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spaztic rambaling .

Community Member
do the survay ill love you for life <3 [=
1. Who was the last female you talked to?
....my dog?
2. What were you doing an hour ago?
slave labor -_-
3. What are you looking forward to in the next 3 months?
summer and my lisence, yay freedom
4. Do you remember your dreams?
when i want to
5. Do you watch the Super Bowl?
not really
6. What color is your mailbox?
black, rusty colored, and birdy poo colord /=
7. Do you have your future children's names picked out?
ehh yeah no =P
8. Who was your Kindergarden teacher?
i dont member, but i remember i could never remember the number of my class room.....it was 5 lol
9. How many years older and younger than you are you willing to date?
2 yunger 3 older
10. Have any tattoo's?
sadly no /= i will when im 18
11. What did you do last night?
umm talked on the phone and stared at the wall awaiting that phone call
12. Do you have any siblings?
unless you count my dog no
13. Do you like someone?
no, but i love someone [=
14. Do you have any fears?
im scared of loosing someone else colose to me and on occations open areas were i cant see a thing, its hard to explain
15. Do you like kangaroos?
heck yes, there bad a**
16. Screamo or Country?
screamooooo >.<
17. Rock or Rap?
18. Do long distance relationships work?
if you can hanndel the terable seperation yeah [=
19. Do you worry about getting older?
my own house? my own rules? dosent sound bad to me at all
20. Do you have a jar where you keep your loose change?
yeah but theres only dimes in it
21. Ever gone a whole day without eating?
yup, 3 of them to be presise =P
22. Are you OCD?
lol no
23. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
ummm idk
24. What's your favorite drink?
monster, milk, and martinellies
25. Do you own any big sunglasses?
hell no
26. Have you ever bungee jumped?
nope, want to
27. Favorite day of the year?
april 4 [= or halloween
28. Do you want to get married?
yeah, the thought of being 30 and alone scares me /=
29. Where was the last place you went shopping?
mikles for colorfull duck tape
30. Do you wish you were someplace else right now?
31. Do you like math?
i did till i desided to take honers.... dont do it, save yourself the pain D:
32. Do you watch the Olympics?
33. What do you spend the majority of your money on?
clothes and random events
34. Whats your favorite color?
the color of my eyes
35. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies?
36. Do you have any talents?
plenty ;] lol not really, well nothing exciting
37. Do you have any children?
pff no, im not a whore
38. Favorite actress?
39. Favorite actor?
40. Ever had to take a sobriety test?
lol no but my brother did, he was pissed
41. Ever been to Las Vegas?
42. How old are your parents?
44444444444444446. damn there old D:
43. Have you been to New York City?
44. How is the weather today?
pritty bad a**, it rained all day, i missed the rain
45. Did you just die?
......maybe, not sure
46. What do you think about before you go to bed?
47. What are your plans for tonight?
more slave labor, being a plaything for a small child [aka baby sitting], and talk on the phone
48. Are promises important to you?
49. Do you have a reason to smile right now?
sorta =]
50. Anything you're giving up on?
hmmm honer roll
51. Something you do a lot?
sleep, yell, be silent
52. Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
to the mail box
53. How did you get your last bruise?
i was with my bf in the back of a truck on a dirt road and every time we hit a bump my arm hit the truck. the bruse looked like a heart =]
54. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
55. Last song you listened to?
ummm somthing slipknot?
56. What object is directly to your right?
....the arm on my chair?
57. What's the last movie you watched?
umm that movie with all the #'s on that page that are like the date of a major accident?
58. Do you/did you like your high school?
ehh its boring as hell and theres to many dumb rules
59. Do you cry when hearing something upsetting?
depends on what was said and if im in front of anyone
60. What is the last thing you took a picture of?
61. Are you fluent in any other language besides english?
kinda spanish
62. If the year consisted of only two seasons, which would you choose?
fall and spring
63. If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you?
64. Do you ever stress out about what people think of you?
umm with the exception of 1 person, i could careless what people think
65. Do you drink coffee?
ewww no way, its sick, im a monster person
66. Who did you get in arguement with today?
the voices in my head
67. Do you like competition?
i like to be challenged, dosent happen much /=
68. Tomorrow at this time what will you be doing?
69. Look to your left, what do you see?
a huge pill of cds
70. Whats something you disliked about your day?
how lonely it was
71. Whats something you liked about your day?
talking to greg, but thats yet to come
72. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
yup yup 4 people, well it used to be 4 people.....its 3 now...
73. Have you ever let someone cry on your shoulder?
thats what im here for
74. What is in your pocket?
75. What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"?
greg trying to explain part of this movie he watched
76. What is the last letter of your middle name?
i or e im not sure lol
77. Would you consider yourself lucky?
in a way yes
78. Have you ever been awake for 2 days straight?
yup...with the evil fun sucking natzi mikeuh the counsaler from hell...
79. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
all the time, you have no idea...
80. Are you Irish in any way?
a little i think
81. Are you okay with the life you live?
for now
82. Last person you told a secret to?
greg or jen, not sure
83. How many true friends do you have?
not as many as id like to have, im rather shy /=
84. Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
other than parents? greg
85. What was your first thought this morning?
wonder what gregs up to
86. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
in collage up in flag hopefully
87. Would you rather talk on the phone or chat in IM?
phone unless the im includes camera chat
88. Do you still go trick or treating?
lol sadly, but i gave most of the candy i got to little kids
89. Is anything bothering you?
yup, tons
90. Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
my self
91. Have you ever had a song written about you?
92. Have you ever sang in public?
93. Have you ever loved someone and were too scared to tell them?
94. The last person you kissed needs you at 3AM, do you go?
of course
95. Favorite fruit?
apple or bannana
96. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
97. Honestly, who was the last person to make you smile?
a real smile? greg
98. Do you cry a lot? Have you recently?
only when i had a ton of angsietties, and its more of a panic attack than just crying, and nope, not for a while
99. Who was the last person you spoke on the phone for over an hour?
greg, every night
100. Where is your dad right now?
sitting on his fat, unemployed a** in the living room watching tv -_-
101. Do you have a problem?
102. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
open, if there was anything in there id rather see it [=
103. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
i did when i was younger
104. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
pff how gets tucked in any ways??
105. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
lol noooo
106. Do you like to use post-it notes?
freakin yes
107. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
108. Do you have freckles?
sadly /= i hate em but every one says there cute...liers
109. What size is your bed?
queen ;]
110. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
111. Do you still watch cartoons?
lol ya
112. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
i dont eat chicken nuggets, there not chicken, but more like little sponges made of an unknown substance
113. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
step brothers, nemo
114. Are you stubborn?
115. Afraid of heights?
not in the least
116. Ever used a gun?
yup yup, got my own 20 gadge
117. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
i hate those with a pation
118. Is Christmas stressful?
it wasnt untill theres somone important to get somthing for
119. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
ballerina lol
120. Ever been in love?
ya [=
121. Hot tea or cold tea?
neither, i hate tea in general
122. Can you swim well?
123. Are you patient?
not at all
124. What's something that can always make you feel better?
sertan friends, and caffien
125. What do you want right now?
go quading, be at the beach to watch the sun set, be with greg, be with friends, be any wear but here...
126. Do you still talk to any of your ex's?
127. How do you feel about abortions?
128. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
yup [=
129. Something interesting happen lately?
appart from the slave labor? nothing yet
130. Three feelings at the moment?
bordom, lonely, .....the need to fiz my messed up hair?
131. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
lol no
132. What were you doing at 4am this morning?
watching the rain, i dont get much sleep /=
133. How many different beverages have you had today?
2 milk and orange soda
134. Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?
niether? im not pritty enough to be a heart breaker, and ive never bin dumped
135. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
no but close to it
136. Is there always going to be that one person who will always have your heart?
137. Do you admit when your wrong?
lol not usually, takes some one pritty special to make me do that
138. Is it easy for you to lie?
im good at keeping a straight face so yup
140. Mcdonalds or burger king?
141. Whats on your feet?
umm blue die [dont ask]
142. Whats on your mind?
poeple places, ...old friends
143. Whats the worst feeling in the world?
knowing that your being lied to, or heart broked
144. Do you wish you could take things back?
all the time, one of my many falts i say things i dont mean /=
145. Have you ever played lacrosse?​​
ones, i suck
146. Do you like the sound of pouring rain?​​
love it
147. Do you like sugar cookies?​​
148. Have you ever laugh​ed until​ you could​n'​​t breat​he or until​ your stomach hurt?
all the time
149. Can you tell when someone is fake?
150. Do you enjoy family reunions?​​
umm only bin to one. i didnt really like it, it had bin the first time id seen any of them since i was like 6 and i knew no one /= pritty sad concidering its my own family...ive bin to a few of my bfs though, i loves his family there amazing [=

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