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RaNdOm ThInGs!
a quiz thing for you pplz
I cried:
I asked for your help:
I was becoming suicidal:
I killed myself:
I died from natural causes:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I started smoking:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:
I became famous:
I yelled at you:
I slapped you:
I said You're ugly:

Be my friend:
Tell me the truth no matter what:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Hold my hand:
Keep in touch:
Try and solve my problems:
Tell me I?m fat:
Take me in if I run away:
Give me food:
Hug me?
Kiss me?

Tell me 3 words that describe me:
Tell me my name:
Tell me ur name:

Fun to be with?

Do I know you in real life?
would you care for me if i was in truble or need it?
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out?

User Comments: [9] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Nov 02, 2006 @ 01:27am
I cried: ask you why your crying aand give u a hug
I asked for your help: I would say yes
I was becoming suicidal: tell u to stop
I killed myself:cry
I died from natural causes: cry
I said I liked you: say I like u to
I kissed you:I would kiss u back
I started smoking: slap u and tell u to stop
I stole something: cool but then I would tell u to give it back
I was hospitalized: go to the hospital and stay by u till u got better
I ran away from home: come with u
I got in a fight and you were there: help u fight and cheer u on
I became famous: be like OMG
I yelled at you: yell back
I slapped you: cry
I said You're ugly: I would punch u

Be my friend: yes
Tell me the truth no matter what: yes
Lie to make me feel better: yes/no
Spread rumors about me: no
Keep a secret if I told you one: yes
Hold my hand: yes
Keep in touch: yes
Try and solve my problems: yes
Tell me I?m fat: no
Take me in if I run away: yes
Give me food: yes
Hug me? yes
Kiss me? yes

Tell me 3 words that describe me: nice,sweet,freindly
Tell me my name: no clue sweatdrop
Tell me ur name: Alex

Loud? yes/no
Shy? no
Talkative? yes/no
Lovable? yes
Annoying? no
Mean? no
Weird? no
Fun to be with? yes
Smart? yes
Idiotic? yes/no
Tempermental? no
Envious? no

Do I know you in real life?nopes
would you care for me if i was in truble or need it? yes
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out?yes

commentCommented on: Thu Nov 02, 2006 @ 10:46pm
I cried: try to make you feel better
I asked for your help: i would do the best i could to help you
I was becoming suicidal: knock some scence into you and stop you
I killed myself: cry like hell
I died from natural causes: visit your grave
I said I liked you:say i liked you too
I kissed you:kiss you back
I started smoking: please dont my dad died because of that
I stole something: i would ask you to do the right thing
I was hospitalized: visit you
I ran away from home: try to talk about it with you
I got in a fight and you were there: try to stop it
I became famous:i would be happy for you
I yelled at you: start to cry but you wouldnt right D=
I slapped you: i would cry D=
I said You're ugly: cry than get mad

Be my friend:yes
Tell me the truth no matter what:yes
Lie to make me feel better:umm no and yes
Spread rumors about me:no
Keep a secret if I told you one:yes
Hold my hand:yes
Keep in touch:yes
Try and solve my problems:try to yes
Tell me I?m fat:no
Take me in if I run away:yes
Give me food:yes
Hug me?yes
Kiss me?yes

Tell me 3 words that describe me:funny nice a good friend
Tell me my name:christian?
Tell me ur name:allison

Talkative?when you want to be lol
Weird?yes but in a good way
Confusing?very >.<
Fun to be with?yes

Do I know you in real life?no
would you care for me if i was in truble or need it?yes
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out?sure

Community Member
~weep for me~
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Nov 11, 2006 @ 06:12pm
I cried:i would hug you and tell you its alright
I asked for your help:i would help
I was becoming suicidal:i would try and stop you
I killed myself: i would morn and probly kill myself
I died from natural causes:i would cry cursing nature for your death
I said I liked you:i would say the same back
I kissed you:i would probly faint
I started smoking:i would smack you then tape you to a chair and make you watch heath vidoes on it till you stopped
I stole something:i would clap and say now put it back
I was hospitalized:refuse to go home and stay by your side every day
I ran away from home:i would follow you
I got in a fight and you were there:i would help you
I became famous:be your biggest fan
I yelled at you:i would ask why
I slapped you:i would cry and go cut myself
I said You're ugly:agree fully

Be my friend: yup
Tell me the truth no matter what:yes
Lie to make me feel better:nope
Spread rumors about me:never ever
Keep a secret if I told you one surprised f caurse
Hold my hand:yup
Keep in touch: always
Try and solve my problems:ill help but i wont solve
Tell me Im fat:no your skinny as a stick
Take me in if I run away surprised f caurse
Give me food:yes
Hug me?yes
Kiss me?hells yes

Tell me 3 words that describe me:cute,sensitive,very loveable
Tell me my name:superman
Tell me ur name:wonderwoman

Loud?i have no idea
Quiet?a little
Shy?a little bit
Lovable?hells yes
Annoying?hells no
Attractive? HELLS YES!!!
Weird?your cute like that
Confusing?nope usually its just me
Fun to be with?yuppers
Envious?wouldnt think so

Do I know you in real life?i wish
would you care for me if i was in truble or need it?hells yes
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out?already did^^

commentCommented on: Mon Nov 27, 2006 @ 01:50am
i'll fill it out again.

D a n i e l l e `
Community Member
D a n i e l l e `
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 12, 2007 @ 02:37pm
I cried: Hug you, and help you.
I asked for your help: I'd help of course.
I was becoming suicidal: Talk you out of becoming suicidal.
I killed myself: I'd cry then kill myself.
I died from natural causes: Cry, then kill myself.
I said I liked you: Say I liked you back.
I kissed you: I'd kiss you back.
I started smoking: Help you quit.
I stole something: Depends I guess.
I was hospitalized: Stay with you every second until I could leave.
I ran away from home: Go find you, or go with you.
I got in a fight and you were there: Well it kinda depends.
I became famous: Don't forget me :]
I yelled at you: I don't know. I don't deal well with being yelled at.
I slapped you: SLAP YOU BACK D< jk. idk.
I said You're ugly: Well I'm not sooooo...yeah idk.

Be my friend: Mhm.
Tell me the truth no matter what: Of course.
Lie to make me feel better: Well depends.
Spread rumors about me: Noo.
Keep a secret if I told you one: Yeah.
Hold my hand: Yeah
Keep in touch: Yeah
Try and solve my problems: Mhm :]
Tell me I'm fat: Noo.
Take me in if I run away: yeah :]
Give me food: sure
Hug me? yeah!
Kiss me? yeah!

Tell me 3 words that describe me: funny, cute, MINE lol idk.
Tell me my name: christian
Tell me ur name: danielle

Loud? no not really..well idk.
Quiet? yeah kinda.
Shy? yep.
Talkative? sometimes i guess.
Lovable? yesss
Annoying? nope.
Mean? nope
Attractive? yeahh.
Weird? in a good sense.
Confusing? nope.
Fun to be with? yeah.
Smart? yeah.
Idiotic? nah.
Tempermental? nopope
Envious? uhhhhh i have no idea what that means.

Do I know you in real life? i wish.
would you care for me if i was in trouble or need it? yeah (: i care for you all the time.
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out? sure i guess.

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 08, 2007 @ 01:51am
I cried:well i would try to make you feel better or if you wanted you can call me and we can talk
I asked for your help:i would help you cuz im a nice person *SOMETIMES*
I was becoming suicidal:hummm...
I killed myself: well if you killed you self i donno if would cry maybe if i was really knew you then then yeah i would cry
I died from natural causes:hummm...
I said I liked you: well if it you told me when im not going out with my boyfriend then i would give it a shot but if not then would say ummm...i like you as a friend
I kissed you:well online thats really not ok but you know not real but for real then i would be a little hummm...yeah
I started smoking:i wouldent care my dad smokes
I stole something:i wouldent care i stole something befor like a dollor
but something big then i woud give you a big talk
I was hospitalized:ummm...
I ran away from home:if it was a good reason like going to see your girl friend like somebody love then i wouldent stop you but if it was something domb then yeah i wouldent care still cuz it what you want to do and i can't stop you from doing what you want to do
I got in a fight and you were there:yeah if it was somebody i dident like and you dident like then yeah i woud do the same thing but if was something eles then its a whole diffrent story well really i wouldent do anything
I became famous:well i hop your still the same person but if your the people who get over their head i wouldent talk to you
I yelled at you:i would cry cuz i always cry when somebody yells at me
I slapped you:i would cry then go home
I said You're ugly:i would cry even more and then maybe cut my self

Be my friend:Yes i like you as a friend your a nice cool friend
Tell me the truth no matter what:i don't like to my friend
Lie to make me feel better:nope i don't like to my friend at all i tell only the truth
Spread rumors about me:i never do that to my friends
Keep a secret if I told you one:yes i don't tell secrets to anybody
Hold my hand:if it was importent then yeah ok
Keep in touch:yup you can call me if you wanted
Try and solve my problems:i can't solve problems for you it just dosent work you have to solve your own problems not trying to be mean but its true
Tell me I?m fat:ummm...if thats what i really thinked then i might say that
Take me in if I run away:hummm...i don't think i would do that
Give me food:yeah sure i'll buy food or if you wanted i could make you something
Hug me?yeah i'll hug you i hug all my friends
Kiss me? hummm...if i wasent going out with anybody i might but i might not cuz i never kissed anybody befor x[
Tell me 3 words that describe me:well i donno really i never met you so it kind of hard to discribe you
Tell me my name:ummm...i donno i forgot
Tell me ur name: ummm...sure it K3!!Y

AM I?good looking
Loud?i donno
Quiet?i bet not
Shy?maybe sometimes
Lovable?i bet
Annoying?everybody is annoying in their own ways
Mean?i don't think any of my friends are mean
Weird?everybody is weird in their own kind of way
Confusing?im counfusing to understand all the time but you i donno
Fun to be with?to me yeah you cool in the came room
Smart?hummm...i bet cuz im domb and nobody is domber then me i know that for sure
Idiotic?that me but i donno about you
i might need to talk to you more if i want to be good friends with you

Do I know you in real life?no
would you care for me if i was in truble or need it?yeah i would online or not your my friend and i act like i know you like i know friends so yeah
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out?maybe yeah i guess x]

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jun 12, 2007 @ 01:46am
I cried: i'd tell u to stop
I asked for your help: i'd help u
I was becoming suicidal: i'd tell u to stop
I killed myself: i'd wonder why u killed urself
I died from natural causes: i'd feel bad
I said I liked you: i wouldn't know what to say
I kissed you: i'd put up this sign: ^^;
I started smoking: i'd tell u to stop
I stole something: i'd tell u to return the stolen item
I was hospitalized: idk
I ran away from home: i'd try to find u
I got in a fight and you were there: i'd try to stop thte fight
I became famous: i would try to also become famous
I yelled at you: i'd yell bak louder
I slapped you: i'd kick u in da nuts
I said You're ugly: i'd kick u in da nuts

Be my friend: yes
Tell me the truth no matter what: yep
Lie to make me feel better: nope
Spread rumors about me: nope
Keep a secret if I told you one: yep
Hold my hand: idk
Keep in touch: yea
Try and solve my problems: idk
Tell me I?m fat: no
Take me in if I run away: yep
Give me food: yea
Hug me? yea
Kiss me? idk

Tell me 3 words that describe me: cool rich(on gaia) and sorta cute on gaia
Tell me my name: idk ur name
Tell me ur name: Trinity

Loud? idk
Quiet? i dont think so
Shy? no
Talkative? sorta
Lovable? i guess
Annoying? no
Mean? no
Attractive? yes
Weird? no
Confusing? sorta
Fun to be with? yea
Smart? yea
Idiotic? no
Tempermental? idk
Envious? idk

Do I know you in real life? no
would you care for me if i was in truble or need it? yea
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out?yep

commentCommented on: Tue Mar 04, 2008 @ 05:47am
I cried: hug u really really tight ( sorry if i choke you to death )
I asked for your help: i would help you no matter what it was biggrin
I was becoming suicidal: i would slap you xd
I killed myself: i would kill myself
I died from natural causes: be depressed for the rest of my life?
I said I liked you: Thank you?
I kissed you: kiss you back ( i have manners !! )
I started smoking: I would make you stop immediately
I stole something: i would tell u to give it back
I was hospitalized: stay with u in the hospital
I ran away from home: come with you ( i like adventures )
I got in a fight and you were there: try to stop the fight
I became famous: probabaly be realli sad cause u would forget about me
I yelled at you: i won't mind
I slapped you: slap you back
I said You're ugly: Thank you biggrin

Be my friend: yes
Tell me the truth no matter what: ofc
Lie to make me feel better: yeah
Spread rumors about me: never
Keep a secret if I told you one: always
Hold my hand: in a friend way yes
Keep in touch: forever
Try and solve my problems: yes
Tell me I?m fat: nooo never ( thats the thingy when i lie to make you feel better )
Take me in if I run away: yes
Give me food: yes xd
Hug me? ofc
Kiss me? on the cheek?

Tell me 3 words that describe me: hm.. well i don't noe u for that long so yeah ( but one day when i have an answer to his question i will write it )
Tell me my name: Partick?? xd ( what i just like that name ) ( but i am close? )
Tell me ur name: arash

Loud? um... i dunno
Quiet? i dunno
Shy? i guess
Talkative? nope ( if it weren't for me u would have never talked to me )
Lovable? a.. um...
Annoying? nope
Mean? no
Attractive? it's a secret
Weird? nope
Confusing? yes
Fun to be with? um.. yes?
Smart? i dunno
Idiotic? yeah
Tempermental? i don't think so
Envious? nope

Do I know you in real life? noo i wish you did D:
would you care for me if i was in truble or need it? yes yes ofc i alwayz alwayz care for my friends
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out? maybe -_-

hm.. did i miss anything?!?!

Community Member
FaerieDust Chi-na
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 06, 2009 @ 06:45pm
(Got bored so I went through your journal.)

I cried: Look at you, and be sad.
I asked for your help: Be surprised, and try to help.
I was becoming suicidal: slap to. evil That is a no no!
I killed myself: >:[ That is also a no no!!!
I died from natural causes: Be sad.
I said I liked you: O.o.....
I kissed you: o.O....
I started smoking: Tell you to stop.
I stole something: tell you to put it back.
I was hospitalized: Visit you like everyday to poke fun at you and see if you are okay.
I ran away from home: Ask why.
I got in a fight and you were there: Fight with you, I can't let my partner in crime get hurt.
I became famous: Be happy.
I yelled at you: Yell back.
I slapped you: Cry from the pain.
I said You're ugly: Call you ugly too.

Be my friend: YES! Sheesh, I already was.
Tell me the truth no matter what: Always does.
Lie to make me feel better: No.
Spread rumors about me: Why would I spread rumors about my best friend?
Keep a secret if I told you one: Yes.
Hold my hand: ....
Keep in touch: Yes.
Try and solve my problems: If you let me.
Tell me I?m fat: You aren't fat. You are very skinny!
Take me in if I run away: Yes.
Give me food: Yes.
Hug me? I always do.
Kiss me? ....

Tell me 3 words that describe me: tall, bully,....hot.(according to everyone.)
Tell me my name: Christian
Tell me ur name: Christina.

Loud? YES!
Quiet? No!
Shy? No!
Talkative? Can be.
Lovable? Yes
Annoying? Nope.
Mean? In a fun way.
Attractive? Yes.
Weird? Yes.
Confusing? Always.
Fun to be with? Yes.
Smart? So you say.
Idiotic? Yes.
Tempermental? Yes.
Envious? idk.

Do I know you in real life? Why yes I believe you do.
would you care for me if i was in truble or need it? Yes.
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out? No.

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