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Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:25 pm
*As the sun began to rise, Gekido arrived at Konoha's gate, his belongings on his back, the headband in his hand. The Hokage stood in waiting. Gekido handed her the headband and turned his head towards the opening doors.*
G: Goodbye Lady Tsunade...
T: Goodbye Gekido and good luck. We'll miss you.
*Gekido replied with a silent nod, then proceeded through the gate, the shadows stretching far across his path. The journey would be long, and lonely. At the end of the journey lay long awaited smiles, and long awaited bloodshed...*  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:49 pm
Further outside the Village walls…

N: Tch…it seems that Hokage is tougher than she seems…she survived my attack…oh well I’m through with her at the moment…I’m shifting my focus to more important things…

Nikki goes off into the woods running away from her home thinking to herself it perhaps was for the best since they were going to banish her anyway…With no destination in mind she chooses a direction and heads off…

Minutes later Nikki sensed she was being followed and her only thought was that she had been discovered by Konoha’s ANBU…

N: Tch…-in thought- their quick…but it doesn’t sound like an ANBU…then it is one foolish shinobi if I sensed them so easily…

Nikki stops in her tracks, it throws off her pursuer but he caught himself but hid inside the woods and that irritated Nikki to no end.

N: -sighs- Hey You! Obvious Shinobi! Come out and show yourself! I know you’re there! No point in hiding! If you want to kill me now’s your chance!

No movement within the trees.

N: Tch…you really are going to try my patience aren’t you?

Nikki then takes her hand and concentrates chakra onto it then slams her hand onto the earth cause several metal blades to spout as if they were plants.

N: You better come out or I’ll come and search for you…and you don’t want that…

Sudden leaf movement cause Nikki’s gaze to move into that direction and the next second someone emerges.  

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:06 pm
*It was about noon when the mountain came into view. Gekido eyes turned a shade of red orange as he used his blood limit to zoom in and get a better look at the mountain. His heart sank when he saw what it had become. Much of the mountain was black, burnt, and covered in ash. There was little vegetation. Many of the few still standing trees were dead. Parts of the mountain were broken. The beautiful streams which once majestically rolled down the mountain were but dry hollow lines on the mountain's face. Gekido picked up his pace, now doubting his first thoughts of being able to see his family's smiling faces when he arrived.*  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:20 pm
Back at the forest…

??: There would be no need for violence miss…I mean no harm…

N: Oh? Then why are you basically stalking me?

??: I was assigned to watch you inside your village until the right time came…

N: Right time for what?

??: To capture you…

At this Nikki laughs.

N: Well that didn’t work out as plan…did it?

??: No it did not but nevertheless the time came sooner than expected…I only wish I do not have to use force to take you with me to my superiors…

N: Well you could try asking me what you need me for…but before we get into any of that…tell me your name first…

T: My name is Teru Kowasu and my mission is to bring you to my superiors because they crave your raw power to destroy a village or better yet a nation…

N: Oh? And how would they know of my ‘raw power’ last I checked…Konoha made a good job in keeping my existence silent…

T: Your existence has been known to them for the past seven years…

N: -brows crease-…Seven Years…?  

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:30 pm
*As Gekido neared the mountains base, a grim site revealed itself. The mountain was surrounded by a moat of debris, corpses, and skeletons. Bones, bodies, rusted and shattered weapons littered the ground, and a gut wrenching stench arose from them. The mountain was no longer a home, only a battleground. Tears filled Gekido’s eyes as he began to scale the mountain at his highest speed, now doubting that there was any chance he would ever seen his family again.*
*Back in the Hidden Leaf Village, in a makeshift office for the Hokage, Shizune questioned Gekido’s situation.*

S: Lady Tsunade… is it really ok to send Gekido straight into the middle of a war, without even an escort? What is the war even about?
H: We could not send an escort without seeming as though we chose a side. In our state, we couldn’t afford that happening. And… it is a pointless war... fueled by a cycle of revenge for generations long past. The fires burn each other's oxygen, and soon both flames will be suffocated. The fires will disappear, and naught but ashes shall remain...
*Shizune and the Hokage observed a moment of silence, contemplating the sadness of the war, and knowing that when Gekido returned, there would be no warm welcome…*  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:18 pm
Meanwhile in the Konoha forest…

N: Seven years? What do you mean the past seven years…?

T: …It was I who destroyed your childhood those many years ago and brought out your raw power so to speak…

Nikki’s subconscious had a flashback of that fateful night she met Teru for the first time. And coming to the realization that he was not lying and in fact was the ninja who killed her family the only way Nikki could react was setting her palm against the base of the nearest tree for support while she registered all the information through her head.

Moments passed in silence and Teru awaited her reaction…then suddenly Nikki began to laugh…but not in a maniacal way but rather as if it was a relief.

N: -laughing- Ha ha…ha…you know…-brings her gaze up to meet Teru’s-…I’m actually not mad…

Teru just remained silent.

N: No really Teru I’m alright…In fact I want to thank you. If it wasn’t for you…this girl would have never tapped into her potential power and would have lived her life as a useless shinobi who would have been killed at the first sight of war…

N: -sensing the tense atmosphere between herself and Teru- Okay You have to learn to calm down Teru, look in order to make you trust me I’ll tell you what…I’ll accept your ‘superiors’ mission…take me to them

T: -nods- Alright then if you will so follow me…

N: You got it…I’m…right…be...hind….you…-faints-

Surprised Teru manages to catch Nikki before she falls wondering to himself what could cause to faint…  

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:20 pm
*As Gekido neared the top of the mountain, where the Hidden Sky Village stood, he could hear the screeches, caws, squaks, and roars of the avian and reptilian creatures, accompanied by battle commands, screams, and the sharp clanks of weaponry as they clashed. After what felt like hours of fumbling through documents and checking reports, which in reality was only a few minutes, Gekido was finally allowed in the village. Between the mountain, and the village, there was little change in scene. The village was ravaged, the windows were barred, and the streets were littered with debris. He rushed to find his home, and with luck found it standing, but not untouched. He brought his fist against the door, and screamed in hopes that those who once inhabited the house, still did.*
G: Shizukesa! Mom! Dad!? Sora!? Anyone in there!?
*However, it was to no avail. No voice called to him, no answer to warm his heart. He began to think of alternative locations his family and Sora would be. Perhaps they were injured, and thus he sprinted to the hospital.*  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:21 pm
*From among the dozens of injured bodies, a bright blue bird took flight towards a table near the hospital, landing on the shoulder of a petite young girl with white blonde curls that lightly caressed her shoulders and a soft spoken grace about her. Gekido’s heart soared with joy as he rushed to her.*
G: Shizukesa!!!
*Before she could turn around, Gekido picked her up and swung her around, holding her tightly before placing her back on the ground and kissing her forehead.*
G: Oh thank god!
Sh: Gekido!!! *her voice was serene and innocent, to Gekido, who expected the worst, it was greater than that of a choir of angels*
G: Where are mom and dad? And Sora?!
Sh: They’re helping inside, and Sora is out with the squad in combat, they’ll be back soon though so don’t you dare go looking for them and leave us right after you get here!
G: *Gekido chuckled to the old familiar sound of the voices he missed* Don’t worry, I won’t leave you, I’m here to stay! *Shizukesa hugged him closely* Now, you say mom and dad are inside?
Sh: Yeah! Go see them then come back here! You’ve got a lot of catching up to do!
G: Hahaha, alright alright! I promise I’ll be right back!  

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:23 pm
*With that Gekido entered the hospital, finding his parents helping to carry supplies while their chakra replenished. They hugged him, exclaimed how much they missed him, then expressed that they would have to catch up once they got a break. So, Gekido returned outside to catch up with Shizukesa. When he reached the doorway the building, he heard a few distinguished voices around his sister’s voice. There was an extravagant and overly peppy voice of a male, a very deep and harsh voice of another man, and the strong, confident, boyish voice of a girl… Sora.*
S: Ha! Poor cliff heads never saw it coming!
?: Oh of course Sora! It was beautiful! And I never knew you could be so elegant with your blades Raikou!
R: … Must you always be so happy Hinote?
H: Absolutely! A happy mind is a happy spirit Raikou!
R: I’d rather be a prisoner…
H: Hmph! Well aren’t you cranky today! My my, this will never do. And here I was complementing your skill! But I can see my compliments aren’t wanted here!
S: Cool it Hinote! Raikou’s just sore because you had to save him! Hahaha
R: I was fine! I could’ve handled it!
S: Oh relax Rai, I mean jeez, I can’t even count how many times you’ve saved our asses!
H: Indeed “Master” Raikou! We only jest! But alas, I must take my leave and get my beauty sleep for the next assault! Toodles! <3
R: … I think I die a little inside every time he opens his mouth…
S: *Sora just about falls over laughing* Hahahaha, Oh cheer up Rai! I know he’s a little eccentric, but he’s an incredible shinobi and we’re lucky to have him on our side.
R: A little?… sometimes I think we could use him as a weapon to drive the enemy insane. Anyways, I must be off, I’ve matters to attend to.
S: Alright Rai, take care, we all meet back here in eight hours, don’t forget!
R: Rest assured Sora, I’ll be here.
*As the second member left, Sora walked towards the hospital, and with her attention focused on the injured soldiers, walked directly into Gekido.*
S: Oh! Sorry I… *Her eyes widened and watered as a grand smile jumped across her cheeks, her dimples showed she buried her face in his chest, holding on to him tightly. He stroked the onyx colored hair which fell past her chest.*
S: God… you don’t know how much I’ve missed you
*Gekido placed his lips on the top of her head and closed his eyes, ushering a small joyous tear of his own.*
G: I guess I’ve got a lot of catching up to do…
S: *hits Gekido in the arm* Yeah you do! … you idiot…
*The two of them walked to the side of the building, where they sat and talked of each other’s adventures, watching the hours pass by…*  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:02 pm
Later during the night…

Nikki is having a nightmare in where she saw herself destroying Konoha and killing innocent people as if they weren’t there at all, but what really terrified Nikki was that she didn’t want any of these things to happen and she felt as if she was watching someone else commit all those crimes yet when she finally got around to see her face she sees the most demented look gazing right back at her laughing as blood dripped all over her side…but more the case that the blood wasn’t hers to begin with…Nikki screams.

N: AHhhhH!! –she jumps up from the sleeping position she was in-

She catches her breath realizing it was only a dream…a horrible dream…but as her mind begins to recall the recent event she comes to the horrible conclusion that it in fact wasn’t a dream…it was real. Nikki then begins to frantically look around her surroundings until her gaze comes upon a male shinobi. On instinct she searches for her kunai for protection but comes up with no weapons on hand. Backed up against the tree she was sleeping on Nikki trembles in fear.

N: …who…who are you?

The male shinobi who was looking away suddenly turned his head to look at her.

T: Who am I? Miss, do you not remember?

N: …N-No…I don’t know who you are…

T: Ah…-come to a realization-…your personalities changed back…

N: …my…personalities? What do you mean…oh! –has sudden recall of her other self conversation with Teru- …You’re…Teru…

T: Oh good you remember…-he gives her a small smile-

N: …-stayed backed up against the tree-…I’ll say this right now…I’m not going through with your mission!

T: …but you agreed…

N: No! That wasn’t me! I would never cause people harm! Unlike you! ...you…You MURDERER!!!

Teru remained silent.

N: I might have not been mad before, but how was I suppose to know! That girl before isn’t the one whose childhood you destroyed!

T: …I don’t expect you to forgive me…but I had no choice then…it was my mission…

N: But why me!? Why Me!? –she begins to cry-

T: …I’m sorry…but please…go along with the mission…I’m not suppose to tell you this now but…

N: …tell me…what?

T: -he shifted his gaze away from her- …I might have been the one who carried out the mission that killed your parents but it was my superiors who sent the order and if you went along with the missions they send us…in due time you can come face to face with them and…

N: …and?

T: …kill them…especially with the raw power they crave so much for…

Nikki pondered Teru’s words; if what he said was true then she in due time could avenge her parents…she weighed her options. Right now there was now way she could return to Konoha because she was now a wanted shinobi, but if she somehow cleared her name then one day she could return back to Takumi’s side and live a happy life…Nikki once again brought her gaze to meet that of Teru’s and she could tell that he was a repented man and truly felt sorry for what he did…and with that she made her decision.  

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:13 pm
*The hours quickly wittled down, and soon it was time for Sora and the team to embark on another assault.*
H: Sora darling! I'm back! Oh this is going to be just too much fun! Wouldn't you agree Raikou?
R: For once... I might have to agree with you Hinote, this should be fun.
S: Alright squad, prepare to move out! Gekido! Whaddya say we show you the ropes?
G: Heh, sure, I'll give it a shot.
H: Oh wonderful! A new recruit! You're a lucky one you know, you get to see my beautiful attacks in motion, for free!
G: The only thing I'm seeing right now is your mouth running. Let's get going!
S: Roger! Delta Squad, all units depart!
*The team rushed out of the great iron doors of the wall which surrounded the city and began their descent towards the Hidden Cliff Village.*
H: Oh how delightful! A squad of four straight ahead! Let us kill with grace!
R: With speed!
S: With power!
G: With silence!
H: Allow me to handle the first captain! I shan't dissapoint!
S: Confirmed, you're clear to kill!
H: Exquisite! Let the show begin! Oh gorgeous beings of flame! Arise for me! Bathe me in your glorious warmth! *Hinote's body erupted in a smooth hazy flame, hundreds of small spheres of flame twirled about him.* Serenade of Flame Jutsu! *The shinobi he targeted was pummeled by the fiery orbs until he was covered in them, then the entire body of flame flew at him. In the smoldering spot where the shinobi once stood, now stood Hinote.*  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:39 pm
S: Good job Hinote!
R: I'm next.
S: Confirmed, go for it!
R: Roger! *Raikou drew the two katanas from his sides.* We rode the winds of the rising storm, we ran to the sounds of thunder, we danced among the lightning bolts and tore the world asunder... Melody of the Maelstrom Justu!
*Raikou crossed his katanas like crooked crosshairs and aimed at his target. He then pointed both of his swards at his opponent, who was suddenly struck by lightning bolts in rapid succession. Needless to say, Raikou's opponent did not survive.*
R: Target eliminated captain!
S: Then the next is mine!
*Sora charged straight towards the shinobi. As the shinobi lunged at her, she disappeared, reappearing above him with a chakra covered heel drop.*
S: Falling Star! *after crushing the shinobi into the ground, she leapt into the air and tossed a few kunai down with blinding speed and power, covered in flame.* Meteor Shower!
S: Target destroyed! Your turn Gek-
G: Done. *Gekido lowered his short bow, the last shinobi was stuck lifelessly to a tree.* I did say silently did I not?
S: Alright, regroup and regain your stamina! I feel another squad coming!  

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:20 pm
*As the sun bowed its head in respect to the coming night, a shadow was cast over the Hidden Cliff Village, but alas, there was no rest. No, it seethed hatred for its neighbor, and hidden beneath its spiteful breath, its inhabitants schemed and plotted the downfall of the Hidden Sky Village.*
*In a private room, four shinobi gathered, one of them was a young shinobi, with dark tan skin, a long sleek face which held dark red eyes, and coal black hair pulled up in a knot, the rest of his head bald. He wore crimson colored armor, with golden trimmings, and a fierce aura...*

???: Yes! Hahaha, this is perfect sensei! We'll finally crush those feathered bastards!
Sensei: Silence Doragon! We cannot risk a spy overhearing. This plan cannot be compromised. You cannot be overconfident, if they learn of this plan, they will send all they have to stop it.
D: I don't need your lecturing! I've taken entire squads by myself, yet you believe me incompetent enough as to be unable to protect some little girl from the Leaf Village? All who have challenged my lance have fallen, and all who dare challenge me yet will follow the footsteps of their predecessors to an early grave!  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:29 pm
The Next Morning…

Two ninjas covered in cloaks were running through the trees, and these two ninjas were Teru and Naoko, they were off to meet with the squad who was going to bring them to the destination of their mission…
Though usually in a mission it is a team effort these two particular ninja could not have any common ground to call themselves teammates, the only thing connecting them was the taste of a mission completed and for Naoko perhaps an ending to her never-ending nightmare.

Naoko speed up faster running through the trees, distancing herself a bit from Teru.

T: Hey don’t head up to far ahead you might get lost-

N: Or try to escape right? Isn’t that what you’re thinking?

T: No I wasn’t thinking that at all, just wait up for me Naoko…

N: Don’t you dare call me that!

Teru remained silent.

N: -she sighed trying to calm herself down- Look, I might of agreed to take part of this ridiculous mission but then I really just want to get it over with so I can meet with your so-called superiors an give them a piece of my mind and demand a reason on why did they have to kill my family before I kill them…

Teru remained silent and then managed to catch up with her, he let a few minutes pass before he stroke up conversation with Naoko again.

T: Then Miss what should I address-

N: Look don’t even talk to me alright! –Naoko huffed- Leave me alone…

At that Teru lost his last bit of patience with the girl and decided to no longer be pushed around by the likes of her because he also had his reasons to end the mission and to kill his superiors who have had him locked into this specific lifestyle for too long and Teru wanted out.


Naoko jumped as she was slammed into the side of a tree. She looked up and saw Teru glaring at her with a different set of eyes than last night and wondered if he had a split personality as well.

N: What? –she glared back-

T: Look here, I know that we don’t get along and both eagerly await for the mission to be over, and keep in count the whole mission revolves around you and your power so if you want to end this quickly just suck it up and get it right the first time. Also I wont stand for your backtalk anymore, I can kill you.

N: Ha! You can kill me but you won’t! If you do then you fail your mission and have to support your stupid superiors even longer, and then neither of us would get our revenge.

Teru looked into her eyes but didn’t respond; he just tsked and turned his back to her.

T: Come on! Move it! We have to meet up with the other squad.

N: Fine, lead the way.

Soon enough both ninjas came upon a clearing, and there they noticed a silhouette which stood against the sky. A strong, confident, and vorpal silhouette. The light gleamed off the figure in that of an unusual, yet elegant spear which the figure held, with blades like wings and an invisible blood-like aura, and it was known then that the spear had caused the end of countless foes. This at that moment both Teru and Naoko knew that the mission had now begun.  

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:05 pm
D: You're late!!!
*The dark figure spun around, and a wave of a mistlike flame engulfed the two shinobi. However, it wasn't real. It was their own imagination, a personification of the deep seething hatred which eminated from within Doragon.*
D: Let me enlighten you on a few things. You two are my subordinates and you will do as I command without question. Any resistance to my orders will be taken as rebellion, and I will strike you down where you stand. I am Doragon, you will respect me as much as you fear me, both of which should be immeasurable.
*Three shinobi appeared from the shadows. The first was a young girl with the same complexion as Doragon, her armor was dark green, thinner, and more fitting, and her hair was braided in a ponytail. The second was a young woman who wore unusual, elegant robes of white, gold, and purple. Her hair was a perfect white and her eyes were a light purple. The third was a rough man with a muscular build, he was covered in burn marks and scars, and he wore coal black leather armor.*
D: These three are also your superiors. Questioning any of them will end with the same result. This is Kurimuson Hebi, my sister. The one in the unusual attire is Rosuto Yogensha, heed her warnings or your death is assured. The man is Nenshou Umi, Hell hath less fury than he. Our objective, in case you have forgotten, much like you did the meeting time, is to make it to the top of the mountain where you will perform your jutsu and rid us of those witless fools we've had the unfortune of sharing this mountain with. Any questions before we begin? This is your last chance to do so.
*As he stood, the silhouette of a small frilled dragon, with spines and sharp claws crawled upon Doragon's shoulder. It screeched at the two newcomers.*  

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