 am

Perfectionistic Mistake

Your avi is freakishly awesome
Just wanted you to know
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 11/06/2010 4:32 pm

Perfectionistic Mistake

Thank you. I had my vent, and issues are all better now. It's just, I'm not sure exactly how to say it. I'm still depressed, but its not as extreme. I guess.
I should probably hit you up on your email though, but it said you were still online so I might as well post a comment. How's college goin for you?
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 09/12/2010 1:33 pm

Perfectionistic Mistake

Hahaha.... don't worry. That made sense. I ******** love that quote. Just be water... wow. I'm so dumb sometimes.
Yeah, I don't really want to find friends anyway. I'd rather have people find me instead haha... Just like how I never text or call people unless I really need to. If you wanna talk to me you better talk.
Oh gosh, no sleep since wednesday? I've been getting more sleep, except I keep on waking up at 4, either by cause of random nightmares (well, not really nightmares. just really creepy dreams. Like the cat zombies on thursday, that was just weird.....)
College homework is crazy. I have a college african history class, which is pretty dumb in its self, but I have a book thats about 400 pages to read, and then double that in random articles that I have to read, all before November. I havent even started yet Dx
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 09/11/2010 11:26 am

Perfectionistic Mistake

sorry it took me forever to get back to your comment >.< I looked at it and then I forgot to respond, and I didn't remember until now. gosh I suck.
Oh wow, thats intense. And crazy.
And my 'fight' was just stupid. I guess Benito's other Ex goes to Manual now, and she was saying I always give her dirty looks and stuff and saying that if I kept on talking about her then she was gonna kick my a**. I thought it was funny because when I first saw her I was talking to my friend at the lunch line, and I saw this girl being really loud and annoying about people always cutting in line, making a really big deal about it(even though I wasn't even in line. I was just talking to someone) and I looked over, saw it was her, and was just like, 'huh, thats cool I guess' and went back to talking to my friend. I didn't even say anything about her.
Ahaha.. thats true. I would go crazy if I had to. Thats why I dont think when I go to college I'm going to live in the dorms. I'll just stay home or rent a small apartment. Depends on how sick I am of my dad when that time comes around
Perfectionistic Mistake's avatar

Report | 08/25/2010 5:58 pm

Perfectionistic Mistake

Thing is I dont even know why I was depressed. Today was a lot better, I think it was just a like, 3/4 hour depression that just hit me out of nowhere. It was kinda crazy.
On another note, I might get into another fight, which means I probably wont =d gosh, theres drama already on the first two days of school XD freshmen are funny
Crimson Camellias's avatar

Report | 08/22/2010 7:55 pm

Crimson Camellias

Thank you for the comment. It actually made me feel a lot better. See, I've been way too emotional lately for pretty much no reason, and I'm getting sick of it. I don't want to involve anyone in my nonexistent problems. So when you said that everyone's a little psycho sometimes, it really helped. I mean, maybe a little craziness never hurt anyone, right? ^.^" Anyway, thanks a lot. Now you know what kind of thoughts go through my head when I stay up kind of late and no one else is awake...
Crimson Camellias's avatar

Report | 08/19/2010 9:07 am

Crimson Camellias

That's so cool! How long are you going to be there? Like, is it two-year, four-year, or something else? I haven't even started applying to colleges yet. I'm thinking maybe Miami University (no, not Florida. Ohio. I'm seriously that lame. >.< wink . I know it's not Harvard or anything, but honestly... I don't think I'm getting into any Ivy League school. Not with my grades. Still, my PSAT and ACT practice scores were okay, so I might still be able to get somewhere good. And Miami University has like... a 62% acceptance rate to medical school, which goes up to 90% if I can meet a few qualifications.

It was so weird. We went to go see the premiere for Vampires Suck, and apparently on the ticket it said "dress up like a vampire for a chance to win." I didn't even SEE the tickets until we were there (my friend had them) so I had no clue about that. Then they called up all of the people who dressed up and told the audience to cheer for which costume they liked best. >.< It was so embarrassing... Still, the prizes were cool, so I've decided to just be okay with it.
ThatTheatreKid's avatar

Report | 08/19/2010 8:28 am


cool avi
Crimson Camellias's avatar

Report | 08/18/2010 6:54 pm

Crimson Camellias

Saturday? You have school on Saturday? I start the day before. >.<

I've been fine, I suppose. Kind of bored, although I won a vampire costume contest yesterday. Too bad I was in my normal freaking clothes! >.< I don't know whether I should be happy because I got a $50 gift card and two tickets to see Dracula, or offended because they thought my everyday style of dress looked enough like a vampire to win a costume contest I didn't know about. D:
Crimson Camellias's avatar

Report | 08/17/2010 8:21 pm

Crimson Camellias

Thanks! I like yours a lot too.

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