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just art ive done and fanfictions ive wrote and or am writing
Intro- They tell me the story about a boy named Ed who was once a member of the military and how he saved the world side by side Fuer King Roy Mustang. I hear this story all the time and yet I never seem to get bored of hearing it. One day I want to be just like Edward Elric...just like...the Fullmetal Alchemist...

Chapter 1- The winged alchemist

"how in the worl did i get stuck cleaning...while everyone else is out on patrol...its just not fare," once every week all of unit B goes out to patrol the town and once every week I get forced to stay back and do chores. Thats just how my life seemed to work though. When my brother was sent to war as always i had to stay behind and when kaname, denshi, and lyserg got to go out on missions I still had to stay bac and do pointless chores. It just wasn't fare.

"if only...I wasn't at such a low rank" I said to myself. I said that almost every day. Everyone else seemed to be soring up the the ladder but i still manged to stay as low as possible. My alchemy wasn't perfect and my performanses during training wasnt to great either. I could do much beter if everyone didn't have to watch me.

" i wonder when Kaname and the others will get bac" i walked over to the window and looked out over the court yard. I had always looked up to Kaname. She had taught me many things. They called her the storm Alchemist...becuase she fights using elements that take place during lightning showers. Denshi was the burning Alchemist and lyserg the Sand. everyone had there titles already except me...i hadnt gotten a title yet.

Suddenly i saw the front gates open. Unit B had returned from patrol. "there bac" i said as i rushed to greet them. I saw Kaname and others and ran up to them huging Kaname "Kaname Kaname! youre bac big sister" i said happily. Kaname wasnt realy my big sister but i sure saw her as one. She hugged me bac and began to tell me how patrol went. Denshi waited around with Kaname and me but lyserg headed bac inside. He wasnt realy the social type i guess you could say.

"so Haseo...how was youre day...?" denshi asked me. I smiled and said it was fine and i acted like i didnt care that i got left behind but the truth of the matter is next time i was making sure i was going some way i was going...

Chapter 2-

Later that night Kaname and Denshi were busy working on an asighnment so i decided to see what was happening down in the lounge. Kaname and Denshi always were working on asighnments. I peeked behind a wall to see who was in the lounge. a lot of people were chatting and playing cards. Thats when i saw lyserg in a chair staring out the window. lyserg truly amazed me. He was known as the sand alchemist cuase he could manipulate sand using alchemy. I would imagine what it would be like sometimes if i could do that.

I thought of going over to talk to him but then i thought about it. Lyserg wasnt the social type i couldnt blame him. Kaname had told me about him being abandoned by his parents and running from a home that was never a home. I couldnt ever understand how bad it mustve hurt him to have been through theese things. it probably was the reason he kept to himself so much.

I walk into the lounge still thinking if i should go say hi or not. ^It might not be a good idea^ i said in my head ^He might get mad at me^ every time i said to hi to him in the hall ways he would ignore it and whenever i asked him how is day went he would jsut walk away. i guess to him i was nothing more than a nuisense. once again that was just the way my life was.

Chapter 3-

i desided not to say anything to lyserg and headed back to my room. as i walked down the hallway i saw denshi flirting with the acountant at the front desk. it kinda maid me wonder why he wasnt helping kaname with there asighnment. i stood there listening to what he was saying.
"soooo tell me did it hurt" he siad to her. she looked at him confused "why when you fel from heaven" he contuied. it actually pissed me off a litlte.

Denshi was known to be a lfirt and a complete perv. he was very imature for his age and quite a hot head. i didnt want to stand around and here anymore of there conversation so i contuid to my room. thats when he notised me
"oh hey Haseo...whats up!" he said to me with this cheesy smile. i wlaked around him but he grabbed my wrist "hey i said whats up" he whined for a answer. I was gettin tired of his pushyness kkinda fast.

Thats when Kaname came around the corner "um Haseo..." she said with a very woried look on her face "the colenal wants to see you in his offise right away" she said. i nodded and followed her there. i couldnt help but wonder why she looked so worried. she took my hand and told me that it was alright which made me worry myself.

"youre brother...is no longer with us..." the colonal said to me "he was shot yesterday...they did all they could..we just recieved the news..im so sry...." my eyes were wide and my body was shaking
"y-youre lieing write" i siad with teary eyes and they botth shook there heads. i fel on my nees and held my head screaming asking why over and over agian. He was gone...how could i get him bac....

Chapter 4-

My brothers funeral didnt go to great...everyone wore black and seemed to be zombies...they all cried but i couldnt...for some reason i jsut couldnt cry...i stared at his body in the cascet...he had been shot but they covered up his wound...but as i took a closer look i saw a tatoo on his neck...it looked like a dragon around a star...i had seen the same mark before but i couldnt rember wear...

I mourned all day for him...i wanted him bac...Kaname tried to talk to me but i wouldnt say anything...i sat there in my room all by myself... when i rember the story of edward elric...and thats when i got this crazy idea...

i went to the grave yard and drew a big transmutation circle in the dirt around wear he, my brother, was barried...i was going to bring him bac...and i was gana do it...by breaking the laws...i had everything prepared...i told myself that if ed lived through it so could i...and i began the transmutation...it seemed to be working till abuot half way there...then things..went terribly wrong...

lyserg was wondering around the halls of central when he saw kaname she asked him if he had seen me. he said no and then she told him how she had searched everywhere and couldnt find me...and somehow lyserg knew...where i was and what i was doing...

it hurt..the transmutation...cuts apeared in my skin and i screamed out in pain...i couldnt move my hands away form the circle i couldnt stop it...thats when i saw the gate...i saw it right before my eyes infront of me...and i saw everything that was in it...i saw the truth jsut like ed had seen and i knew...i wasnt going to make it through the transmutation....

I went flying away from the circle and the transmutation stopped..someone had pulled me bac... i could feel arms around me...i opend my eyes and i saw lyserg...he had tears in his eyes and he held me tightly...i saw Kaname and denshi too...they looked so worired...i began to cry...and i hugged lyserg bac digigng my head in his arms...Kaname began to cry aswell in relief...i had made it out with jsut a ton of cuts and bruises....denshi looked over at the grave....lyserg had stopped me just in time...if it wasnt for him....i wouldve surley been destroyed...

chapter 5-

The next day they held an exam...i couldnt particiapte in it cuase i had yet to gain my title as an alchemist...so i sat in the bleachers and watched...the first test was each participant would be given gloves with a transmutauion circles on them and they would have to go through an obstacle course using there skills to make it past the traps...first up was Kaname...

the test was to doge bullets ((beebee bullets of course)) she did perfectly blowing them up by striking them with lightning and stoping them in mid air with a wall of powerfull wind...she finished quickly and was graded...she went up yet another rank...

Denshi was next...his task was to hit the moving targets...using his fire alchemy he hit and broke everyone...all he had to do was snap his fingers and bam...then it was lysergs turn...his job was to stop a building from breaking...with his power to manupilate sand he filled in the cracks of the falling building and kept it standing...like i said...they were all amazing...

everyone in unit B soon finished and went on to the last exam...using alchemy circles they would make something amazing...Kaname used a circle to make a tall statue desighned after herself...the judges were inmpressed with her craftsmen ship...denshi used alchemy to cover the statue in vines...he was rated high for his strong tune with nature...and lyserg moved the ground underneath it into a mote for water to go into..everyone was impressed by the uniqueness of his skills...it was quiete silly....they all stood under the statue as the judges rated them...they were squad 7 in unit B...thats when i noticed...the statue cracking...no one else seemed to see it...

"guys move!" i yelled claping my hands and transmuting the statue to keep it from faling on them....a strange light eminated from my back in the shape of wings and then i realized puling away....that i hadnt used a transmutation circle...and i still was able to use alchemy....i really was becoming just like my idol...the fulmetal alchemist....

Chapter 6-

every one stared at me amazed at what i had just done...especially the colonel...he aproached me and said "winged...alchemist..." thats the day i got my title....i wasnt the baby of the group anymore...

Kaname suddnely hugged me "YOU DID IT HASEO" she yelled happily. i stared around very confused "YOU GOT YOURE TITLE YOU DID IT YOU DID IT" she contuied yelling...denshi griined, lyserg smirked, and everyone cheered...i was...i was an oficial alchemist now...

The paper work was filled out and they placed me in squad 7...the colonel once again aproached me only this time he handed me a state pocket watch..."i believe this is youres" he said. I took it and opened it...inside the title of my brother was inscribed 'mythral alchemist' it was my brothers watch...my eyes were wide as a tear streamed down my cheek...the colonel pat my head and walked away...i clenched the watch tightly...Kaname tried asking me what was wrong but i wouldnt respond...i jsut walked away to me room and locked the door...

Chapter 7-

"what do you think was with wrong Haseo" kaname asked denshi as her, him , and lyserg sat in the lounge "she got the watch and she seemd almost in shock..."
denshi shrugged his shoulders and said "maybe she was jsut really hapy"
"no thats not it" began lyserg "i think that was her brother watch she was given...i know it was..i could see it written on her face" Kaname and denshi looked at eachother they knew he was right.
"her brother was the only famly she really had" kaname began "they did run from home together...i couldnt possibly imagine how much pain shes in...i still have my famly"
" i never realy had a chanse to get to know my famly" denshi stated
"and i never had a loving famly" said lyserg "shes the only one here who knows whats like to have and lose a famly member that cares..." lyseg looked at the floor then got up out of his chair "im ganna go talk to her" he said as he headed up to her room
Kaname once again turned to denshi "ever sinse the other day...ive noticed that lyserg seems to know alot more about what goes on in Haseos head than any of us...and he dosnt even know her really" she stated
"maybe hes a phycick or jsut really good at reading fases" sugested denshi "truthfully i could never figure out what haseo was thinking...you know shes one to always hide what shes feeling..." kaname nodded to what he was saying

i heard a knock on my door...i was sitting on my bed staring at the watch...i hadnt even noticed the time...i got up and opend the door i was a litle shocked to see lyserg outside it "you wanna talk?" he asked which shocked me even more "that watch is youre brothers right" he contuied "i dont know what its like to lose someone that cares for you but...i do know that youre in a lot of pain right now...even though you were granted youre title it dosnt make up for such a big loss and what happened yesterday at the graveyard"

i stared at my feet listening to him how could he know so much about how i was feeling...he was right on the dot with everything he said "haseo" i looked up at him "i know we dont know eachother well but...im worried about you along with Kaname and Denshi...we all care about you...and were there if you need us..." he walked back downstairs...and i walked back in my room and fell asleep...

"so what did she say" kaname aksed lyserg with a worried face "shes okay right?"
"dont worry shes fine" responded lyserg "jsut a litlte heart broken...shell mend"
"why are you acting so caring twords her latley" denshi aksed "i mean who are you to jsut walk into her life...you always ignored her before...she would try and talk to you but you would always jsut walk away...listen..." denshi got out of his chair "she our friend not youres...and you have no right to act like you care...shes smart sheel figure it out..and shell be even more hurt.."
"denshi dont say things like that" kaname scolded "dont listen to him hes only..."
Lyserg cut her off "no..i understand..hes right...i wasnt there in the begining..but im here now..." he said and walked to his room

Chapter 8-

The next day i was sent on my first mission with the others....we were being sent to help out in the war...taking care of wounded soldiers...cleaning out paper work...Kaname seemed worried about me going...not becuase she didnt think i was ready...but becuase of what it might do to my head...i was still preety ******** up over my brothers death...was the term denshi liked to use...

i packed my bag...i was going no matter what...i could not turn this oportunity down...no matter how much i wanted too...
"you sure you wanna do this?" denshi asked "you know you dont have to go right...?" he stood in my doorway as i contuied packing
"im going...they need all the help they can get down there so im going" i told him. he sighed and shrugged his shoulders as he turned to wlak away
"denshi..." i called...he turned and looked at me "how bad...is it out there...?" i asked him
"preety bad...we lost over 10 today...all they think of is killing...the militarys no better...i dont get...why they jsut cant find a reasonable solution..." and with that he walked away

They took us down to the war zone in a military bus filed with more recruits...i sat next to kaname...she looked out the window trying not to pay any mind to it all...but i looked aorund...staring at every souldier...one man in the bac of the bus was crying why a man in the front was praying...some of them looked like zombies as if they had lost all hope...it was heartbreaking to see...i got up and walked over to the crying man taking a seat next to him...all eyes turned to me...
"what is it you have back home waiting for you?" i aksed him...he loked up at me teary eyes and pulled out a picture of a little girl and a lovley women...he had a wife and a child...and most likley he was going to die in this war...i couldnt tell him it was going to be okay cuase it wasnt and i couldt tell him to cheer up cuase it was impossible...so instead...i incouraged him to stay alive
"a wife and kids...when you go bac to them jsut think of happy theyll be to see you" he began to stop crying when i siad this "there one reason...that you have to stay alive...without you...there empty...my brother...he didnt come bac...and i feel empty..."i smiled at him "now you dont want them to feel that way too, do you" he smiled bac and nodded Kaname smiled as well...i had helped jsut one heart of the many that were going to be saved...

Chapter 9-

we worked hard...Kaname, denshi, lyserg and i...and we did a good job...we worked and worked...even when i didnt have to i stayed up in the hospital rooms with the patients...i loved making them smile...giving them hope...it made me feel like i was doing something right...i had learned alot about the war...and i was beginning to think that maybe...i was working for the wrong team...the oposing side seemed much more peacfull than the militay did...

Me and Denshi were sent into town that day...to pick up an order of medicine...it was a quiet walk...atleast for the tlaking part...you could hear the guns and cannons in the distanse...and thats when i saw a litlte boy lieing by his dead mom...yet everyone was just wlaking past him...he was a memebr of the oposing side and his mom had been shot...agaisnt all my instincts i wlaked over to the boy and held out my hand to him...i was breaking a very big rule...denshi didnt try and stop me...he jsut looekd away and waited for me...

"come on" i said to the boy "you cant stay here and wait...theres nothing to wait for..." he yelled and cried and shood me away but i wasnt going to budge he was so young looked as if he was only 7...i couldnt leave him there and i wouldnt...i took off my jacket and put it around him lifting him up and setting him on my waist...i told him it was okay and he began to calm down...many people had stopped an stared at my actions...many of them were the enemy...i paid no mind and i contuied wlaking along with the boy to pick up the medicine... denshi seemd worried about my actions very worried...helping the enemy was against the rules for someone at such a low rank as me and i knew it too...

"Haseo...you sure about this...you cnat jsut take him bac with us..." denshi siad to me like i said he was worried
"i didnt plan too...denshi...im not going back..." i responded
"what..what do you mean youre not going bac have you lost your mind..i knew being here would ******** with youre head..."
"denshi...theese people..they didnt nothing wrong...dont you see were the bad guys not them...theyre the ones who need our help..."
"haseo you jsut got youre lisense as a state alchemist after all youve worked for are you really jsut ging to throw it away...."
"tell the others...im sry...but ive made up my mind...."
"haseo youre being unrasional..cmon think for a minute here...you do understand this is puting you in danger..."
"i dont care...i made up my mind...and if you dont wantt to get into trouble i suggest yuo not be seen with me..."
"h-haseo...fine...if you really think this is right...please...just be carefull though..." he hugged me tightly "please be carefull...ill see you around i promise" and with that he finished his job and went bac to tell the others...

Chapter 10-

Many years later...6 to be exact...the war was finally ending...i stayed behind and learned much about the oposing side...and i was able to convinse the people that war wasnt the way to settle differenses...a peace treaty was sighned...and the litlte boy i had found...i had goten custody of..his name was Kovu...and he was like a little brother to me...i never saw Kaname and denshi again...lyserg quit the military to become a wondering alchemist...as for me...i taught alchemy in a small school...and i told the people storys from back in the day...i didnt use my alchemy powers as much anymore...there wasnt much need...i always thought about my firends and what they were doing...and one day i couldve sworn...that i saw lyserg walk past me...but that was only one time...and after that day...i made a vow..to never forget any of them...i stil kept a picture of us together..it sat by my bed side..and it reminded me of all those good times...and all the times we shared our luaghter and tears...and it especially reminded me of how much i truly missed them.......

(the end)

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    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Jan 01, 2007 @ 03:58am
    YAY! I adore it Megan! ^__________________^

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