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Listen to my story...
Well I think my profile describes me fairly well. Probably just going to post the daily grind of things. Also some stories I've written or well be writing.
Okay I guess I'll begin with an older story I wrote for my characters on Vday a few years back. Kinda cheesy and mostly un edited. Let me know what you think. I've been trying to come up with new ideas as to how to continue.

“So got any ideas yet?”
“Not in the slightest. I was thinking maybe movie and dinner, but that's what we always do.”
“Well you better come up with something quickly you don't have much time left.”
“What about you? You have a partner yet?” Kei mocked.
“Me? Ha, I'm gonna sit at home and play my new shooter. It's really great it's got all these...”

Lancer's voice faded as Kei submersed himself in thought. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and he's still yet to decide on what to do with Setsuna. The elevator stopped and the door silently slid apart.

“Well later, little brother. Good luck thinking tonight and try to relax, you look like you just been assigned a mission you don't expect to return from.” Lancer waved as he exited the elevator.

Keiichi ignored him and continued staring out the glass elevator as it accented the side of the building. He looked out over the small town in the space station, silently readying for the next day. As the computer controlled environment turned day to night, with a beautiful orange sunset, in the very near distant sky.

The elevator stopped and someone else stepped in, Kei ignored the person still deep in thought. Suddenly he was broken out of his trance when two soft hands covered his eyes, accompanied by a sweet and soothing voice.

“Guess who, Captain.”

“We're not on duty Setsu-chan,” Keiichi turned around after pulling her hands away, and leaned down to kiss her.

“But the silver eagle looks sexy on you, besides you command me,” their lips parted just long enough for her to whisper that, before her tongue was entwined with his again.

“So where do you wanna go tomorrow, my love.” Kei asked finally pulling away.

Setsuna looked up at him quizzically, “what do you mean?”

“Tomorrow’s valentine’s day,” Kei responded slowly, straining to remember if today was the thirteenth or not.

Setsuna's eyes bulged a little in realization of her mistake and got a little red from embarrassment. She shook her head, “I don't know, surprise me Sir.”

The elevator stopped at Setsuna's floor, the two hugged tightly and kissed one more time before the doors closed and left Kei once again alone in the elevator.

What would she like? Kei thought as he walked to his room, so deep in thought in fact he walked right past his room.

Oh what about that one place from that day... oh what was the darn place called... Kei looked up finally to find himself on the opposite side of his floor. He turned around and double timed back to his room. He decided to let the next day run its course and he'll just have to wing it. At least the flowers he ordered should arrive at her door on time tomorrow, or so he thought.

Kei woke the next morning to the buzzer of his door.

“Open.” he said lazily, pulling on a white undershirt.

“Man commander you sure slept in late for such a big day,” came a soft voice from the open door, “and I didn't realize you had so many admirers. I should guard my territory better.”

Kei didn't know what she was talking about, he shot a glance at the clock by his bed, “it's only OH NINE HUNDRED!”

“Yes commander late for duty, I waited in my room for a full hour.”

It wasn't until then that Kei realized it was Setsuna standing at the door with a huge bushel of white, pink and red roses. Kei woke immediately when he saw her. Setsuna was in a silky, tight, metallic blue dress, with a V shape down the center past her belly button, a ring connecting the two sides in front of her chest, and a simple tie in the back. Past the waist, the dress layered down, leisurely to the ground and dragged just a little bit behind her. Seeing he'd noticed her, she struck a pose, exposing her beautiful long legs through the side slit of her dress. Kei studied her head to toe, her hair had been done up in a small bun and the excess hung loosely underneath, the matching blue pumps and ankle buckle she had on pushed her three inches closer to Kei's height.

She glided across Kei's room to his bed making a show as she pulled the note from the flowers.

“Good job Captain, I see your miss addressing skills are still of use to you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Where else would I find the flowers you addressed to me, but outside your door.”

Kei took the note with the address on it and looked at it with a funny face.

“I don't see anything wrong with this.”

“You're right, there's nothing wrong except your room isn't my room. You addressed it backwards.”

“Oh,” Kei replied in embarrassment.

Setsuna leaned down to kiss him, but Kei jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

“I need to take a shower,” escaping the embarrassment of the miss addressing and how late he'd slept.

Keiichi stepped out of the shower ten minutes later, with a towel around his waist, and went to grab clothes.

Setsuna was on his computer, doing a three dimensional assault simulation, of a mini space station.

“You know it's interesting I'm with in missile range of their space station yet they have not showed any signs of retaliation.”

Keiichi finished dressing himself and leaned over her shoulder and studied the screens, and hit a few buttons bringing up a few more screens. He pointed to the energy build up at the far end of the space station.

“They are preparing to fire. Ready your ships for space fold, and jump right behind it the second that energy peaks.”

Setsuna typed in a few commands at the control and jumped a minute later. The same second she disappeared a beam of light consumed the space her ships were just at. The three little ships reappeared directly behind the cannon and didn't give it time to realize before vaporizing it. The simulation ended with a victory a few minutes later. Setsuna turned around and frowned seeing the outfit Kei had decided on wearing. He was wearing dark wash blue jeans and a t-shirt with his favorite anime character on it.

“Go put on something more date like,” Setsuna commanded, she paused; “never mind.”

She got up and stormed to his closet, and rummaged around in it a bit. She pulls out neatly pressed black slacks, and a button up shirt that matched the color of her dress. She threw the items on his bed and went to the bathroom to retrieve a comb. She quickly styled his hair after he redressed himself and they exited his compartment.

“So where you taking me,” Setsuna asked as they headed down the elevator shaft.

“There's a movie later on I know you'd like and then dinner at a very special place. I'd made reservations and everything, but first we go for a walk.”

They exit the military building and start off for the east side of town at a slow relaxing pace. Setsuna wraps herself around his arm and rests her head on his shoulder as they strolled down the slight hill. Kei leads them through a small park were musicians have set up in different places to play soothing love songs throughout the day. They stop at one violinist standing towards the center of the park playing a soft remixed version of 'First Love' by an old Japanese artiest. They listen till the end and Kei tips him generously, and they move on as the violinist picks up another song they didn't know. At the exit of the park an off duty military band was set up playing love songs from various video games including songs like 'Eye's on Me' from the still famous game Final Fantasy. Kei remembered his great grandfather telling him about that game, he's still yet to get his hands on anyone of the multiple versions. Most of the members of the band recognized the couple and started playing another very old love song from Earth. The bass player actually started singing the lyrics which was a pleasant surprise; she had a beautiful voice and hit every note exactly to key. The two of them smiled and kissed; when the song was finally over they waved to the band and finally exited the park. They strolled mostly in silence just enjoying the other lovely couples walking by and the holiday decorations. Setsuna tried unsuccessfully to get Kei to tell her what he'd planned for the rest of the day.

They arrived outside the candy shop just before noon, Kei told her to pick anything and he'd buy it, mean while he needed to use the restroom. Kei sneaked out the store while Setsuna wasn't looking and turned the corner and ran to the nearest phone booth.

He dialed and waited, “hello, yes, is that movie about the Mars base attack still showing,” he knew she'd not seen that one yet.

“Yes great I'd like two tickets to that then,” he waited, “yes the three o'clock will be fine, thank you, put it under Captain Leonhart and charge it to my room please. Okay Thank you.”

He hung and looked through the phone book for the restaurant they'd been to a few months back. He dialed the number after he finally found it and made reservations for six later that day. He'd been very lucky as it was the last available table. He hung up the phone and quickly returned to the store where he found Setsuna with a cart full of candy and chocolates and still shopping.

He walked up to her, “you know I like your weight as is?”

She shot him a dirty look, “no, this is to save up for those times I get mad at you.”

“Oh,” Kei promptly paid for the wide selection of sweets piled in the cart and had it delivered to Setsuna's compartment. This time making extra sure it didn't somehow wind up in his.

They left the store and decided they had enough time to grab a bite to eat before going off to the movie. They walked to the Chinese restaurant a few blocks down called the Little White Dragon.

“So why won't you tell me what we're watching, or where we're going.”

“You said, surprise me, so I am.”

Setsuna smiled and knew this was going to be good. Their food came quickly as there weren’t many customers in the place at the time.

They caught a cab after lunch for the small theater, and arrived just before three. Setsuna stole the tickets from Kei and saw the title and nearly squealed.

“I've wanted to see this movie forever!”

“I figured you'd like it.” Kei replied in an all knowing voice.

“But it's Valentine’s Day. Shouldn't the movie be more romantic?” Setsuna teased.

“You wouldn't have it any other way.” Kei was confident of this and he was right. He kissed her on the forehead and they entered the small theater.

They entered the empty theater room and found a spot in the center of the row. They were the only couple in that room, it was almost kinda creepy. The movie was about an attack on Mars from an alien force many years back that was the reason for the advanced space station at Jupiter. Half the installations on Mars were destroyed before the tide of the war turned in Earth's favor. Thousands of lives were lost in that war, and the scars of the war still leaves much of Mars uninhabitable. Had it not been for the brilliant discovery by a young scientist, the outcome of the war would have been much different.

It was exactly five when they walked out the theater and picked up a cab headed for the restaurant. When the cab pulled up to the restaurant and Setsuna squealed as she jumped out and gave Kei a huge hug and big kiss. The sweet aroma of food floated through the air, a door man could be seen through the darkly tinted glass doors, two giant roman styled columns held up the marble imitation canopy. They entered into the main lobby of the restaurant where a slim hostess with beautiful green eyes greeted them. A single red candle in the middle of each table provided most of the lighting, and the violinist played just loud enough to be heard over the constant low drone of conversation. The hostess led them through the restaurant and to the second level, all of the girls on this floor had on exquisite dresses; however the presence of Setsuna turned heads from both sexes sitting at their table. Setsuna walked tall and proud as she ignored them, Keiichi just smiled to himself at the chance to show off his lovely partner. The computer controlled sun was just beginning to set as they made it to their table set towards the edge of the balcony overlooking the pond. A light breeze had picked up and the cool evening air was very refreshing. No candles were set on the tables, but unlit tiki torches adorned the outer perimeter of the balcony. They ordered their drink and appetizer, and the waitress left them to look through the menu. Most of the other couples went about their own business, but a few spent much of their time staring at Setsuna. She ignored them and considered her choices.

“So when did you get the idea for coming here?”

“Well honestly I had no idea what I was gonna do today till after you left me in the elevator. And I made the reservations and bought the movie ticket while you were in the candy shop.”

“Ah, I knew there was something wrong when you left for such a long time this morning.”

The waitress brought their drinks and the appetizer, a waiter followed her with iced champaign.

Kei looked up, “we didn't order that.”

“It comes complimentary as a special valentine day dinner,” the waitress explained sweetly, smiling down at him.

“Well thank you,” Kei said and smiled back, “and we are ready to order.”

The waitress took their orders and retreated inside to make their orders. Kei and Setsuna chatted lightly about some random stuff, about what's happened, and about what's going to happen to the space station.

“So did you see the new schematics on those laser cannons?”

“Yes actually, they are expected to improve defenses by up to thirty five percent. Although no one under a captain's supposed to know about it yet, or the locations of these turrets. It's supposed to allow more time for our pilots to scramble so they have more time to prepare and check up and so that squadrons don't launch into each other or solo.”

“Very cleaver. But we haven't heard anything from our advanced listening posts out at Pluto or Uranus. And all other stations report minimal if any alien activity.”

“All true but we can still be attacked by a groups from Earth side, we all know that this station is attracting lots of attention, and there's great controversy back on Earth. Threat of an attack by Earth forces are increasing by the day, we must be prepared.”

“Of course, so you believe that the expected war between Earth against Mars and space stations like us will actually come to be.”

“Yes, very soon now, however we should be somewhat safe due to our distance.”

“But the space jump technology makes the distance totally irrelevant.”

Kei thought a moment, “Yes, good for us most of Earth's ships are produced without space drives. Either way the command upstairs is planning on expanding our squadron, and bringing in a fresh new battalion of nuggets from Mars.”

The waitress came back with their food and promised to return with a refill on their drinks. The sun was setting further now and a beautiful red and orange sunset come over the horizon and above. The seemingly endless sky was filled with clouds reflecting the last bit of sunlight onto the populace of the space station. As the AI controlled sun sank further down, the tiki torches flickered to life, lighting the sides of Setsuna and Kei's faces.

The couple continued eating and talking about what the future might bring, but mostly about their relationship, and old times.

Setsuna finished her meal and leaned back slightly in her chair. She looked up at what was the sky of their temporary home, the computer had filled the night sky with stars and constellations that would be seen as if one were on the surface of Jupiter. She poured some more champaign into her glass and got up with it to walk to the edge of the balcony. A perfectly round moon was just now rising into the air, Keiichi joined her at the edge of the balcony, champaign glass in hand. He put his free hand around the back of her waist, and their lips met for a moment. Setsuna rested her head on Kei's shoulder as they looked over the small town in the middle of this space station. From this vantage point they could see most of the town, they could see the park they were at this morning where the band played for them. They could see the candy shop Setsuna had spent an hour in, and Kei pointed out the phone booth he'd made the reservation at. Not far below them was a small pond where they could make out the outlines of a few fishers, staying away from the festivities, enjoying the quite night alone. Most of the town seemed quieter then usual, most of the usual ambient noise seemed to have subsided for this one night, when most people were spending it with their special someone.

They returned to their seats in time to decline dessert. Keiichi had the bill transferred over to his room for later, but left the waitress a handsome tip for sacrificing herself and making it extra special for everyone else.

They exited the restaurant and headed towards the military building, loving couples past them on the way home, and everyone had a smile on their face. They walked slowly, enjoying their time together and the last of this very special day.

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Koneko Akuamarin
    Community Member

    Fri Nov 13, 2009 @ 11:51am

    I love this one, you added so much detail in it. I felt like I was actually there. This is better than any of my stories so i'm jealous, lol just kidding. But it's really good.

    Community Member

    Sun Nov 15, 2009 @ 02:41am

    i liked it ^-^
    very romantic

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