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Divinity Of Soul
This article, regardless of feeling, shall challenge the heart. It is not for me to be involved in the affairs of other people, but so admire to understanding. Meaning there will always be a divide due to whatever discrepancy. The issues questionable
Christlike Confession
The three mono-theisms? = Questionable to that of the faith though Christianity is Judaism fulfilled. Each one based on laws of God and practice... As so as to define the term religious. Some of the views are correct of the theologian and some are wrong in the ideals of mankind.

But the author of the articles whoever wrote it with the evidences and some not listed with pictures used as evidence some aspects.

Though modern Christianity would be considered a cult of generations, the past truly had principles of life and does not match up to the ancient. Or rather it of compassion is what is missing in a world today.

As compared to the Roman Empire - referring to the Byzantine or Orthodoxy. Similar to Tibet or modern day Russian, not knowing when Christianity was accepted as a major faith, I believe there was more Christianity elements found within the cultural than the actuality of the persecutors or those who kept the histories like me. As this was found in that of the European to the native among a world. Others had mysticism and restricted arts and some of us researchers. Yet I have no degree but evidence.

Had they known of goodness perhaps some would have been spared. But many talents lost compared to much. It was not to state who or what was to be.

Quite a difference when one as a Christian has talked to a Celtic pagan, though Christlike were against them - the pagan or those for whatever reason. I have no grudge against the culture but the persecution of mankind and aggression.

Treat a man as one ought to want to be treated and let people be, and not cancel out the culture, but preserve a history. Detrimental to the hands of mankind is a non-care for itself and others of own. To the point that doctors have it wrong and a situation among leaders to the elders as the youth to take on the tasks.

The situations of Islam was sacrificial which sort of questioned the integrities of much, as similar to cultic groups doing things for their own benefits. Similar to whom I shall not name, because it is like them, a terrorist organization for whatever its own reasons. It of the old testament is the violent ways of mankind.

I shall name one, because I am honest a man. - Isis or the sands of the moon called Sin many have not forgiven to the hands of militants known as Hamas or shown to the younger though, they are scars for blood of others due to whatever issue.

They were against because the Middle east, or those thought to invade a land or more of people and your neighbor, yet you could not wipe belief with your bloodshed and commit a genocide like that of Adolf Hitler who grew up agnostic but a Christian. Which that is bad as a Christlike satanic whom Christ was against, or rather was it a God before Christlike the son?

Also you influenced the gullible or threatened to join you, for which others shall not. Others of you try to hurt innocent people or steal from them as bandits. Therefore you are stricken at the core to repetitious hell for many. Work for what you earn, or live the life of a thief as they corrupted. Throwing money at a land struggle will not solve the middle east issue of a land discrepancy. As politicians of a land distributed wealth, so be it not among the law-makers or electorate to contribute to a cause of situation.

You got to feel sorry for the desert sand. At a moment like this though, not for the invasion of others does one state that.

Yet, many understand this concept. Therefore those today fight a war in many lands, that some should stay out of because of false peace - including myself since the days nobody remembers who had to die on their land as people could care less due to whatever sadness was in their leaders and others as us kept memory.

Ideology in man corrupts many hearts, yet the purpose many on the frontlines had died in many peoples steads and my own time for which much was never fought. It is the people who were affected that one has to feel sorry for and not the captors or the politicians to send innocence to war - including some to agree with the sadness. Therefore, they would not fight for you again for many who actually cared or those who did not for which life does coexist. Because it was like the draft among you.

As life grudges over the loss of life, there is greed in the hearts of those who admire the lands and try to invade. The armies before one should remain silent if they were corrupt among their brothers or sister. In those at peace, there is no grudge but perhaps a misunderstanding.

Therefore, I was curious to understand the situations one grew up with compared to the eyes of own rather than see it of life repeat itself chaotically. For who besides one that calls them, has the ability to suggest the idea and lead? So it is of many and not by force, but a common agreement that people get themselves into the trap of a situation. Yet to disagree to agree or agree to disagree, there is a commonality, a trust even in that which never truly knew.

It will be like a semi-trust, but is a trust for its essence. When would there be peace in your heart? O sand of the desert?

So one understood a Saudi prince. The man's family came over for benefits. I thought there was a genuine compassion in people. Was I indeed wrong? Or sadly this man be dead now from going back to a war torn place. I knew not his ways, because I had not lived his life. But I seen the aggressions of his people or a sadness unknowing. Whom others had to protect their lands or our sorry excuse the people.

Still, whether sadness or not of a Palestinian to Syrian or rather Arabian... I understand that is a brother to brother bit or a friend to friend issue. He is long gone now, this man perhaps from the world. It was not the fault of him, but his days time due to whatever cause. People have honor in memory of man or a line younger of Lords keep memory. Should an Israelite or Jew love his brothers? The answer, yes. Though people had hatred of them because of Jewish sects or false Jewish. This was a foundation stone in past to modern day that life persecutes and checks for its heresy.

Be at peace with the foundations, and the peace shall last with you.

Among the world's you persecute O east, to that of the Asian Minor for farther lands abroad the axis, there is farther a peace that it will be as the first a lord rewrote a scroll and many their stories to the books tell the truth of what is fact or fiction but relevance.

Surviving the intellect of the elder that persecute, what say you the younger? Shall we repeat? The answer is hopefully no, less they sign up or find violence to where much deems itself meaningless as so to find journey. It is everything has a purpose for even why it exist, to its dearest lessons abroad. A sovereign land were many of each that was torn by its leaderships.

Wherewith was your authority O law? They did not rely on law of balance, but sovereignty. To that of many assert themselves with the living and were separate once free. They fought mighty striking a people of all. To love thy neighbor as thyself. Is what I to life, never truly grasped. No matter how they forget or try. Life remembers. And people learn a old or new.

Though found in a man far, it is not violence, but peace, for whose lands were blamed for the world's stupidity. And therefore censored among you. I have nothing against the world knowing it is the heart of certain people. It is God and not I, that mankind should fear. Though, life's journey for me has not begun. Others sought, because they wanted to learn more and adventure, whereas life restricted them. Or others knew what they saw therefore now stated.

I know in my heart, my mind exerts beyond the world's vision to that of my limitations. One man cannot know it all. Nor should I see all of each. Though a man aside from school subjects which is scary to know at a young age if they can control it, do they in fact at one point or something of their time, know everything?
Which in fact is impossibility.

The aggressions of dictatorships and governance of falseness, is not pleasurable to the life. But as this was a past example, we look forward in time to relevance.
As they of people disturbed those across who were once free. Regardless of what charter, or constitutional base, it is an illusion the falseness of laws to the life to those whom are elected.

I saw the law before me, and others broke it as me to live it.
Shall that deem a man innocent of a real crime besides accusation?
The answer is not so.

I shall not intrude among you, unless one is welcomed or hurt in a way. There is nothing private of them whom you understand and had taken advantage of us from some far place since 9-11-2001. I remember those of my land who died from its world leaders and the lies of Benghazi. Yet that was Bush's era to that of Obama whose administrations had failed to that of John Kerry and Biden. The issue of democratic morals or socialistic wrongly in societies of elders in much would tear them.

Trump, beat the odds of the media and an outsider could care more for a land to many, but alas, so much for the West whom you persecute for the world's idiocy. Yet it was diverse a people who never understood farther of its neighbors. The schools and people refused to teach them the truth us. So they are hybrid and virtual in learning. My mind is static, though should be dynamic.

This is the problem of those with intellect for whom no man understands but puts them on drugs. These are the true disabled people who life takes advantage of, thinking we ought to have greed for their benefits and that life should be treated. The families are brainwashed by mainstream.

As do the orders ordain of big business... they rest their peace till they return violent. And it is that of them to be halted or silenced of them who put it on the younger of us a generation. I as a youth have respect for the elders who taught me and observing, but not the liars though they will say, do you respect your fallen ones. The answer...

Life can admit, they fell or have not seen what I know. Nor have I. But why would I need to prove it to them when they see it and they know it? Life said to death and life, go to hell = wrong response knowing my beloved faith to commitment of action.

But the true man of valor would say to it, I respect the truth for which one understands and true to the living was I to my surroundings in how one grew. It is not by violence but an understanding to why we do what we do. God would be displeased with me, or would I be seen worthy in his eyes?

So, I know about what a tech society has done to itself. Therefore in modern, the Lord is not happy with me. Because of my mind, unable to admit, I saw in myself what grants beyond my capabilities. I hate the companies that censor the truth from living. But I adore those who are helpful to many this time and age.

The world... Stop relying on China or one place to take care of an entire world.
Take care of China and their false propaganda.

US - stop blaming Russia unless they did something like the tech non-sense.
Russia, do not join hands with Iran and China as that would end you and others.
Korea = I know the elder just want to talk. But the youth are more stubborn.
To that of there is a difference among the rich and that of the poor.
Japan = You of nation knew the business and ancient and modern?
Israel = A foundation stone therefore my beloved faith, how a Jewish Gentile saw compassion for whose lands stirred the future and of past.
Asia = Quit accusing the US for the mysticism and shadow as the race card.
Africa = The people are native but they too are people.
Germany = Why did you persecute me to many others across the world?
Did not you understand and teach a lesson deep as they?
UK = invest on the poor, to the wealthy shall not lead with just greed alone. Nor shall you inherit all history that you refuse to share with others.

God or its way did not die. Aside though people saying bodies should be dead.
True, this may be, but to some is a miracle of life if fully healed. For my Christ,
was a healer and not just sacrificial for death.

Any issue of much, is an unsure issue to me as to why life repeats them aside from people being scared out of their wits to vanity. But, I should assure you, in ten years a nation learned more than that of a millennium as generations pretend to provide a service and change in a decade.

The third temple was built in my days but halted. Therefore, wickedness would not triumph over purity. = Reference to some source unknown.

Must it take babel to help the web? Or shall tech society make itself a fool? I long to see where there is balance.

Must it take something from China or the Asian minor or disease or chaos to knock a world into common sense? That is sad. But I understand what I cannot find, compared to what others ordain or try. It came from Wuhan to others in Beijing lie.
They persecute their neighbors Taiwan.

Soon it would have spread because the idiots try to enhance or kill off others through population. So travel would have been banned by the wiser or lesser of two evils. Whether whatever party you are here, does not matter. You republican and democrat. For why was there independents?

The reason, A man was not evil, but he was elected in the place. Difference from those who tried to invade or take over. Life cheated therefore the mankind who voted him in were irresponsible of mankind. So who is left with it. A failure of the law to that of balance. - I refer there to a man with no memory, or life is leaderless?

America is spared in this. It is diverse of many to all people. Let people have their chance in life and not for me to decide a man. Spirit shall deal with me.

By the grace of God, life is not saved by law or race alone but by mercy of a Lord.
Or is it of the common-wealth for those whom you deem so common? For powers took from the common. To the rich boast in wealth.

Similar to the health departments, who want benefit over helping people for a service they committed to. Which is wrong of the medical fields. I shall treat you as the case of the caring mother with Solomon over the falseness of integrity and the time to develop treatments knowing the ways others endured.

I was a richer than others because of inheritance.
Yet I failed to see life and blessed to see it.
I understand the errors of my eyes in youth.

Solomon was wiser though fell to whatever wickedness.
Since that line to many more existed, I know, God is with mankind's heart.
And that, nothing can erase aside from spirit that so gave it.

The laws were written with Hammurabi's code in Exodus or Leviticus.

Some as me argued divinity, who or what is divine.
Others researched it. I am only a man as well.
The church made errors as so did its theologian.

And life hid away, some of it, knowing its persecution to stability.
In vain prayer it could not answer or that of sacrifice it was full.
It does not hear your festivals and sabbaths.

It takes me time to grasp the reality what life made of itself.
Therefore, knowing all mysteries you knew them, one was blind but could answer.
I believe yet do not see. But it is better to believe than to see the chaos.

Who in modern has a Lord's eye? They who cursed even understood God.

I knowing God still exist am not here to be a poison. Even God has cursed or blessed.

But I value the prophet to priestly lines.
I shall honor Christ for this.

Of them the stone builders who understood also. Though there was a wicked to pure line. It is not through action but through the truth, I took on the lies of myself with time, to wicked they would eventually be proven.

You can slay, but a man can only be proven the actualities of what is life before them. Even if one in courage or strength is broken, stronger the will that existed.

It is possible for a man to honor God and serve.
I did not say it had to be a militia or power that is served.
And that is what the world fails to understand, even myself.

I knew the methods of life for which so people endure but broken.

I knew of the rings, whom cases are now found real in modern to survive them.

I knew of archivists that stole from others.

I knew of admin that cheated their user.

I knew of developers who cheated in business.

I knew of the intellectual who researched and knew all but wrong.

I knew of those who left and disappeared.

I knew of stupidity that screwed up morals of sexuality and law.
Blame not the younger or brainwash-ed, but those who accepted wrong.

I knew and survived the law that wanted to persecute the common man.
Others had to go through my issue, therefore I had seen.

The history of life and death. I held. Shall I give that up? The answer is I shall admit what I know or once knew. And power I shall not be corrupted by darkness even though one could not choose a right or left or forced to make a choice.

My spirit I know is destined for a hell due to loss or much suffering, but what if I was wrong. Because I saw others see light? and they the shade in worse of it. Was it my fear? Or was it courage? Or was it just what it was it besides my days stubborn?

I shall trust whom is not a thief purposely. Among that of those who care even though I cannot make but have to prove. House of Jacob and Zion, you are forgiven and eventually Esau.

For I loved my brother Jacob and hated Esau who took a LORD's blessing.
I am like Jacob for I grew up with the church and kept its history of what I had known or found. Not mine to claim, but protect - never be seen again or rather read, but known.

I want to prove this... Not for my gain, but that one held the truth.
I know God was and is alive. And that source of life cannot be shaken.
And so as a man, God and something live in the ancient to modern.

My name of its origin I denied for wickedness construes good names.
Aside from this, each man a secret. Yet I am only human to know this.

As both that and the goodness.
Divine wishes it too were human.
Not bound by the integrities of manner to ego.
It isolates goodness from the wickedness of it.
If so they coexisted, and nothing found in it...
Who or what was God or before and after?

It is confliction. But out of nothing a shell.
Emotions lead to a heart of spirit with thought.

Mankind has spiritual and intellectual science.
But prove to me, something... to life let it happen for it to be possessed?
What was a vessel of spirit to emotion deep?
Wherewith is my to life's compassion?
And that is a thought of God.

Otherwise, mankind be wicked at the core of its truth.
Christ will someday meet with me again and argue.
So shall it say to me in sadness. I knew a Christ.

What made them violent?
Of many spirits born and unborn or shell growing...
Hearts are not wicked from the days of their youth.
It of the soul is relevance. Though the heart is wicked.
Who could know it?

And God knew his Son and the Son knew the Sun to God.
Some argued God as me, and said the one needing the most prayer was God.
In someway they were correct, but he was justice and a magistrate.

As the devil gave free-will life to death and corruption to life.
God gave free-will life to life and death and truth unto the life.

It would take an angel, or a vessel of light and darkness to realize the sources of God and the Devil. I am not a poison. Is why I refused the name of that angel.
Who fell with Lucifer. His name was Samul. Which is an insult to me.
Though music eases the soul.

My name was righteous in judgement or prediction, despite my knowing.
Could the lord have an opposite ego? I was a line of purity though wicked lines.
Has life truly forgotten the name of a LORD and others?

Strange as that may be, what was my connection to GOD?
Was it my name or heredity, or was it something where others were true?

That is the difference between GOD and Satan whom is a created being. They coexisted in a piece. It takes me a man to realize that, then the LORD to lords would question me as so would many at can I truly be who I am? Which the answer is my fear exalts but my truth was higher in me. And I mean it not for fear but considering.

And I say to them or rather they said to I... What have I researched or questioned my whole life. Do I see reason to live? And the answer to that is yes, for I value the integrity. To my will it is not for me to decide as I too have tried to avoid death.

But life let me live, and even the death contradicts me telling me to live or die. To that of what am I to say of a world at my youth knowing what I know at the middle age or near it? No I do not plan to take a crusade quest like the radical man unto death, as that is blasphemy of what once did it to spared a world.

Do I plan to die at the age of Christ? The answer is a no. Do I plan to die like Christ... The answer depends on how one phrases that. Am I with compassion or not, to the man hung on a tree is cursed and no I do not take the place of a savior. I am a man. Am I not as you? Or what were the words of the New Testament with love and compassion rather than Old Testament of persecution.

Therefore the moment I expect it or flock to it, it will not come to me. But I had known even in sleep disturbed or not, I was not drunk, nor was I on medication so high I did not understand to the point of survival in past or education.

I am left asking questions when will life just understand me to have a compassion on that of human beings, and can I be considerate not to judge? and can one cook and be healthy without stress worrying each day?

The lord has compassion on whom He has compassion.

But with God, there is no partiality. For a sinner as I was spared accepting time as it comes. Yet I shall not scorn.

If the world is wicked before me, and nothing happens, or too much peace, there is not the relevance or living of others to some in peace. If they truly wanted peace, life would tell me so boldly and unafraid as I to admit wanting to feel a compassion though life has taught me so.

I am like Job in a way but did not get the worse of it. Heck, I do not think I even want to go through that. Though the reward seems nice in the end. Life tests life and it is no simulation to me but many more. We try our trials to understand with this so called nerve gear or static that I so feel - also known as ancient to modern technologies.

We grasp the measurements of our dearest subjects and hearts desires.
The stars and much they understand to the vitality as well as they or some fall or die out. What would keep them from repeating lessons that lead life to the crucifix like Babel of the ancients? The answer to this... knowing some are dead languages due to whatever reason though symbols undertake much or I cannot read or has seen its errors.

GOD and life.

The world is not my home. Nor should a man be bound to a single place but by his choice to preserve the life to normal conservation. Yet I value the one thing that spared the light from darkness. It was a source of GOD.

For whom others mock because of generations it is GOD understands in me, respect the elders and teach others. Show them, the areas where life failed. Even that of wickedness did so fail before a man. As there was no wickedness in life's intent. Show me what was life to its compassion.

I a man unworthy, in the eyes of GOD my LORD deemed worthy?
A man as myself would not know though others considered me blameless.
Both the good and the wicked though I found fault with me.
I never said life or death was total perfection.

It is not the youth I blame for what the elder did. As I was of the youth and elder.
Therefore, knowing what they did, I survived seeing a generation of time grow.
And in a true LORD, though I remember it, I shall remember your sins no more.

The LORD shall not let his holy ones see corruption.
Thus, the darkness even at its worse, does not overtake them.
Life shall open up gates of destruction or the gates of life to me.

That is the way of a LORD unto spirit.
And heaven and earth pass away but the words of a LORD is eternal.
I long not for heaven and hell, but to know that one true GOD.
Or has it been with me all along? And giving me these thoughts?

If life were cursed to live eternal, it would be till it knew no more or became enraged to insane. I can see that in GOD. But perhaps there was a different lesson to learn about the relationship of what was a Father or a son. A FIRST LORD.

But for it to be known to me, it is my funeral if so life construes what I say in the sense that I knew these things, not being able to explain it. Whereas much life is without excuse, though there was violence in every heart. Even I had blasted wrongly, yet was I just in my reason?

Man sees the outward appearances but LORD looks on the heart.
This is not to be confused with sexuality and actions of nature.

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