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The Daily Meggo101089 Gossip Problems Don't ask when my birthday is... Don't ask why I care... If you think I'm crazy...I am... And yes...I am very melodramatic

Community Member
I seriously love Chatterbox...
Take each of these and post the answer seperately Pssssh...like I would have time to do that...Gaia won't let me post every second...

The Basics
Gaia Screen Name: Meggo101089
Name: Megan
Age: 15
Birthdate: 101089
Family: Mom, Dad, 1 Super Annoying but Loverly Sister, and a funny poochy
Pets: Cassie, my lovely spoiled princess
# of Nicknames: uhh...a lot, Meg, Meggo, etc.
Sign: Libra (the scale...go figure since my life is very unbalanced wink )

Right now

What are you listening to? Mario
Who is around you? No one...only person home...
What is on your mind (specifically)? Kindsley replying to my IM and wondering when my next coughing attack from my flu is going to occur...
What do you see? Uhh...the computer screen??? (WTH)
What are you doing (OTHER than this)? Listening to music...
What are your short term plans? Umm...enjoy Spring Break??? (WTH)
What are you long term plans? Go to college...we'll just have to see...
How long have you been awake? Since 7 a.m. when Good Morning America Started...plus I had to take my dear little pooches I'm dogsitting for out...
What are you wearing? Gap Jeans, a white tank top, and one of my XC Ski Tops...
What are you eating? Nothing...not really hungry when I'm sick...
Drinking? Water...fluids, fluids, fluids...


How many friends do you have? Alot
Are the majority male or female? Lots of females, a few males...
How many do you consider 'best' friends? Umm...well I've moved a couple times and left some best friends...my lovely Rose is my Best Friend here...and Kindsley is my BBF (Best Buddy Fo'eva)!!!
Who (if any) do you trust implicitly? My mom...who else???
Who are you closest to? Umm...don't know...have a few friend troubles at the moment...
Do you lie to friends? If I have to...so, yes...

Of your friends, who is/are:
-Funniest: Moe, for sure...
-Sweetest: Caroline or Madara...they're always there for me...
-Cutest: Umm...cutest as in hot??? or cutest as in puppy???...Not answering that...it's just wrong...
-Most Honest: Rose!!!
-Most Kind: Caroline and Madj again...
-Most Trustworthy: My mom...well she is a friend...
-Best Listener: Rose...she's the only one that makes it through mindless Kolu babble without complaining...power to her...
-Most Open-Minded: BBF...Kins...
-Most Secretive: Rose...grr...getting a crush out of her is tough...
-The one(s) you'd like to know more: Hmmm...not sure...probably the folks from XC like OMG and Heidi day dee doo dee dum...
-The one(s) you think you know TOO well: I don't think I know anyone super well...
-Smartest: Rose!!!
-Quirkiest: Umm...Moe...durr...

The Sexes

Do you think size matters to guys? Uhh...not answering...my small chest and I hope not...
To girls? And your shoe size is???

What kind of smell do you like to wear? I don't like to wear it...but I love "the Kindsley smell"...
Why? It's only the best smell in the world...durr...

What kind do you like on the opposite sex? Well...I used to like Zach...but I'd have to go back to the lovely Max Kolu (CU Hockey #1 cool or Alex Mitchell (ask Paige or Rose...sigh...hot hot hot...)
Why? Well Kolu is hot and amazing at hockey...and Alex Mitchell was super nice and always nice to be around...Zach USED to be really funny, nice, and awesome to be around but I'm not so sure anymore...

What physical traits do you notice in the opposite sex? If there buff, skinny, fat, hair color, eye color...how can you not notice those things???
What personality traits do you look for? Nice, sense of humor, fun to be around, great all around personality...
What do you notice in the opposite sex first? Eyes or teeth...
What don't you like to see in the opposite sex? That there mean and love to diss people, why would you want to hang with them???
What do you think the opposite sex notices/likes about your looks? Umm...nothing...except maybe the fact that they want to run away as fast as they can, or wonder why I always wear the infamouse ponytail...
Personality? Mine??? Oh my...too complicated...

What don't they like? Umm...everything...see above...
Are men and women equal? Hell no...and I hope not either...would you want to be drafted???
Who should take the initiative? Men or Women? Men always do...women should take a stand fro them selves...
Do guys like girls to ask them out? I think it makes them feel inferior...
Do girls like guys to ask them out? Well...of course...boosts the SE (self-esteem)
Why? see above...durr...

What sex act, if any, is a taboo to you? WTH...
Straight, gay, or bi? For what...what I am (straight)...what I"m attracted to (straight)...WTH...
Sweetest thing that can be done for you? Not sure...nothing ever sweet done for me except my dad...


Favorite Girl's Name? Nadia...
Favorite Boy's Name? Nathanial...
Favorite of your nicknames? Meggo or Buddy...depends who's saying it...
Favorite Song? Too many to list...
Color? Red or blue...
Era (like 60's, 70's, etc.)? Doesn't matter...all wore their pants disgustingly high...
Medicine? Umm...well Kins is addicted to Nyquil...but I really don't have a favorite medicine...WTH....
Comic Character? Spongebob Squarepants...
Manga Character? Ohhh...who was the hot guy from Marmalade Boy???
Holiday? My birthday...ha ha...any holiday where my family is together...
Solo Musician? Doesn't matter...
Band? Dave Matthews Band or Maroon 5...no real preference
Music Genre? Anything but country...
Animal? Dog...
Pet? Dog...
Fantasy? NO!!!
Kind of sex? WTH...
Bodypart of the opposite sex? Eyes...first thing I look at...
Food? Doesn't matter...
Quote? It's this one from Michael Phelps that I don't have with me right now...Calvin and Hobbes too...poor memory...
Belief? WTH...
Kind of movie? Comedy...
Emotion? Melodramatic...
Relative? WTH...
Action Movie? Sky Captain of the World and Tomorrow or Johnny English...
School Movie? Our Spanish Video...
Martial Arts Movie? Never seen one...
Comedy? Johnny English...
Drama? How to lose a guy in 10 days...
Animated Movie? The Emperor's New Groove...
Anime? Nope...
Horror? I hate scary movies...
'Teen' Movie? Don't know...
Romance/romantic comedy? How to lose a guy in 10 days...

Yes or No

Are you honest? Pretty much...
Are you single? Yes...
Are you happy? Not really...
Do you have a crush? Yes...
Do you love anyone? No...
Are you 'in love'? No...
You ever think about skydiving? Yes...in health class...inside joke...
Scuba diving? Yes...want to go someday...
Bunjee Jumping? Yes...see skydiving...
Have you ever done any of them? No...
Been to a foreign country? No...not even Canada...surprise...
Live more than 3 places? Yes...NYC, Old Forge, LP...
More than 6? No...
12? No...
If so, military? No...
Do you like philosophy? No...
Have you or will you lie anywhere on this? Probably...
Do you think you're attractive? No...
Were you teased in Elementary School? What do you think...yes...
High School? Yes...who doesn't get teased...
Have you ever done drugs? NO
Pot? NO
Cocaine? NO
Crack? NO
Acid? NO
Do you drink? NO
Do you smoke (cigarettes)? NO
Are you bias? Depends on what the subject is...
Did you dream last night? Yes...
Do you have secrets from your parents? Yes...
Are you a good kisser? Not sure...
Have you been in more than 5 relationships? Hell no...
Do you want to be loved? Someday...
Are you loved? Yes...
By family? Yes...
By friends? Yes...
By others? NOt sure...
Do you trust easily? Usually...
Do you lose trust easily? Usually...
Do you want to be alone? Sometimes...
Do you miss grade school? Not really..
Were you a bully? At times...
Were you an outcast? At times...
Were you part of the 'In' crowd? At times...
Did you play sports? Yes...
Do you now? Yes...
Do you diet? Hell no...
Do you exercise? Yes...
Do you suck (figuratively, ya sicko lol)? Umm...not answering...people can for me...
Are you a player? Umm...hell no...
Are you the jealous type? At times...

The Past

What's your oldest memory? Hmm...too long to tell...
What kind of child were you? Perfect, of course...I wish...
What was your first pet? My lovely Cassie...actually it was fish, but I don't count them...
What was your first school? Calvary Christian...
Who was your first teacher? Mrs...uhh...it starts with an H...
Did you parents (either of them) have a reglar nickname for you? My mother only has a million...
What teacher had the greatest impact? Mr. Leach...
What did you/do you hate about your youth? Not telling...
Where were you born? NYC...
What was your first kiss like? Disgusting...
What did you do when you were little that you'd prefer not known? Not telling...but I did run around with a strainer on my head a lot...

Choices Choices -See bold choice...

Photography or Painting?
Singing or Dancing? Neither...
Beer or Wine? Neither...
Soda or Juice?
Meat or Veggies?
Tape or CD?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Fall?
Life or Death?
Madness or Sanity?
Company or Lonliness?
Up or Down?
Playing or Watching?
Give or Recieve?
Work or Spoil?
Love or Hate?
Love or Lust?

Short or Long Essay (ACK! SCHOOL!) Hell if I'm telling you...sick of this right now...
What do you want...
In a partner?
In a relationship?
From life?
What's your worst memory?
What's your best memory?
If you diety had something to say about your life, what do you think it would be?
If you could change anything in your past, what would it be?
If you could have ANY power, what would it be? Why?

Another questionaire!!!
1. What's your name? (Real or Nickname) Megan
2. Do you like your name? not really but it suits me fine- I always wanted to be a Nadia though...so my parenting baby shall be called that
3. Do others around you like your name? I think so...they say I look like a Megan, for sure Meaghan Goff does, it's her name too
4. What's the first name or nickname of your best friend(s)? Rose!!! Kindsley!!! Ciaira!!!
5. Do you like their name? Love them all...so original...Rose is more of a Rose than an Audrey though...
6. If you have a b/f or g/f, or just a crush, what is their first name, screenname, or whatever you call them by? Umm well I had a crush on "mystery man" Zach...but he's out of my life now...
7. Do you like that name? I like the name Zach but not Zach...
8. How many people are in your immediate family? (Parents, siblings, and yourself) 3, my mom, dad, and sis...4 included my lovely poochy Cassie
9. How do you usually dress? Umm...excuse me, but Gap is that way...
10. How would you like to dress, regardless of others' opinions, price, etc..? The way I do right now...maybe a little more AE, and maybe some Abercrombie
11. If you owned a clothing line and the store to sell it in, what would you name the store? Don't know...probably "Melodramatic"
12. If someone gave you ten million dollars, what would you do with it? Put money aside for my future...college, house, car...then take a little cash and shop for my family and I...
13. If someone yells at you, like a brat at school or something, how do you react? Umm...I'm a go getter...I plot revenge, yell at them back, try to ruin thier life...a little melodramatic and creepy, but that's me right???
14. If someone yells at your friend, how do you react? Yell right back, see #13
15. Do you get along with your parents very well? Most of the time, never super mad...better than most of the people in softball for sure...
16. What about your siblings, do you get along with them? Hells no...
17. If you were babysitting, or you were with your friend and they were babysitting, and the baby threw food at you, what would you do? Try to control myself from throwing it back at them...hee hee hee...
18. Do you have a friend that likes to sing? Yes, my Rosie...
19. Does that friend sing prettily in your opinion? Umm...she's going to be the next American Idol...durr...
20. Do you like to sing? Only in the shower...
21. Do you think you sing pretty? No...
22. Do others think you sing pretty? NOt sure...probably not...
23. What's your favorite kind of music or band to listen to? I love every kind of music except Country and extreme Rap...love Dave Matthews Band, Mario, Marroon 5, everything really
24. What country do you live in? USA baby
25. Are you male or female? I would hope female...
26. What do you think of the person that made this stuff, and be honest. XP Umm...I got this out of chatterbox, I have no idea who this person is...
27. Why did you decide to do this? I was extremely bored and love filling otu questionaires!!!
28. How much gold have you made so far? (just a guesstimate) None!!!
29. What kind of t.v. show do you like to watch most? Reality...Survivor, The Amazing RAce...
30. What's your favorite Cartoon show? (not anime) Spongebob Squarepants...all should know this...durr...
31. If you watch anime or read mangas (or both) which is your favorite? Marmalade Boy...the only manga I read...I loved it though...
32. Do you like to draw, paint, or photograph, or something else? NOt very into art...
33. Have you ever heard of Deviant Art? no...
34. Do you post any type of artwork anywhere? no...
35. Do you like to write stories, poems, or songs maybe? NOt really...see32...
36. If you do, would you ever let me read any of it? *Pleading Kitty eyes* Umm...hells no...
37. What's your favorite animal? My poochy and Kin's poochy... so the Dog...I love penguins though
38. What's your favorite color(s)? Don't have a fav...like red, blue, anything really...
39. What's your favorite food(s)? Don't have one...I like lots of stuff...
40. What's your favorite drink(s)? Hmm...don't have one...see #39
41. What's your birthstone? IT's the pink one
42. What's the theme of your bedroom, if any? Crazy, sports, posters, colorful...you'd have to see it...
43. What's in your cd player right now? (if no cd player, then radio or tape player) Mario...
44. What did you have for dinner tonight? Pasta...
45. What's your favorite candy? Snickers...
46. What's your favorite hard candy flavor? Sweet 'N Low...sugar free assorted fruits...
47. Least favorite? How can you hate candy??
48. Do you believe in fate/destiny? Of course...
49. How often do you have kinky thoughts? Umm...eww...gross...never...
50. What kind of perfume/cologne do you wear? Something from Gap, or Bath and Body Works, whichever I grab first...
51. Is your hair long, short, or medium? Medium...
52. What color are your eyes? Brown...
53. What's your favorite subject in school? Biology with Johnsie...
54. What's your least favorite subject? Global Studies with Dean...
55. What's the strangest thing you've ever done? Scraped the cheese off my pizza every time I eat it...
56. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done that you don't mind telling? Having my seventh grade lab partner light my hand on fire on accident...
57. What's the last book you read? The Third Summer of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
58. Do you like stuffed animals? Yes...
59. What are your hobbies? Too many to list...
60. What's your favorite "mythical creature"? Don't have one...I hate fantasy...
61. How much gold have you earned now??? NOne...
62. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Peanut Butter...
63. Pizza toppings?? None...I scraped everything off...
64. What's the last place you went with any of your friends to have fun? Kindsley's house...
65. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? No
66. Have you ever had a drink of alcohol? No
67. Do you go to school dances? NO
68. Do you even like to dance? No
69. Do you think you look good? Sometimes...
70. Do others think you look good? Not sure...
71. Which of your friends is the strangest and why? Moe...she is unexplainable
72. What was your favorite childhood game? Playing outside...
73. Do you think nap time needs to be reinstituted in higher grades? NO
74. What was your favorite thing to carry around with you when you were little? My security blanket
75. What was your favorite color back then? I have no idea...
76. When your relationships end in a break-up, is it usually your idea, theirs, or mutual? THe only time, it was mutual...
77. Have you ever dumped anybody? see #76
78. Have you ever been dumped? see #77
79. Do the two of you ever become friends again, or is it just hate all the way? Hate all the way...
80. Have you ever gone out with a past ex? No..
81. What do you think of these questions so far? Umm...a little boring...
82. Obviously I'm running out of ideas... sorry...
83. How have you been lately? My social life has been destroyed and I lost a really good friend...how would you feel???
84. What time is it right now where you are? 8:00 pm
85. Where is your dreamhome? Umm...a log cabin...
86. Do you have any piercings, and where? Ears pierced...one hole each...
87. Tattoos? Where? NOne...
88. Do you have a favorite scar? Where is it? My spleen scar is not a favorite, I hate it...
89.What's your favorite holiday? My birthday...
90. What's your favorite aspect of the (good-looking) opposite sex, physically? Thier eyes...
91. What 3 personality traits does a person have to have to catch your interest? Funny, fun to be around, outgoing...
92. Are you bored of this yet? YES...
93. How long have you been a member of gaia? Since the summer...
94. Do you have any mule accounts? How many? Umm...ehh ehh ehh...
95. Can I have a hug? NO...creepy...
96. Can I give you a hug? see # 95
97. Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs all the way...
98. Denim or Leather? Denim...I live in them...
99. How old are you? 15...
100. Did you have fun? How much gold (about) did you earn doing this? I'm happy it's over...

Community Member

Community Member
"Mystery Man"
Why was I soo obsessed with him???

I can't believe myself, he's such a self-centered little b*****d... scream

I love this!! Thanks Madyson, paste it folks in your journal
1. What is your full name? Megan
2. Nicknames?Meg, Meggo, Buddy
3. Age 15
4. Sex Female
5. Who have you talked today? Almost everyone from school except my "mystery man" whos mad at me
6. Where do u live? You people should know...durr...
7. What school do you attend? Home of the blue bombers...not telling!!
8. Siblings and their ages? older, annoying sister 18
9. Pets? My "puppy" Cassie
10. Zodiac sign? Libra
11. Righty or lefty? Righty

**********YOUR LOOKS**********
12. Hair color brown
13. Eye color brown
14. Height 5' 10" or something close to that
15. Do u wear contacts or glasses? glasses when I'm too lazy to put in my contacts
16. Do you have any piercing's? yeah
19. If so, what and where? ears...1 hole each
20. Do you wear any rings? hopefully when my class ring comes in
22 How are you today? pretty good
23. What pants are you wearing right now? LEI jean with a studded belt
24. What shirt are you wearing right now? bebe black zip hoodie with a white tank top
25. What does your hair look like at the moment? the infamous ponytail
26. What song are u listening to right now? good ol' Mario (Let me love you)
27. What was the last thing u ate? dinner (Speedy's and Mac n Cheese)
28. How is the weather right now? beautacious for LP
29. Last person u talked to on the phone? Rose of course
30. Last dream you can remember? Umm...all about "mystery man" let's not get into details...
31. Who are you talking to now? no one
32. What time is it? 7:30 p.m.

*********MORE ABOUT YOU**********
33. What are the last four digits of your phone number? cell or home??
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? red
35. Have you ever almost died? internal bleeding...spleen surgery
36. Do u like the person who sent u this? I don't really know her too well...Madyson on Gaia...
37. How do u eat an Oreo? bite into it like a regular cookie...why make it hard???
38. What makes u happy? being with my BUDS...almost anything
39. What's the next Cd that your going to buy? Hopefully something good...Jojo, Usher, Greenday, Gavin Degraw???
40. What's the best advice ever given to u? Be yourself...
42. Have you ever won any special award? Too many to name...and I hate to brag...
43. What are your future goals? College...get a good job...I'll have to figure it out when I get there...
44. Do you like to dance? No...since Kins and Madj are too good to be normal
45. Worst sickness u ever had? Umm...ear infection, strep throat
46. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done? HAVE my pants pulled down on video camera (cough Kindsley cough)
47. What's ur favorite memory? too many good ones...
48. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? not wear my hair in a ponytail constantly
49. Where do u shop? : Gap, Aeropostale, AE, Pac Sun, Bebe, Hot Topic...anywhere and everywhere
50. How many kids do u want to have? We'll just have to see...
51. Son's names? Parenting baby: Nathanial Leam
53. Do u do drugs? umm...durr...NO
54. Do u drink? see 53...I drink water!!
55: What kind of shampoo do u use?: Herbal Essences
56. What sport do u hate the most? I LOVE SPORTS...but football's kind of boring to watch
57. What are you most scared of? not being loved...
58. How many TV's do u have in your house? 2
59. Do u have your own? NO...
60. Do u have your own phone line? I have my own celly...
61. Do u sleep with stuffed animals? yes...
62. Have you ever broken, fractured, or sprain anything? My right leg
63. Who do u dream about? "Mystery Man", my friends...
64. Who do you tell your dreams to? Kindsley, my mom, anyone I feel comfortable with
65. Who is the loudest friend u have? ME...just kidding...Meaghan Goff...
66. Who is the quietest friend you have? Rose!!!
67. IS CHEERLEADING A SPORT? If you have to look pretty for a sport...what's the point of getting down and dirty...NO
68. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? 1...2...3...lost count
69. Which came first..chicken or egg? I think the egg...but who knows???

**********YOU AND LOVE**********
70. Do u believe in love? hells yeah...
72. Do u have crush on any one? hells yeah...
73. Who is your crush? Good ol' Mystery Man
74. Did u send this to your crush? nope, not on Gaia
75. Where do u want to go on your honeymoon? Someplace beautiful...Italy, Alaska, wherever it takes me...
76. What song do you want played @ your wedding? A Seal song
80. What is the first thing u notice about the opposite sex? thier eyes...
81. Are u 2 shy to ask someone out? sadly...I hate to be rejected
82. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? whoever I love and loves me back...we'll just have to see

~*~ON GUYS 4 GURLS 2 FILL OUT ~*~ *just for girls to fill out*
87.Curly or straight hair? looks don't matter too much...but curly is cute
88. tall or short? tall so I don't feel like the giant I am
89. six pack or muscular arms? both...he he
90. Good or bad guys? good guys...of course
92. Ears pierced or tattoo? neither
94. Dimples or not? doesn't really matter
96. Rugged or sporty? Gotta love to be outdoors...both...
97. Studly or cutie? either or...don't care...
98. Accent or not? Don't need one...I'd still like them accent or not
99. Glasses? Doesn't really matter...
100. Smart or dumb? Not completely brain dead please...smart would be nice...
101. What sport should he play? Some sport...doesn't matter...maybe something I would like!!!

*******PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT******
127. Lights on/off? On
128. Sun or rain? Sun
129. Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (burger king): NONE...all gross and bad for you...but maybe Mickey D's cuz of my beloved...
130. Do u like scary movies or happy movies better? Take it from Kindsley...happy
131. Backstreet boys or NSYNC: Umm...no...
132. On the phone or in person In person fo sure...
133. Paper or plastic? Paper
134. Sausage or pepperoni? Pepperoni
135. Winter or summer?: Winter
136. Chocolate or white milk? White...1 %
137. Root beer or dr. pepper? Root beer
138. Glass of water half full or half empty? Always half full...
140. Cats or dogs? Dogs...
141. mud or jello wretsling? umm...strange...jello would be different
142. skiing or boarding? Skiing but XC...durr...
143. Day or night? Day
144. Cake or pie? Apple or pumpkin pie...but Mom's amazing "Sout Cake" too
145. Diamond or pearls? Diamonds are a girls best friend...
149. Sunset or sunrise? Sunset, It's beautiful...

**********YOUR FAVES*******
149. Color? red, blue, any color really...
150. Food? Italian, Chinese, good ol' American
151. Fast food? The side salad...Taco Bell though...
152. Candy? SNICKERS, Reeses peanut butter cups, Junior Mints, Sour Patch Kids, only opposed to caramel and dark chocolate
153. Beverage? Hmm...Water, Pepsi, anything not gross...
155. Sport? Do we even have to ask that...XC Skiing...running...softball
159. Song? Love most of them...
160. Band? Maroon 5, but I like alot of bands so...
165. Store? Umm...maam, Gap is that way...
167. Teacher? Johnsie Baby
168. Saying? Hey Buddy!!!

~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~~~
178. Loved someone so much it makes u cry? Sadly...yes...
179. Drank? NO way...
180. Ever gotten dumped? Does Andre the complete loser count???
181. Broke the law? I don't think so...
182. Ran from the cops? No
184. Tried to kill urself? HELLS NO!!!
186. Been in love? Lust...
187. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Maybe when I was younger...

~~~~~~~YOUR FRIENDS~~~~~~~:
188. Coolest? You all are!!!
189. The weirdest? Probably Rose...sorry!!!
190. Funniest? ME!!! Zach of course...
191. Smartest? THe lovely Rose
192. Happiest? Kindsley, Kindsley, Kindsley...
193. Cutest? Who do you think??
194. Sweetest? Umm...uhh...Caroline the Great
195. Loudest: OMG!!! Meaghan Goff...
196. Quietest: It's always Rose
197. Silliest? MOE
198. Who do you go to for advice? Caroline the Great, Jimi, Kins, anyone willing to give it!!!
199. Who knows all your secrets? Rose, Kindsley...umm...not all though...
200. Eaten an entire pack of KD? Uhh...what the hell is that???
201. Caused a car accident? No, but been in one...
202. Seen the ocean? Many a times
203. Chocolate Chip or Mint Chip: Mmm... Mint Chip...
204. Ocean or lake? Lake
205. Chocolate or vanilla? Depends...usually chocolate...
206. Lion or Tiger? or Bears, oh my!!! Lion...
207. Love or lust? Lust for now, love for later...
208. Pencil or pen? Black pen...
209. Skirt or jeans? The infamous jeans
210. Rose or tulip? Of course the Rose...no friends named Tulip...jk...

~~~~~IN THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU...~~~~~
211. Bought Something? two camisoles at Gap
212. Been In hell? Umm...no
213. Gone for a drive? With my sister driving...
214. Gone out for dinner? Wish I had...
215. Watched your favourite movie? No, but watched Johnny English...FANDANGO!!!
216. Given someone a present? Yeah...Rose...a scarf I made myself...
217. Missed someone? Yeah...the guy I'm fighting with and have a crush on...and my sister
218. Hugged someone? My parents...many a people...too many...
219. Kissed someone? I wish...besides my family...
220. Danced with someone? Again...I wish...except Kins and I had a cool dance going on during softball...ehh ehh ehh...
221. Had a nightmare? Only the fact that "mystery man" wasn't mine
222. Fought with your parents? No way Jose...
~~~~~~~~~FEELING SIDE~~~~~~~~~~
223. What do you feel about the Ouija board? SCARY!!!
224. do you believe in yourself? Always...I think I can, I think I can...
225. Worst feeling in the world? Not being loved, being hated...
226. Best feeling in the world? Being loved...
227. Are you for world peace? Of course...Bush needs to die...
228. Are you a health freak? Compared to some peoples I know...hell no!!!

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Community Member
THe melodramatic story of my life...
So once again, I feel terrible for taking money from Rose, but hopefully she'll understand when I give her a sealed letter next month...

Zach heart is still not talking to me...what's new with that??? I wish he would...grr...I am way tooo desperate, but that's just the way I am... I wish I knew why he was so angry at me, but of course he has to drag my friends into it...I bet it's something really stupid like not doing the Math PRoject with him stressed

Wishing "mystery man" was mine gonk

Mood: crying

Snow day today...trying to earn some money for the shirt I want but have no money for...

Community Member

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So I'm back on Gaia...hope you all find me...Kindsley got me back up and five minutes back in, I got a pink link!!! Well...I need to go buy some clothes for me and my almost naked self. Adios muchachos...

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