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The Works Of Overlord
Well for starters this is a collection of my own written works like excerpts from my stories, or some of my poetry. All of these kinds of things are coppywrite to me. Permission needs to be asked before using it.
Kusari Momochi

User-name: Overlord9611
Posting: attempts to daily on week days and then usually on weekends though not always possible.
Time zone:GMT -8 (pacific US (OR))

~Character Data~

Name: Kusari Momochi
Village: Rogue ninja escapee from both kirigakure and sunagakure
Clan/Bloodline: Momochi
Element Affinity: Water
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank: No Official Rank (equivalent to ANBU)


Headband: A mist headband worn diagonally on side of head blue cloth (in otherwise just like Zabuza)
Height: 6’8”
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: Kusari’s dark brown hair goes a little past his shoulders. He switches back and forth from wearing it lose to tying it back. And the ends of his hairs make it apparent that he cuts it himself with a kunai.
Eyes: His ice blue eyes seem to pierce into both friend and foe when he gazes upon them either seeming like a strong supportive gaze allowing giving strength to those who fight alongside him or to those he is against it seems like a cold stare that can only belong to a harbinger of wrath and destruction. Despite their icy color they seem to perfectly display his fiery spirit.

Physical Description: Kusari towers up at the height of 6’8”; but that never seems to affect his ability to hide and move stealthily. The broad shouldered, towering, muscular, figure of Kusari Momochi is imposing enough to make anyone nervous. He has a few scars on his arms and legs, and one on his chest, the many mementos of his various skirmishes. Hidden beneath his facial wrappings, Kusari’s teeth have been sheered to triangular points reminiscent of a shark. His hands are large and strong and rough in appearance, with slightly longer fingers than norm; but they are fully capable of finesse and gentleness.

Clothing: Kusari wears a white bandage like wrapping over the lower half of his face so as to conceal the shark like teeth from others view so as to make himself less frightening and so as to conceal this weapon. He seems to be wearing these facial wrappings less and less lately ever since being reunited with Nakamura. Kusari generally wears black sleeveless shirts, or no shirt at all. He wears black pants that fit securely at the waist and would be loose at the base were it not for them being wrapped tightly from mid calf down by his leg wrappings that double as his only form of footwear. Kusari’s clothes are all handmade by an “unknown party” but of excellent quality. He still wears the mist headband to one side on his head.
It is not uncommon to see him wearing long black or white jackets usually embroidered with some form of symbolisim.


The Momochi name was one marked with shame and regarded with fear and prejudice in the Kirigakure. Kusari was born and given the name Kusari because it means chain and his family named him thus because they knew he would be bound to the terrible association that came with his last name.
From a very young age Kusari was at the recieveing end of hate and prejudice for the acts of someone in his family’s past that he had never met. Kusari pressed on despite this and tried to live normally he tended to take the teasing and hate and occasional beatings even and would move on. When he joined the ninja academy many parents argued that it should not be allowed at all but in the end it was finally agreed on to give him a chance though this was mainly because it was believed perhaps he would inherit his the strength and serve the village and also because this way the other children could beat on him without them getting in trouble. Overtime one could only take so much and Kusari began to be angered by this entire situation. He was fairly close to the genin exams when he out preformed everyone in his class one day and that afternoon as he was going home they ganged up on him and began to beat him and insult him and his family. Kusari defended himself and then in the fight one of the boys did something foolish that ended up getting them seriously hurt. The village went crazy that night. They were all proclaiming that the Momochi boy had attacked his fellow student who was supposedly innocent and that he was a grave danger to them all.

The nobles of the village decided to take this opportunity as an excuse to end the momochi clan once and for all. Seeing their strength as a potential threat to their comfortable living and high status. Kusari’s parents seemed to foresee this, the young 7 year old Kusari was to leave with his father while his mother an infant sister stayed behind. This was because his mother knew they would be too easily followed with the baby and she was not going to simply abandon her child so she too stayed to slow the trackers and give them a chance to escape. A report was filed that night by the hnter nins about having slain both woman and infant.

Kusari and his father managed to escape to the misty forests outside the hidden mist village. There he lived and his father trained him as they continued to evade notice or capture. After about a year the searches seemed to slow greatly and Kusari’s father relaxed a little his main concern being that his wifes sacrifice not go to waste he had been and continued to teach his only son the skills he would need most to defend himself. Starting with the kirigakure no jutsu and then going into the silent homicide techniques. Fully teaching Kusari the art of silent killing by the age of 10.

Then came the terrible day. The hunter nins found Kusari and his father and managed to defeat and get past all their traps and security measures and fight inside. They got hold of kusari and bound him up with a metal chain and then forced him to watch as they beat and tortured his father. The man held out for hours without a scream or cry of pain before they finally broke him and kusari had to listen and watch as they slowly tortured and killed him for their own pleasure as well as an attempt to learn the body’s secrets to the Momochi power. As his father breathed out his last breath Kusari was filled with more hate and rage than ever before his vision fogged over with a red haze and he let out a roar filled with immense fury. There was a surge fo chakra that filled him with strength and emitted a pulse outwards for an instant as he strained against the chain that bound him. It snapped and the boy took it in hand and managed to slay the three hunter nins who were unsure what it was that they were facing now. The boy awoke amidst the death with vivid memories of it all and physically exhausted but knowing he had to move. Kusari managed to escape capture and detection as eh left the water country completely knowing that the best place for him to hide was the last place they would look. Being a trained ninja in a few water jutsu Kusari knew that hiding in Sunagakure a place without water would be the last place for which he would be looked. He was right.

Kusari was rescued from Sunagkure’s desert by a rich traveling merchant who happened to be heading home. He decided to secretly employ the young boy as a slave in a secret human gladiator ring. Kusari was found with the chain he had used to kill the other ninja it semed that nothing would part him from it. He used it in battle in the secret ring and after a few victories against other opponents as Kusari was like a wild animal. Being constantly and continually caged kept him in a constant state of anger and almost beast like state of mind as all he wanted was freedom. Once he finally shattered out of the ring in a battle and began to kill members of the crowd. The spectators fled disregarding secrecy and thus drew the attention of authorities who came and rescued all the children but had to tranquilize the wild Kusari and then unbind him from shackles at his wrists and ankles. Now free Kusari seemed to be more human though one could tell that he was an angry and bitter person. Kusari knew his time in Sunagakure was going to be short before eventually word would get to his village so he took the chance to learn as much as he cold from the ninja there. During his time in the village he had the chain that he carried at all times crafted into a Kusarigama so it would be a perfect weapon for him at all times. Eventually kusari began seeing the rising suspicions of the villagers around him of the young ninja Kusari decided to flee the village at the age of 11 and go on his way away from that place. Sure enough the next day several hunter nins were incarcerated for invading several homes, being in sunagakure territory without permission for reasons they would not disclose and they committed suicide before any more information could be gleaned from them.

Kusari made his way to the land of waves where he felt lead to some unmarked graves and later on a hideout that seemed to have been abandoned long long long ago lost in misty forests. Here he found scrolls that taught him several jutsu including the water prison technique. Kusari continued to train here on his won for the next two years before hearing of a tournament in Konaha that he decided to go and compete to prove his strength.

While waiting Kusari got bored and chose a target from the crowds. A girl with white hair it was his idea to end her in advance and see if anyone noticed. His attempts were thwarted and the water clone destroyed. The real Kusari would later meet up with the girl in the tournament itself and was defeated in a close fight where she invoked his rage with a genjutsu that made him believe he was bound up. This is what had defeated him as he exhausted himself lost in a blind rage.

Kusari would not meet this girl named Nakamura again for a while but when he did it would be under an assumed name and hidden identity he had taken to allow himself to escape from his own personality and actually try to enjoy life for one night. It was during that night that he fell in love with the girl two years younger than he (he was 14 at the time). Kusari was then there when a terrible prophesy came and then he volunteered to aid the young Nakamura in her training with the master Brawen who he did not trust. Kusari became subject to a terrible genjutsu the contents of which would haunt his good side and fuel his darker angrier side for a long time to come.

Later on that night as they were to set out for a mission they were ambushed and Kusari protected Nakamura at the cost of his own body and she returned the favor by expending much strength to get him to help. Later on Kusari came to her and told her of his feelings but she could nto return them so he set out on his own journey to return to gaining strength. Months later he would meet her again as a member of his new squad beneath Kyoudai Ranpu.

Several Missions later after many a journey Kusari departed from the squad it had fallen apart. Because of the death of Kyoudai ranpuu. They had tired to stick them with a new teacher but the new teacher could not reach the isolated Nakamura who was cutting herself off from all others, even Kusari, and Kusari’s respect had to be earned, which was a feat Kyoudai had taken a long time to accomplish. There for the squad was simply dissolved. Kusari had learned many things about himself from his own actions and decided to go find himself as well as continue training in solitude, because it seemd with nakamura so cut off, he had nothing left keeping him in Takigakure. It has been some time since he has seen Nakamura but he remembers her and their friendship fondly despite the terms under which they parted.

Then one day Kusari was taken prisoner by unknown forces and when he awoke he had lost most of his own memories and had been altered to be a killing engine of death. He ran rampant in many places creating a legacy for himself written in blood and only being known as the crimson mist demon. As no one got a good look at him ever as he would always strike from within a large bank of kirigakure no jutsu mist that would envelop the area that he would attack. He killed those that had captured him and then many other villageless factions that he either deemed evil or in his way, before Kusari made it to Yukigakure. There he stumbled upon his old dwelling place and it seemed to awaken his lost memories. Kusari began to realize the thinbg he had become, exactly what the nobles had feared he would become, the very thing for which he was tormented as a child. Kusari immediately began to attempt to undo this learning to calm his anger and control it as well as learning many things about himself and his past.
Finally at some state of peace with himself Kusari must still make a living and to do so he has had to take on jobs as a mercenary. Slowly he has begun to see all the villages as equally good and evil and so justifies it with the reasoning that the stronger ones more fit to survive are the ones that will be left after his jobs. Trying to avoid jobs that will cause too much damage but as word of this strange mercenary’s abilities begin to spread he knows it wont be too long before he is forced to take on a mission of grave proportions to someone.

Personality: Kusari was an angry violent person emanating aggression contempt and a feeling of superiority. His aggression getting the best of him often and him leading a life focused around a central revenge. But after meeting Nakamura and a few other people his life began to change and eventually he changed his ways. Kusari became kinder and now instead of often submitting to his rage he has learned to control it and use it as a tool. Kusari is now a calmer person. Much more calculated and focused. He understands killing is not the solution to everything and his world does not have to revolve around his own gaining of power. Realizing that having a good life is more important than living for revenge he wishes to return to the things he lost when he left on his soul searching journey. Now his temper being much cooler means that only a few things can set him off those being the few people close to him getting hurt or endangered and as always being bound. Kusari sees himself as a protector to those close to him and now a free agent not tied to any village therefore able to impartially look at things and see who is truly in the wrong or right if there is either to be seen. However lately he has had to revert to taking much more deplorable missions to provide a living for himself. Back to assassinations as his perfected killing abilities are the ones most commonly asked for. His view of the world currently reflects that there is no good village and that there is as much good as there is bad in all of them and that for the villages and others to grow stronger it may require death. At least this is how he justifies himself so that he can slep at night. Making a living currently as a sell sword while wishing to have back what he lost.

Important information about Kusari. One thing he has never gotten over and will probably never get over is that when he feels he is being bound his temper rises and his primary focus becomes freedom. If he is trapped or felt like this for too long it is a sure fire way to invoke his blind rage at which point he will attack and destroy anything to get himself out of it continuing to fight until no longer physically able to maintain consciousness.

Also note his longtime use of the silent killing techniques is a great influence on almost everything he does making him a great assassin as he is skilled in both going un noticed and seeing hard to see targets.



Blood line Limit:

Clan Name: Momochi

Description of Limit: Momochi Demon Rage! This power gives plus 7 to the str, dex, and con stats and plus 10 to the cha stat(but only in relation to the intimidation skill). And is also able to remain mobile and conscious at up to -5 health but only while driven under the rage. This all costs 20 hp damage to self a turn (of course stopping said drain once one is unconscious because of hitting -5hp) because of the physical strain and your mental resolve increases against distractions. They emit an aura of intimidation and death having increased strength and combat skill it strikes fear in to all who witness it. Those who try to stand against a raging Momochi swear they are standing against a demon. (these stats apply only when in the rage which is signified by an OOC post saying Enters rage or in rage.)

In game Stats: remain conscious and functioning up to -5 hp, gain +6 to dex,con and str. enemies must roll against intimidate every turn with an additional 10 to his intimidation skill . Loses 20 hp a turn.
The rage can be entered during fear and once entered in the rage a Momochi is immune to fear and it's effects meaning intimidate has no effect on him


Description of Jutsu: This ultimate escaping technique was created by kusari because of his terrible rage and fear of being bound. Because of how much strength it takes out of him he uses it as a last resort before his rage overtakes him because of being bound. The user does not need to make a hand seal or even be able to speak they must simply calm themselves for a moment before harnessing their anger to increase their physical strength and mental determination at the same time as sending out a hard pulse of offensive chakra that emits in unison with the sudden increase in strain due to their momentarily increased strength and mental resolve. This is all used to break whatever is binding them or they believe is binding them, be it the result of a nin jutsu , genjutsu, or actual physical binding.

Rank: B
Cp Cost: 200 only used when bound up and have failed 2 attempts at escaping said bindings
Damage: Only inflicts damage to whatever/whoever is binding the user in that case inflicts 50-75
Requirements: 30 taijutsu, 30 ninjutsu, 30 genjutsu, chakra control 40, Must be a momochi
Training: training days 30
Special: free from bonds.

Bunshin no Jutsu:
This is a basic technique taught to ninja at an academy. In certain years, Ninja are required to know this jutsu in order to advance to the Genin level. Bunshin no Jutsu creates one or more clones of the user, which can be used as a means to create a diversion, distraction, or cause confusion. Unlike Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Art of the Shadow Doppelganger), these illusory clones will simply disappear if come into contact, thus, they are without substance, and cannot do anything to damage the opponent.
Cp cost: 1 pt. per bunshin.
Damage: N/A
Requirements: Academy students learn it on the academy as a basic jutsu.
Training days: Academy. Chakra control check DC: 5 per bunshin.
Special: Can create 1 per 5 points in Chakra control. Up to 5 bunshin can be created.
*The user assigns a number 1 through 6 to themselves and each of their clones indivudually. The attacker rolls a 6 sided die to see what they hit.
The Intelligence check DC to see through an attacker's bunshin is the 1/2 the attacker's int mod + half the attacker's chk mod.

Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
The user utilizes the sheep hand seal or the tiger hand seal and concentrates their chakra to assume the appearance of another person, an animal, or even any object. This is one of the required basic jutsu taught at the Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninjas know this technique.
Cp cost: 2 "+1 per minute the jutsu is maintained"
Damage: N/A
Requirements: Learn in the Academy.
Training days: Academy time. Chakra control check DC: 10
Special: Add chakra mod to your Disguise check.

Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Technique)
This is a technique that usually confuses the attacker. The user quickly projects themselves with another nearby object such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack.
Cp cost: 1
Damage: N/A
Requirements: Must have something to replace with.
Training days: Academy time.
Special: Add chakra mod to dodge bonus. You cannot use this while in a defensive position.

Genjutsu Kai: Release
The user attempts to break the chakra circulation flow in his body in order to see through a genjutsu.
Cp: 10
Damage: N/A
Requirements: Chakra Control 10
Training: 5 days
Special: Add chakra mod to Will Save

Jibaku Fuda: Kassei, (Exploding Tag: Activate)
Utilizing chakra, the user is able to activate the explosion mechanism of a distant bomb tag.
Cp cost: 3 per tag
Damage: Exploding tag damage [10-20]
Requirements: Chakra Control 5
Training: 1 day or Learn in the academy.

Kugutsu no Jutsu (Puppet Technique)
Just like a marionette, the user controls a puppet using strings of chakra from his fingers. This skill is often prepared in coordination with Kawarimi no Jutsu (Change of Body Technique), so the user can quickly replace their body with the puppet when they feel the need to activate it. Another useful quality of this skill is the fact that the puppet can take the form of another person, object, or, more commonly, the form of the user. Puppets are fitted with various hidden devices, most commonly extendable blades, various projectile launchers, and poison, both in gaseous form and liquid coating their weapons. This technique can also be adapted to control humans as if they were puppets, or another puppeteer's puppets.
Cp cost: 2 cp per round the puppets are used.
Damage: Depends on puppet power.
Requirements: Puppet users only, Chakra Control 5, Perform Puppet Play 1.
Training: 2 days
Special: Must master this jutsu before attempting to fight with puppets.

Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Doppelganger Technique)
Creates one or more identical copies of the user out of water. More similar to Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Art of the Shadow Doppelganger) than to a normal Bunshin no Jutsu (Doppelganger Technique), these clones are capable of attacking, except for the fact that each clone's power is only one-tenth of the user. Also, the clones can only be controlled within a certain radius of the user. That is the technique's weakness. This is considered to be the Water Style equivalent to the Leaf Village's "Kage Bushin No Jutsu" (Shadow Doppelganger Technique) mainly because it divides up the user's attention and chakra to an extent.
Cp cost: 4 per bushin.
Damage: Bushin deal 1/3 of your normal damage.
Requeriments: Water Affinity.
Training days: 3 days.

Kiri Gakure no Jutsu (Hiding Mist Technique)
This jutsu envelops the surrounding area in a dense mist, causing anyone within it to lose the advantage of sight.
Cp cost: 10 + 1 per minute the jutsu is mantained.
Damage: N/A
Requeriments: Chuunin or higher; Water Affinity; Kirigakure only
Training days: 10 days.

Suirō no Jutsu
A move used to trap the victim inside a virtually inescapable prison of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep one arm inside the water sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. This Jutsu cannot be performed without a sufficiently large body of water to supply the water for it.
Cp cost: 20 + 1 per round the jutsu is holded.
Damage: N/A
Requeriments: Water affinity, water supply, chakra 20+, Chakra Control 20
Training: 10 days

Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Encampment Wall)
This jutsu creates a water barrier to protect the user from any offensive attacks. The water rises from the ground or is created by the jutsu user.
Cp cost: 50 "With body of water nearby", 120 Without it.
Damage: N/A
Requirements: Water Affinity, Level 40+
Training days: 10 days.
Special: Wall is completely encompassing and fully blocks any attack once and one time only. The user will have to use it again to block any other attacks.
*Jutsu can only block up to 6 Taijutsu attacks, 1 Ninjutsu or lasts for one of the users turns, whichever comes first.

Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)
A powerful attack that creates a huge current of water, usually in the form of a dragon, sent towards the target.
Cp cost: 200 without water source, 120 with.
Damage: 150-250+ chakra mod.
Requeriments: Water Affinity. chakra 40+, Large source of water, Chakra Control 85+
Training days: 20 Days.

Suiton: Kaihodan (Water Release: Pressure Cannon)
A strong jet stream of water is blasted out of the user's mouth.
Cp cost: 80 cp
Damage: 55 - 120 + chakra mod.
Requirements: Water affinity, Chakra Control 90+
Training days: 7 days

Tanuki Neiri no Jutsu, "Play Possum Jutsu"
The user forces them self into a deep sleep using their chakra to cover their pulse and heartbeat to fool an opponent.
Cp cost: 20 + 5 per turn
Damage: N/A
Requirements: Chakra Control 10
Special: You appear dead. DC to find out you are alive is 35. Roll is d20 + wis mod.
Training: 2 days

Tobidogu (Projectile Weapons)
In order to store and use large items or various weapons, the user can unleash them by utilizing summoning scrolls. In this way, the person won't be burdened by carrying weighted artillery when going up against an opponent.
Cp Cost: All numbers are per item stored
2 [small objects, eg, kunai, shuriken]
8 [medium objects, eg. tanto, books]
15 [in between objects like katana]
25 [large objects, eg. human-sized puppets, kusarigama, nodachi]
40 [huge objects]
Damage: N/A
Requeriments: Scroll, intelligence 20+, Fuuinjutsu 2/6/15/30/40 [depending on the size]
Training days: 2/2/3/3/4 days, must be learnt in succession. So huge items would take 2+2+3+3+4 = 14 days to learn.

Hari Jizo (Needle Guardian)
The user causes their long, spiky hair to wrap around him and harden, in a manner similar to a hedgehog's or porcupine's quills, defending against any physical attacks. This is effective as a method for forcing someone away, or stopping a powerful strike.
Cp cost: 20
Damage: 15 - 25 + chakra mod. Can be used as a form of defense.
Requirements: Long hair
Training days: 12 days.
Special: *This jutsu can be used to counter taijutsu at the expense of all attack turns for the users next turn.
*If the attack DC of the incoming Taijutsu attack is less than the Ninjutsu DC of this jutsu then the attack is nullified. If it is greater than the Ninjutsu DC by 10 points, the defender suffers 1/3 the damage and the attacker only suffers half the damage from the barrier


Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique)
Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu is a rather sophisticated Genjutsu which changes the appearance of a nearby object or climate.
Cp cost: 45 + 8 per turn
Requirements: Genjutsu 30 Ranks
Training days: 7 days
Will Save:10 + half user's level + half int mod + half wis mod
Specials- Add +20 to Sneak Attack if Genjutsu is successful AND the user attacks next turn.

Goken (Strong Fist)
Gōken is the most basic form of Taijutsu. It aims at inflicting external damage and breaking bones. The gouken style also use extreme movements based on leg flexibility and spin kick for more damage.
Damage: Increases normal taijutsu damage to 5-12
Requirements: Taijutsu 20 ranks.
Training days: Must keep training all the time.


LV. : 50
Experience: 130/13,000

Strength: 45+2(exp)=47
mod= +18
Dexterity: 46
mod= +18
Constitution: 44
mod= +17
Intelligence: 44
mod= +17
Wisdom: 44
mod= +17
Charisma: 30
mod= +15
Chakra: 46
mod= +18

Dodge Bonus:48

Base Attack Bonus:50/41/36/31/26/21/16/11/6/1
Attack Melee:68/59/54/49/44/39/34/29/24/19
Attack Ranged:68/59/54/49/44/39/34/29/24/19

Base Save Bonus:25

Taijutsu: 1d6 +18 + 12 (from taijutsu skill) = 31-36
Kusarigama: 1-3 chain/1-4 kama, +18+8(from kusarigama skill)= 27-29/27-30
Kubikiri Houcho: 4-18 + 18 (+9) +8(from kubikiri Houcho skill) = 30-44 (39-53 if two handed)
Senbon:1-2 + 18 +6 (from senbon skill)= 25-26


Swim: 15 + 18(Str)=33

Balance: 22 + 18(Dex)= 40
Escape Artist: 22 + 18(Dex)= 40
Hide: 22 + 18(Dex)= 40
Move Silently:42 + 18(Dex)= 60
Tumble: 22 + 18(Dex)= 40

Concentration: 33 + 17(Con)=50

Chakra Control: 78 + 17(Int)=95

Search: 23 + 17(Int)=40
Craft(Weapon): 33+(Int)17 =50
Repair:3+ (Int)17=20
Knowledge (Anatomy):6+(Int)17=25

Listen: 43 + 17(Wis)=60
Sense Motive: 43 + 17(Wis)=60
Spot: 33 + 17(Wis)=50
Survival:33 + 17(Wis)=50

Bluff: 35 + 15(Cha)=50
Intimidate: 25 + 15(Cha)+2(exp)=42
Perform Puppet Play: 10 + 18(Dex)=28
Treat Injury:33 +(WIS)17 = 50

Ninjutsu: 42 + 18(Chk)+3(exp)=63
Genjutsu: 23 + 17(Int)=40
Taijutsu: 44 + 18(Str)=62
Fuuin Jutsu: 23 + 17(Int)=40
Senbon: 30
Ninja Weapon (Kusarigama):40+2(exp)=42
Kubikiri Houcho: 40+1(exp)= 41
Sneak Attack:30




Akuma and Momochi akurei (see bottom of character sheet for details)

Kusarigama: The kusarigama is the union of a normal kama with a chain on the end of the kama handle. The kusarigama is one of the hardest weapons to master and one of the most useful ones. The Kama can be used to attack in close quarters while the chain which most of the time has a small metal ball like ending can be used for ranged attack, trips and disarming as well as creating vast numbers of opening for the user to kill with the kama sharp edge.
Damage: 1 - 4 "Kama" 1 - 3 "Chain" Both add Str modifier.
Range: Melee or Ranged 30 ft.
Special: Can make trips checks to make the opponent fall to the ground as well as grapple checks and disarm checks.
Special info: the Kusarigama Kusari wields is made from the same chain that bound him as his father was slain.

Scrolls for each puppet
Exploding tag materials

Hunter nin mask. Taken from one of those that killed his father Kusari has used it to conceal his identity quite often.

Wires, used for both setting up traps and garrote wires as well.

Small mirror, never know when you are going to need it.

2 large water skins that he fills with water orbs. A small creation he learned to make while under Kyoudai Ranpu it allows him to store roughly a gallon of water in a one inch diameter.
(they each hold about twenty orbs)
Face paints to adorn his face like that of a Kubuki

Kubikiri Houcho: "Zabuza Style sword" The sword used by Zabuza and many other ninjas of the village of the hidden mist. The sword big edge makes it almost imposible for a nomal human to use it but can deal extreme damage to an oponent if used propertly.
Damage: 4 - 18 + str. mod. + 1/2 str. if 2 handed.
Range: Melee + 5 feet.
Special: Kirigakure only


Two small marionettes that are carved in extreme detail to be scale replicas of Kusari and Nakamura from the twilight festival. These small puppets are about 6 inches high and serve no purpose save sentimental value. There is also a pair of smaller puppets that look like wolves.

Kusari also has a necklace he has never showed to anyone not even Nakamura, inside is a picture of he and his slain family and later on in life he added Nakamura’s picture. THe picture is a candid slightly distant profile shot as she has no idea he ever took the picture.

A more current newer image will be added at a later time.

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